Breaking: New report details evidence of voter fraud in Georgia. State is considering RESCINDING its certification

He doesn’t know what fraud is because he believes illegal voting is and should be just part of the normal process.

also, he must be a politician as he doesn’t know how to answer a simple yes or no question with a simple yes or no
He doesn’t know what fraud is because he believes illegal voting is and should be just part of the normal process.

also, he must be a politician as he doesn’t know how to answer a simple yes or no question with a simple yes or no
He's got some friends in some high places in China. He and Raffen-whatever are trying to keep their kneecaps from getting smashed.
I also suspect Trump has evidence he's been holding back that will be released soon to force the states and Congress to either toss or overturn the contested states' votes.
So I've heard from two sources that Trump had no idea Kemp was at the party b/c he was in meetings that entire night. I've also heard he's in great spirits and Kayleigh has said "the second term has already started".

When Trump starts looking/acting concerned I'll fold. Until then, holding the line.

BTW - is heels up Harris still a Senator?
So I've heard from two sources that Trump had no idea Kemp was at the party b/c he was in meetings that entire night. I've also heard he's in great spirits and Kayleigh has said "the second term has already started".

When Trump starts looking/acting concerned I'll fold. Until then, holding the line.

BTW - is heels up Harris still a Senator?

It was apparently a meeting for all the governors. The Senator is still proudly promoting herself as such.

There is nothing new here. It's just more of the same "Mary Sue, of Macon, says that she observed something that that looked suspicious" type of affidavits that say nothing and are basically worthless as admissible evidence.

It's just a biased summary of a GOP-run hearing by GOP state senators that has no real legal status and was only released to appease Trumpers by showing them that they are "doing something."
There is nothing new here. It's just more of the same "Mary Sue, of Macon, says that she observed something that that looked suspicious" type of affidavits that say nothing and are basically worthless as admissible evidence.

It's just a biased summary of a GOP-run hearing by GOP state senators that has no real legal status and was only released to appease Trumpers by showing them that they are "doing something."
So if you witnessed a murder and then swore an affidavit that you witnessed said murder, that’s a worthless testimony?

Got it
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So if you witnessed a murder and then swore an affidavit that you witnessed said murder, that’s a worthless testimony?

Got it

A more accurate analogy would be if I said "I, Uniformed_ReRe, of Florida, hereby swear that I saw someone who looked suspicious to me because he avoided eye contact and was walking funny, as if he had just committed a murder."

This by itself, is worthless. In theory, it could be combined with other testimony and evidence to build a case. The problem is that every affidavit is just like that.

Literally all of the "evidence" is just stuff like "this looks suspicious to me," or "the Dominion machines could have been hacked." That's not evidence. They are just card-stacking a bunch of speculative claims and hearsay so they can claim that they have "mountains" of evidence. But upon close inspection, it's all a house of cards. That's why they lost 59 out of 60 cases, and that's why no serious person outside of the Trump Universe believes that Trump has any chance to overturn the election results.
A more accurate analogy would be if I said "I, Uniformed_ReRe, of Florida, hereby swear that I saw someone who looked suspicious to me because he avoided eye contact and was walking funny, as if he had just committed a murder."

This by itself, is worthless. In theory, it could be combined with other testimony and evidence to build a case. The problem is that every affidavit is just like that.

Literally all of the "evidence" is just stuff like "this looks suspicious to me," or "the Dominion machines could have been hacked." That's not evidence. They are just card-stacking a bunch of speculative claims and hearsay so they can claim that they have "mountains" of evidence. But upon close inspection, it's all a house of cards. That's why they lost 59 out of 60 cases, and that's why no serious person outside of the Trump Universe believes that Trump has any chance to overturn the election results.
I don’t know why you libs open your mouths Willy Nilly without doing research. It’s no wonder you follow shit sources.
A more accurate analogy would be if I said "I, Uniformed_ReRe, of Florida, hereby swear that I saw someone who looked suspicious to me because he avoided eye contact and was walking funny, as if he had just committed a murder."

