Critical thinking exercise for CNN viewers


Ring of Honor
Oct 1, 2012
Why did the anti-Trump media attempt to inject racism into even the Kavanaugh nomination? Multiple MSM outlets talked about how we couldn't believe 'the white man', even though it was white women accusing him. So race played no role here.

Why did MSM push racism?

What does race-baited attacks do? Divide.

Why is it important to divide? Lessens power.

Who holds the power? You do.

Who WANTS the power? They do.

If the United States is fractured and divided, we are powerless. So who does the power default to? Washington DC.

If the United States is truly UNITED, then the people have the power.

Notice how much conflict has descended on the US over the past 30 years?

Who is pushing the conflict? The people that want the power.

Open your eyes. Use your brain. Wake UP.
Baseless racist charges? I'm an expert.

Me as defined by the left from a lifetime from leftist "teachers":

I'm about 5/8 racist because I am conservative.

I'm about 1/8 lazy, but I have the energy to walk out to the mailbox to pick up my tax payer provided check. I pray annually to get sick before the end of June when government provided Indian health care funds typically run out.

I'm about 1/4 victim, house boy, token, "white boy", traitor and Uncle Tom.

I'm forever labeled stupid because I consistently vote against my best interests. I'm too stupid to obtain a photo ID to present at a voting booth. I need help from a liberal.

And yes. Kavanaugh is a full blown racist. Not just part racist like me.
"Critical thinking exercise for CNN viewers" ...... Something tells me this is going to be the message board version of that one machine in the gym that sits and gathers dust for 10 years.

Research has shown that a person's IQ falls by 50 points when they are emotional.

IOW, if you are upset, angry, then you cannot think critically.

Democrats and the media know this. Every time there is an appointment they don't like, or a bill or policy they don't like, they proclaim that if this person is appointed or this law is passed or this policy is enacted that PEOPLE WILL DIE!!!!!

Kavanaugh getting appointed to the Supreme Court means Roe v Wade will be overturned immediately.

Republicans overturning obamacare means everyone in the country immediately loses healthcare and without healthcare EVERYONE DIES.

Pulling out of the Paris Climate Accord means the planet is no longer protected from man-made climate change (which does not exist) and WE ALL DIE!

The intelligent man, thinking critically, can see all this is complete bullkaka. Which is why Democrats and the media need you scared, angry, and emotional.

Because when you act intelligently and rationally, they have no power over you.

The good news is the CNN viewers will eventually wake up and join the rest of us. It's coming.
I just got Sept. 27 prime TV ratings from Nielsen:

1. Hannity Fox 5.8 million viewers
2. Ingraham Fox 5.3 million
3. Carlson Fox 5.2 million
4. Madcow MSNBC 4 million
5. Hayes MSNBC 2.7 million
6. O'Donnel MSNBC 2.7 million
7. Cooper CNN 2 million
8. Coumo CNN 1.8 million

I rounded down in millions. Numbers available at Drudge.
I’m going to say something that most people will not.
The fact is the liberals act like women in their early 40s. Bat shit crazy, always changing the narrative, always complaining, trying to nag u into submission, evil, scary, unpredictable, and without a shred of commen sense. Willing to risk it all for what is perceived as the utopian end game, which may or most likely not realistic.
Your Democratic Party
I just got Sept. 27 prime TV ratings from Nielsen:

1. Hannity Fox 5.8 million viewers
2. Ingraham Fox 5.3 million
3. Carlson Fox 5.2 million
4. Madcow MSNBC 4 million
5. Hayes MSNBC 2.7 million
6. O'Donnel MSNBC 2.7 million
7. Cooper CNN 2 million
8. Coumo CNN 1.8 million

I rounded down in millions. Numbers available at Drudge.

* note

Chris Coumo the dumbest of all Coumos comes in last

Don Lemon who has the IQ of a coke can does not even register
I love and salute Coumo's interview with Hugoline Cortez. He exposed her. How could she ever hold an economics degree from any U. S. college? Hugoline is a glaring example of how far our education system has fallen. Socialist Hugoline Cortez makes Coumo look like a Mensa genius.