AZ forensic audit


Bull Gator
Gold Member
Dec 14, 2012
Will show that Biden won and gained votes. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

Still want to waste time and money auditing these states and hoping for a miracle? @fatman76 @nail1988

@BSC911, these guys just keep embarrassing themselves on this topic.

Will show that Biden won and gained votes. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

Still want to waste time and money auditing these states and hoping for a miracle? @fatman76 @nail1988

@BSC911, these guys just keep embarrassing themselves on this topic.

I’m shocked. Shocked I tell you.

Trumpers are so gullible. Especially @kjfreeze πŸ˜€
Will show that Biden won and gained votes. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

Still want to waste time and money auditing these states and hoping for a miracle? @fatman76 @nail1988

@BSC911, these guys just keep embarrassing themselves on this topic.

So says your source, trying to get out ahead of this. Not so fast........

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Either way what’s the point anymore. No matter what rider who’s through or who’sNo matter what’s right or who’s true the other side will ignore it and shut it down and the news will pick whichever side they like and say that sides right.

Only thing I care about is securing the elections going forward to prevent this fiasco from ever happening again anywhere. Florida in 2000 Was bad but what happened in 2020 was terrible and it gives people reason to doubt the election on either side.

That’s an extremely dangerous proposition, doubting the legitimacy of a government but half the people it supposed to represent is a guarantee for division and Civil War eventually.
Either way what’s the point anymore. No matter what rider who’s through or who’sNo matter what’s right or who’s true the other side will ignore it and shut it down and the news will pick whichever side they like and say that sides right.

Only thing I care about is securing the elections going forward to prevent this fiasco from ever happening again anywhere. Florida in 2000 Was bad but what happened in 2020 was terrible and it gives people reason to doubt the election on either side.

That’s an extremely dangerous proposition, doubting the legitimacy of a government but half the people it supposed to represent is a guarantee for division and Civil War eventually.
As long as voter ID is not a requirement, as long as mass mail voting is allowed, we're never going to have assurance any of this is legitimate. Millions of ballots dumped by the post office AFTER the election is over is rife for fraud. That's real democracy, SAID NO ONE EVER.
Will show that Biden won and gained votes. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

Still want to waste time and money auditing these states and hoping for a miracle? @fatman76 @nail1988

@BSC911, these guys just keep embarrassing themselves on this topic.

I do. That’s just a snippet of the report and only deals with the counting portion. In other words, it would only disprove the claims the dominion machines switched votes if the paper count matched the machine count. If that’s the case I have no clue why the even cared about the BOS handing over the machines, but we will learn more today.

Other parts of the leaked audit show 4X the margin of victory in potentially fraudulent votes (doesn’t say who the fraudulent votes were for). Plus, the leaked version isn’t the final report, it’s a draft. So hold on little buddy, we’re gonna need to hear the whole thing before we start making conclusions.

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Either way what’s the point anymore. No matter what rider who’s through or who’sNo matter what’s right or who’s true the other side will ignore it and shut it down and the news will pick whichever side they like and say that sides right.

Only thing I care about is securing the elections going forward to prevent this fiasco from ever happening again anywhere. Florida in 2000 Was bad but what happened in 2020 was terrible and it gives people reason to doubt the election on either side.

That’s an extremely dangerous proposition, doubting the legitimacy of a government but half the people it supposed to represent is a guarantee for division and Civil War eventually.
They doubt the election because Trump cast SPURIOUS DOUBTS about the election. Had he not LIED in an effort to circumvent the will of the people, we wouldn't have any of this. You all threw in your chips with a person without a moral compass and you are still reaping the bitter harvest that resulted.

Tell me, if Trump hadn't made such a giant mess of things in his attempt to overthrow the government, would you have had any doubts about the validity of the election? Was there one bit of discussion about this that didn't come from Trump or Trump's flunkies?
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I do. That’s just a snippet of the report and only deals with the counting portion. In other words, it would only disprove the claims the dominion machines switched votes if the paper count matched the machine count. If that’s the case I have no clue why the even cared about the BOS handing over the machines, but we will learn more today.

Other parts of the leaked audit show 4X the margin of victory in potentially fraudulent votes (doesn’t say who the fraudulent votes were for). Plus, the leaked version isn’t the final report, it’s a draft. So hold on little buddy, we’re gonna need to beard the whole thing before we start making conclusions.

What's funny here is the implication that all those votes were for Biden. Since Biden actually expanded his lead, I'm thinking they weren't.
What's funny here is the implication that all those votes were for Biden. Since Biden actually expanded his lead, I'm thinking they weren't.
You’re assuming they changed the count. Nowhere is that stated, it’s very possible that they just counted the ballots - including the fraudulent ones. I also opened the possibility the fraudulent votes were not for Biden, that’s not stated in any of this either.

But changing the count isn’t auditing. That wasn’t their job. It just shows the machine count and the hand count matched.

There’s something wrong with the way the liberal brain works. It doesn’t function as intended at times.
Will show that Biden won and gained votes. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

Still want to waste time and money auditing these states and hoping for a miracle? @fatman76 @nail1988

@BSC911, these guys just keep embarrassing themselves on this topic.