This by itself, is worthless. In theory, it could be combined with other testimony and evidence to build a case. The problem is that every affidavit is just like that.

Literally all of the "evidence" is just stuff like "this looks suspicious to me," or "the Dominion machines could have been hacked." That's not evidence. They are just card-stacking a bunch of speculative claims and hearsay so they can claim that they have "mountains" of evidence. But upon close inspection, it's all a house of cards. That's why they lost 59 out of 60 cases, and that's why no serious person outside of the Trump Universe believes that Trump has any chance to overturn the election results.
You're cherry picking a few shitty affidavits and making them all the same. Poor tactic.

You cool with thousands upon thousands of ballots showing up at 4am in garbage bags? Not concerned with box after box of "mail in and absentee" ballots with no creases? Three consecutive forensic audits showing error rates of over 65% on clean ballots - the elections board spokesman in Fulton told the press 94% of the ballots they scanned were adjudicated. Is that fine with you?

There's a ton of evidence of fraud on many levels. You just want to pick on my GF in MI b/c she has slurmouth.
The more desperate your camp gets, the more it makes me feel the conspiracy case against you all is accurate. I keep hoping Trump will wise up and slink away and take a dip in one of the water holes on his golf course.
Serious question.... what is the legal / constitutional mechanism for rescinding certification? Especially after the state’s electors have formally voted?

I just don’t see this accomplishing anything beyond giving the true believers something else to bounce around their echo chamber.
So the process in Congress on 1/6 is pretty clear when everything is clean, not so clear when it's not. VP Pence oversees the entire process and he has significant power. You have to understand that because he's in complete control of the entire process. He can call for or limit objections and gets a ton of leverage on what is or isn't officially counted. The language in Art 2 is broad and somewhat up for interpretation, but it doesn't limit him much.

There are few scenarios that could happen:
Competing Slates
If a state issues competing slates of electors (7 have, accounting for 84 EC votes) and a member of both the House and Senate object to either slate they can object. This sends Congress into a 2 hour debate about the validity of each state certification. A floor vote then occurs. Biden most likely wins this vote as R's don't hold both houses (and may or may not hold the Senate on 1/6). However, the House majority is extremely narrow and if the Senate goes red the math may change. I keep joking, but this is 100% why Kamala hasn't resigned her Senate seat, they may need her vote.

Power of the President of the Senate (VP Pence)
Pence can decide to not allow the objections on the floor and select which electors are counted (see 3 U.S. Code § 15). He can also determine that neither slate should be counted...this is looking more possible as he has reportedly instructed the 7 state legislatures to get their crap together and agree upon one slate prior to 1/6...could be opening the door for an "I warned you in plenty of time" defense for not counting any for the state due to the nature of the evidence that led to the competing slate in the first place.

EC slates are deemed uncountable
If he decides that Congress cannot accept any EC slates from those contested states, and therefore neither candidate has 270 EC votes, then a process outlined in Federalist 68 kicks in. It's essentially a House vote on a state-line basis (R's have a 4 seat advantage). Pence would break any tiebreakers. Trump most likely wins that vote.

The reason the Founding Fathers did this was they wanted the remedy to an unverifiable election to be from representatives closest to the people. The HOR is much more "local" than the Senate. Remember, we are a Constitutional Republic. We select representative leaders to advocate on our behalf, they work for us. In fact, no where in the Constitution does it say a popular vote has to be used to determine slates of electors - in some past elections the Legislatures simply selected electors without voting (again, intentional because the Representatives DO have to be elected).

I think the third is the most likely scenario, especially if there are more audits showing machine issues, a few courts take up some of these cases, etc. (in general more evidence of fraud is docketed, confirmed and made public).

I could go state by state, but 4 of the 7 are the lowest hanging fruit (GA, MI, PA, AZ) for being uncountable due to documented fraud or lack of adherence to state election law. Again, you don't need all 7, just enough to keep both Candidates under 270. But the amount and level of irregularities in this election is unprecedented over the last ~150 years. Usually you have one or two states, we have issues with 7-9.

