Chairmen Biden wants to look at your text messages

But dims and moderate pubs (like liz cheneys clone, and mitts clone) have said those who don’t take the vax are doing it for political reasons. How nice of them to ASSume to know everyone so well.
I’m sure this is just a misunderstanding. It’s probably that they just want to correct the things people talk about in private so the conversations are more accurate to their truth. It’s totally not the same as spying.

I think a little fat despot is blushing somewhere north of South Korea reading this.

It’s also nice to see our dem friends outraged at this news.
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Wait.............I thought Hiden was going to censure Big Tech according to the Lame Stream Media?
How is Circleback Gurl gonna handle this? 😂

@sadgator do you remember when I educated you that fascism is an ALT LEFT construct?

The left is about more government, more control.

A hallmark of fascism is using force to shut down the expression of viewpoints that are harmful to the government.

antifa? Yeah they were anti-themselves.

"But they said the Trump supporters were the fascists!?!?"

You sheep never tire of being hoodwinked.
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