You are either completely trolling or I do not know what. You can't possibly believe you are being "consistent". Cook was charged with the same crime as Johnson. One was kicked off the team because the video went viral; the other is the best returning player and hasn't been kicked off because FSU is trying to find some way to "make it go away". End of story.
"Its the same argument I made FOR Harris" - yeh, imagine that, you don't think a UF guy who was never charged with a crime should be suspended or kicked off the team - because it makes FSU look bad for not even suspending Winston pending an investigation(in 01/13), and not kicking others off the team for multiple transgressions. And you are yet to even acknowledge that players charged with crimes(Cook & Johnson) are in a different category than players not charged(Harris). Nobody would expect ANY PLAYER to be immediately dismissed simply based upon a complaint. But most rational folks would expect the player to be immediately dismissed ONCE CHARGED - LIKE JOHNSON WAS, AND NOW WITH COOK. Stop acting like an idiot; you know the difference.
The FACT is, this is the second set of charges Cook has faced since being at FSU. This involved punching a woman. It has been investigated, and he has been charged. The DA who has two degrees from FSU said the witnesses are credible and reliable and you constantly point out this same DA's lack of trust in EK as complete justification for charges not being filed against Winston. Yet, these charges are "questionable" in your mind. You are the only one being hypocritical and inconsistent here, and you know this. Cook should have already been kicked off the team, quicker than Johnson, considering his prior charges. But he's your best player and you don't have every sports show in the nation rolling an embarrassing video, so you all will play dumb and act like there's some "question" to the charges.
Like I posted yesterday, all you are doing is sitting here hoping and praying FSU can pull whatever dirty trick to "make this go away" so that Cook can play for your team in the upcoming season. And you sit here for almost a week now deflecting, deflecting and deflecting, hypothesizing about fantasy's and "what if's", and bringing up instances from other schools where someone was never charged. Here's a better example for you: when UM immediately kicked A. Figueroa and J. Blue off the team for being charged with sexual battery, was that a "knee-jerk reaction"? Unjust? They should have waited for "the process to run its course" like with Cook? Of course not in your mind, they are Miami players or you'll have some other justification. But nobody started petitions to get them reinstated, claimed "the bitch set them up!!", claimed the DA was "dumb" or otherwise defended or deflected like you are doing. That's a much better example than "Treon Harris", and you know it, but it doesn't support your fantasy world defense of everything FSU.
Yay Football State University!! Yay Scumbags!!