Civil War

I know you spelled it lower case intentionally because you don't believe in them. Where are these fake gods? Christ was in heaven during the creation of the universe so your little fake homies you listed were made up well after Christ, c'mon smart guy. Christ came to earth 2,000 years ago from heaven, had his human body die, had his human body defeat death and come back to life, and then returned to heaven. Nothing predates Christ homie, he's the alpha and the omega, he's the Word. John 1:1 baby, in the beginning was the Word and the Word was good, and the Word was God. That's why we call everything in existence the universe, a la the words uni for one and verse for word, a la one word, a la and the word was God. See how simply and beautifully it all works out homie? That's the real irie, the real one love.
Nothing predates Christ. 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

Man made God in his own image, first to explain the world and then to control other men.

You'll be sorry when Cthulhu awakens from his dreamless sleep in R'lyeh and drives you mad.

Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn. IA! IA!
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Just being a good person a la the road to hell is paved with good intentions. Only Jesus defeated death, such was not the case for Muhammad, allah, Zeus, Buddah, Zoroaster, Apollo, all the Hindu gods, all the rest of the fake gods throughout the history of mankind. The devil doesn't care which fake god people choose or if people choose nothing or if people choose their self....whatever it is, however people long as people don't choose the one true God of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and Jesus.
Ok, not sure how to respond to this I was not brainwashed as a child I doubt it would have worked…. Just be a good person and don’t be judgy.
Nothing predates Christ. 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

Man made God in his own image, first to explain the world and then to control other men.

You'll be sorry when Cthulhu awakens from his dreamless sleep in R'lyeh and drives you mad.

Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn. IA! IA!
Jesus still loves you, even when you're not firing on all cylinders. ❤🔥
Ok, not sure how to respond to this I was not brainwashed as a child I doubt it would have worked…. Just be a good person and don’t be judgy.
You lack wisdom, hence why you don't know how to respond. How was I brainwashed as a child? How am I being judgy? You don't even know what you speak of, you're just throwing out words because you don't like the convictions of truth. I wasn't raised in any religion, church, or school of thought. I was raised by independent free will parents and God, Jesus, Holy Spirit. What I say is what I've learned in the past few years after God, Jesus, Holy Spirit saved me physically, mentally, and most importantly spiritually. Life is infinitely better with God, Jesus, Holy Spirit than it is without, I know from experience that I learned living indepdently on my own free will gifted to me by God, Jesus, Holy Spirit. ❤🔥
Wonder where the idea of being a good person came from?
You seriously think a person who needs a religion to tell them it's not OK to murder and rape people are good people?

There are plenty of people with or without religion who are good for its own sake and plenty of bad people who use their religion, wrongly or rightly, as a justification for their shitty behavior.
You seriously think a person who needs a religion to tell them it's not OK to murder and rape people are good people?

There are plenty of people with or without religion who are good for its own sake and plenty of bad people who use their religion, wrongly or rightly, as a justification for their shitty behavior.
Deeper than that..goodness had to come from somewhere? Im sure it wasnt Satan or atheism.
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You seriously think a person who needs a religion to tell them it's not OK to murder and rape people are good people?

There are plenty of people with or without religion who are good for its own sake and plenty of bad people who use their religion, wrongly or rightly, as a justification for their shitty behavior.
Religion is man-made apparatus. God, Jesus, Holy Spirit is love and peace beyond understanding. I've distinguished between the two on here many times for yours truly and yet it doesn't sink for ya.
Religion is man-made apparatus. God, Jesus, Holy Spirit is love and peace beyond understanding. I've distinguished between the two on here many times for yours truly and yet it doesn't sink for ya.
And it never will. I spend my time making sure your beliefs don't color the law.
What law bro?

Oh not just you, the Muslims. Jews, really anybody that thinks their religions rules apply to me.

Your time and efforts are but a vapor or brief air in the grand scheme of things, just like anyone else's time and efforts.
That might be the most insightful thing you've posted today.

Best to stop wasting what little time you got on earth and follow God, Jesus, Holy Spirit.
And you lost me.

I would get more out of sorting gay pornographic content by length and girth.
Oh not just you, the Muslims. Jews, really anybody that thinks their religions rules apply to me.

That might be the most insightful thing you've posted today.

And you lost me.

I would get more out of sorting gay pornographic content by length and girth.
Sadly, Muslims and Jews are misled. Jesus didn't teach rules and laws, Jesus taught love, peace, forgiveness. Jesus died in human body on earth to wipe away the rules and laws of the Jews. Muhammad was a murderous pedophile so Islam was dead on arrival before it even started. The devil is in the details so keep it simple and keep it God, Jesus, Holy Spirit. The best things in life are free and the simplest things in life are the hardest to realize.
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Sadly, Muslims and Jews are misled. Jesus didn't teach rules and laws, Jesus taught love, peace, forgiveness. Jesus died in human body on earth to wipe away the rules and laws of the Jews. Muhammad was a murderous pedophile so Islam was dead on arrival before it even started. The devil is in the details so keep it simple and keep it God, Jesus, Holy Spirit. The best things in life are free and the simplest things in life are the hardest to realize.
They literally think the same thing about you.

If you use faith to better yourself, good for you.

I don't have any and don't need any.

Honestly proselytizing bothers me more than anything, you can believe whatever you want as long as it doesn't cause personal injury or property damage. I don't want to hear about it. And not because sinners don't want to hear the truth, BUT because most preachers and missionaries are boring AF.
They literally think the same thing about you.

If you use faith to better yourself, good for you.

I don't have any and don't need any.

Honestly proselytizing bothers me more than anything, you can believe whatever you want as long as it doesn't cause personal injury or property damage. I don't want to hear about it. And not because sinners don't want to hear the truth, BUT because most preachers and missionaries are boring AF.
They cannot think the same because Jesus is not the same as Jews still stuck in the Old Testament nor is he the same as Muslims who adhere to the writings of a murderous pedophile named Muhammad. Followers of Jesus pray for and love everyone on earth regardless if others are Christian, Jewish, Muslim, Hindu, pagan, atheist, satanist, Mormon, Jehovahs Witnesses, Catholic, etc.
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They cannot think the same because Jesus is not the same as Jews still stuck in the Old Testament nor is he the same as Muslims who adhere to the writings of a murderous pedophile named Muhammad. Followers of Jesus pray for and love everyone on earth regardless if others are Christian, Jewish, Muslim, Hindu, pagan, atheist, satanist, Mormon, Jehovahs Witnesses, Catholic, etc.
this is the most batshit insane drivel I've read today.

Everyone thinks their religion is correct and everyone else's is wrong. And Pagan and Satanist should be capitalized, hypocrite.
this is the most batshit insane drivel I've read today.

Everyone thinks their religion is correct and everyone else's is wrong. And Pagan and Satanist should be capitalized, hypocrite.
God, Jesus, Holy Spirit is above and beyond man made religions and devil influenced foolish pride rituals of this world called earth.
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You think you could win a civil war when you couldn't even maintain your gold account? 😂 😂 🤡

How's that tip without lube MDFer? 🤡 We'll try to be more gentle. You'll learn to not only like it but yearn for it. 😂
Poor Lil MDF'er is so....

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You think you could win a civil war when you couldn't even maintain your gold account? 😂 😂 🤡

How's that tip without lube MDFer? 🤡 We'll try to be more gentle. You'll learn to not only like it but yearn for it. 😂
you wont find me fighting a civil war, i am a freedom loving American patriot that stands firmly with the USA.

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