Hey Box, it's only money...just a little mo' debt piled up...since we're only $129 trillion in debt (see USdebtclock.org)...what's the beef about $4 trillion more?...look at it this way: higher & higher debt(s)...unpayable debt(s)...the Feds rush in and drop rates...the ma$$es get ripped off on savings accounts, CDs, and such...the ma$$ses just shrug (and accept it)...nobody complains (save AO2217)...and every four years gazillions line up, cast their votes, and nothing really changes (except the debt grows higher and higher)...and the ma$$es get all excited since every election "is the most important election of our lifetime!!!!"...and they need to "make their voices heard."...except hardly anyone in real power has had their hearing aids working for years.
Kinda like the folks who run America's state/city pension systems.
Agent Orange