And before you freak out, this would be the 5th time the President was selected this way. Remember, the Founding Fathers knew strict democracy doesn't work (Ancient Greece was a disaster, they are rolling over in their graves with all these calls for the abolishment of the EC). They intentionally created a Constitutional Republic where elected representatives could fix fraud, irregularities or unlawful elections when obvious. What could happen on 1/6 was considered and made intentional a very long time ago, and not some "coup" the media will make it out to be. We could learn just how dead Civics really is in a few weeks.
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It all goes to show you what happens when the republicans ( Trump) recognizing there was a good chance he would lose, gets together weeks or months ago with the rich and ultra rich of his party to hatch out this conspiracy to cause doubt in the minds of a bunch of people in targeted states that the election was rigged for Biden. It does not make any difference that fake information after fake information was turned down by judges and courts, both Dem. and Rep. Despite all the rhetoric, Trump will lose again with these electorate candidates who will be found to have no standing. It is a shame that a President would go to these lengths to cheat. And before you folks on here who have called us sheep get wound up, I don't want to listen to your totally fake stories any more. You have your theories backed up by what I consider as malicious lies and plain B.S. My theory is no more far fetched than yours..
It all goes to show you what happens when the republicans ( Trump) recognizing there was a good chance he would lose, gets together weeks or months ago with the rich and ultra rich of his party to hatch out this conspiracy to cause doubt in the minds of a bunch of people in targeted states that the election was rigged for Biden. It does not make any difference that fake information after fake information was turned down by judges and courts, both Dem. and Rep. Despite all the rhetoric, Trump will lose again with these electorate candidates who will be found to have no standing. It is a shame that a President would go to these lengths to cheat. And before you folks on here who have called us sheep get wound up, I don't want to listen to your totally fake stories any more. You have your theories backed up by what I consider as malicious lies and plain B.S. My theory is no more far fetched than yours..

actually it is. Yours is baseless. The other ones where the media and social media got involved and suppressed information actually occurred
actually it is. Yours is baseless. The other ones where the media and social media got involved and suppressed information actually occurred
Yes, so why can't all the contrived crap your party has thrown out not be part of a well planned conspiracy? Never mind, you cant believe that one of the biggest conivers in the free world would stoop that low. Just think, according to him he is extremely wealthy but just about every day he or his underlings are begging for money for one thing or another. It will end up with Trump and it wont show up on his taxes. And finally, my comments are no less baseless than the ones thrown out like garbage into a river, by your party. You all have shown time and time again that your theories are baseless and in most cases just lies. I have never seen so many desperate people.
Yes, so why can't all the contrived crap your party has thrown out not be part of a well planned conspiracy? Never mind, you cant believe that one of the biggest conivers in the free world would stoop that low. Just think, according to him he is extremely wealthy but just about every day he or his underlings are begging for money for one thing or another. It will end up with Trump and it wont show up on his taxes. And finally, my comments are no less baseless than the ones thrown out like garbage into a river, by your party. You all have shown time and time again that your theories are baseless and in most cases just lies. I have never seen so many desperate people.

Jimbo you're free to leave anytime you want.
I also suspect Trump has evidence he's been holding back that will be released soon to force the states and Congress to either toss or overturn the contested states' votes.
Ghost at least you are consistent I will give you that. Trump is screwing himself into a hole he may never get out of. After this is all over, i believe people will remember all this bs and decide he just isn't the candidate they want in the office of President again. I wouldn't be surprised if some of the leadership in the Senate aren't having 2nd thoughts about him.
Thanks, but i didn't know I needed your permission.

