Trump, as Pres, said he declassified the documents. He has the authority to do so. A simple order from a Judge on a subpoena would have produced the same outcome, but that would not have been embarassing for Trump like the Warrant. The proper documents would have been collected and Trumps proviledged documets and passports would not have been seized. Speaking of the Warrant, it is plainly a general warrant, which are illegal in this Country. Warrants need to be specific. The judge never should have signed off on it in the first place.
ALSO, still waiting on an explanation as to why the FBI requested security cameras be turned off and forced Trump's attornies to leave the building.
You DO know that Hilary ran an unauthorized computer server from her home, which had a ton of classififed and top secret documents on it. Why no outrage for her.
Also, Pres Clinton and Pres Obama both took tons and tons of documents, which they still have to this day, when they left the WH. No raid??? Why not??????