You must think you do, since you keep announcing you are leaving, but you keep coming back. And reading the facts of how the dems cheated and how Trump is still your president is clearly frustrating you.
It all goes to show you what happens when the republicans ( Trump) recognizing there was a good chance he would lose, gets together weeks or months ago with the rich and ultra rich of his party to hatch out this conspiracy to cause doubt in the minds of a bunch of people in targeted states that the election was rigged for Biden. It does not make any difference that fake information after fake information was turned down by judges and courts, both Dem. and Rep. Despite all the rhetoric, Trump will lose again with these electorate candidates who will be found to have no standing. It is a shame that a President would go to these lengths to cheat. And before you folks on here who have called us sheep get wound up, I don't want to listen to your totally fake stories any more. You have your theories backed up by what I consider as malicious lies and plain B.S. My theory is no more far fetched than yours..
In GA we literally have video of the election being stolen.

1) Observers are kicked out in the wee hours, as reported by ABC.
2) A few minutes later wheeled cases of ballots are dragged out from under a table and are quickly tabulated.
3) Ballot counters are seen on video running batches of ballots through multiple times.
4) By aligning the time stamp on the video to the official reporting of numbers you see that batch was 94% for Biden, approx 132k votes. That's an impossible margin.

The same poll worker made a social media video of herself, alone in a cubicle, counting absentee votes with no return addresses on it. Her daughter is the poll supervisor for Fulton Co. I can send both to you if you've never seen.

WE HAVE THE EVIDENCE ON VIDEO. Quit acting like there's no proof.

We have thousands and thousands of pages of sworn affidavits. The statistical anomalies - including the fact we're expected to believe Biden won a record number of votes while winning almost no bellweather counties, reduced minority support vs Obama, and only won 16% of the counties in the US. It's not possible. 5 major cities all shut down counting, nearly at the same time, when Trump had a massive lead. Then miraculously these massive ballot dumps came in at impossible percentages for Biden. Trump could not have had anything to do with what I posted above, so to say he "planned it" is flat out ignorant.

What's clear is the judicial branch is firmly part of the swamp and wants nothing to do with justice...they just want to make sure they don't lose their country club memberships by "causing" riots.
You must think you do, since you keep announcing you are leaving, but you keep coming back. And reading the facts of how the dems cheated and how Trump is still your president is clearly frustrating you.
I understand, I do keep saying i'm leaving the thread but I keep coming back to see what the latest is in your conspiracy. and y es, I do get frustrated with the relentless drivel you folks keep posting. As far as Trump, he is just a temporary thorn in my side, It, he will be gone shortly.
In GA we literally have video of the election being stolen.

1) Observers are kicked out in the wee hours, as reported by ABC.
2) A few minutes later wheeled cases of ballots are dragged out from under a table and are quickly tabulated.
3) Ballot counters are seen on video running batches of ballots through multiple times.
4) By aligning the time stamp on the video to the official reporting of numbers you see that batch was 94% for Biden, approx 132k votes. That's an impossible margin.

The same poll worker made a social media video of herself, alone in a cubicle, counting absentee votes with no return addresses on it. Her daughter is the poll supervisor for Fulton Co. I can send both to you if you've never seen.

WE HAVE THE EVIDENCE ON VIDEO. Quit acting like there's no proof.

We have thousands and thousands of pages of sworn affidavits. The statistical anomalies - including the fact we're expected to believe Biden won a record number of votes while winning almost no bellweather counties, reduced minority support vs Obama, and only won 16% of the counties in the US. It's not possible. 5 major cities all shut down counting, nearly at the same time, when Trump had a massive lead. Then miraculously these massive ballot dumps came in at impossible percentages for Biden. Trump could not have had anything to do with what I posted above, so to say he "planned it" is flat out ignorant.

What's clear is the judicial branch is firmly part of the swamp and wants nothing to do with justice...they just want to make sure they don't lose their country club memberships by "causing" riots.
You need all this s--t to keep on going. Well hang in their my man that's all the great conspiracy has left you with.
I understand, I do keep saying i'm leaving the thread but I keep coming back to see what the latest is in your conspiracy. and y es, I do get frustrated with the relentless drivel you folks keep posting. As far as Trump, he is just a temporary thorn in my side, It, he will be gone shortly.
We'll know for sure on Jan 6th. Even then, if things go badly, your thorn will return in about 3 years and a shitstorm of a new campaign. I've given up on the SCOTUS. Spineless cucks. Jan 6th is the witching hour, Pence could send your moron packing. Will he do it? It's happened 5 times in history. We'll see. Personally, I will love to watch the heads explode.
Ghost you go on facts published by people who are all or mostly part of your parties conspiracy to over turn a legal election.

Facts are facts, doesn't matter the source.

Commentary is what you get. That's why you always end up disappointed when it comes to Trump. Can lead the donkey to water, can't force him to drink.
In GA we literally have video of the election being stolen.

1) Observers are kicked out in the wee hours, as reported by ABC.
2) A few minutes later wheeled cases of ballots are dragged out from under a table and are quickly tabulated.
3) Ballot counters are seen on video running batches of ballots through multiple times.
4) By aligning the time stamp on the video to the official reporting of numbers you see that batch was 94% for Biden, approx 132k votes. That's an impossible margin.

The same poll worker made a social media video of herself, alone in a cubicle, counting absentee votes with no return addresses on it. Her daughter is the poll supervisor for Fulton Co. I can send both to you if you've never seen.

WE HAVE THE EVIDENCE ON VIDEO. Quit acting like there's no proof.

We have thousands and thousands of pages of sworn affidavits. The statistical anomalies - including the fact we're expected to believe Biden won a record number of votes while winning almost no bellweather counties, reduced minority support vs Obama, and only won 16% of the counties in the US. It's not possible. 5 major cities all shut down counting, nearly at the same time, when Trump had a massive lead. Then miraculously these massive ballot dumps came in at impossible percentages for Biden. Trump could not have had anything to do with what I posted above, so to say he "planned it" is flat out ignorant.

What's clear is the judicial branch is firmly part of the swamp and wants nothing to do with justice...they just want to make sure they don't lose their country club memberships by "causing" riots.

Jimbo has no idea what you are talking about because this is the only place where he's hearing the truth.

Everyone else is telling him that we are lying to him. It's all a big conspiracy theory!

I mean, if you're gullible, I guess I could see it.
Facts are facts, doesn't matter the source.

Commentary is what you get. That's why you always end up disappointed when it comes to Trump. Can lead the donkey to water, can't force him to drink.
"Facts are facts, etc" So if a Dem came up to you with lies but he convinced you they were facts, would you buy that? Well, I dont believe the crap the Rep. are spreading is the truth either.
"Facts are facts, etc" So if a Dem came up to you with lies but he convinced you they were facts, would you buy that? Well, I dont believe the crap the Rep. are spreading is the truth either.
That’s why you do your own research bud.

Usually, if story A is left leaning and story B is right leaning, read both and subtract the propaganda. Where the stories interject is usually the truth.

Do this enough times and you’d be surprised at how your brain begins to see things logically and you’ll smell the bull shit a mile away.
"Facts are facts, etc" So if a Dem came up to you with lies but he convinced you they were facts, would you buy that? Well, I dont believe the crap the Rep. are spreading is the truth either.
C'mon man. As the Sunburnt Indian would say, if you can't see the pattern recognition, there's no hope for you.
That’s why you do your own research bud.

Usually, if story A is left leaning and story B is right leaning, read both and subtract the propaganda. Where the stories interject is usually the truth.

Do this enough times and you’d be surprised at how your brain begins to see things logically and you’ll smell the bull shit a mile away.
I do smell it Bill, I swear I do. And it bothers the bejabbers out of me.
"Facts are facts, etc" So if a Dem came up to you with lies but he convinced you they were facts, would you buy that? Well, I dont believe the crap the Rep. are spreading is the truth either.

I convince myself by conducting independent research and thinking.

You should try it, sometime.
Look, I obviously do not know you well but the majority of your posts are anti Trump. It leads us all to believe that you’re a sheep.
You folks put that title on the few of us that came over here to keep you honest. Honesty is in the eyes of the
beholder and you all obviously wear blinders. I think this whole misdirection ploy is a well planned conspiracy to take the election away from Biden it has not worked so far and I don't think it will