Zona will be a majority welfare state after this refugee fiasco.
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Will show that Biden won and gained votes. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

Still want to waste time and money auditing these states and hoping for a miracle? @fatman76 @nail1988

@BSC911, these guys just keep embarrassing themselves on this topic.

From the article you posted:

"Cyber Ninjas' audit was marred by a lack of transparency, leading outside experts to warn that its findings ultimately "should not be trusted." The company is not federally accredited by the US Election Assistance Commission to test voting systems.

Both Republicans and Democrats have been critical of the unorthodox and sub-standard ways in which the audit had been conducted.
As long as voter ID is not a requirement, as long as mass mail voting is allowed, we're never going to have assurance any of this is legitimate. Millions of ballots dumped by the post office AFTER the election is over is rife for fraud. That's real democracy, SAID NO ONE EVER.
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From the article you posted:

"Cyber Ninjas' audit was marred by a lack of transparency, leading outside experts to warn that its findings ultimately "should not be trusted." The company is not federally accredited by the US Election Assistance Commission to test voting systems.

Both Republicans and Democrats have been critical of the unorthodox and sub-standard ways in which the audit had been conducted.
Garbage in equals garbage out.
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From the article you posted:

"Cyber Ninjas' audit was marred by a lack of transparency, leading outside experts to warn that its findings ultimately "should not be trusted." The company is not federally accredited by the US Election Assistance Commission to test voting systems.

Both Republicans and Democrats have been critical of the unorthodox and sub-standard ways in which the audit had been conducted.
Liberal talking points.

First off, there were many cameras (14? I can't recall the number) that were on 24/7, even when they had to move out so the facility could host another function. Second, they published all their protocols and even let observers in...including guided tours for officials of other states to explain everything they were doing and why.

As far as unorthodox methodologies, please cite how this audit differed from other forensic election audits. The definition of Orthodox is below as a hint.

Definition of orthodox

(Entry 1 of 2)
1a: conforming to established doctrine especially in religion
b: CONVENTIONALtook an orthodox approach to the problem
Garbage in equals garbage out.
First they should discuss the unorthodox and substandard way the ELECTION was conducted. We should start here.
I'm just saying that when submitting evidence in favor of an argument, it is a good idea to know the evidence. Plus, people are 60% more likely to share an article based solely upon the headline, without reading the article itself, if the article comports with their pre-existing beliefs.
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It's the first forensic audit of an election in recorded history, and the bitch is it wasn't perfect.

You would think a rational person would welcome an audit, to put all this to bed. But noooooooooo....... Fraud is a double edged sword, is it going to come down to which party is the best at cheating in elections going forward? Democrats never think about this while they are in power, they believe twisting the rules at every turn is just fine........until the tables turn on them, then they howl like a wounded buffalo. Same thing with congressional parliamentary rules. :rolleyes:
I'm just saying that when submitting evidence in favor of an argument, it is a good idea to know the evidence. Plus, people are 60% more likely to share an article based solely upon the headline, without reading the article itself, if the article comports with their pre-existing beliefs.
Which is crazy because it only takes 5 to 10 minutes to skim the article and get the gist, should never publish off the headline because that’s what they want you to do, that’s why they have the sensational headlines.
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Which is crazy because it only takes 5 to 10 minutes to skim the article and get the gist, should never publish off the headline because that’s what they want you to do, that’s why they have the sensational headlines.
True, but two things are happening: (1) The person posting the headline often assumes the article is fully supportive of that headline and (2) They don't expect others to actually read it either.
The misinformation merry-go-round....
True, but two things are happening: (1) The person posting the headline often assumes the article is fully supportive of that headline and (2) They don't expect others to actually read it either.
The misinformation merry-go-round....
Half of the articles published anymore are just clickbait. Many of them, once you get to the meat of the subject matter directly contradict the headline.
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Half of the articles published anymore are just clickbait. Many of them, once you get to the meat of the subject matter directly contradict the headline.
If an article has a tabloid-style, click bait headline, there is an 88% probability that it is deceptive (fake news). Simply put, be selective and careful about which resources you choose to believe.
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From the article you posted:

"Cyber Ninjas' audit was marred by a lack of transparency, leading outside experts to warn that its findings ultimately "should not be trusted." The company is not federally accredited by the US Election Assistance Commission to test voting systems.

Both Republicans and Democrats have been critical of the unorthodox and sub-standard ways in which the audit had been conducted.
Just care about the results. Which is all that matters. It was new and people were critical of it, should they not be?
I do. That’s just a snippet of the report and only deals with the counting portion. In other words, it would only disprove the claims the dominion machines switched votes if the paper count matched the machine count. If that’s the case I have no clue why the even cared about the BOS handing over the machines, but we will learn more today.

Other parts of the leaked audit show 4X the margin of victory in potentially fraudulent votes (doesn’t say who the fraudulent votes were for). Plus, the leaked version isn’t the final report, it’s a draft. So hold on little buddy, we’re gonna need to hear the whole thing before we start making conclusions.

No this is a lie. Just follow the history of the threads created around this audit. People on here was sure that the results would be overturned. They were sure that the votes only impacted Biden. Seems like a lot went wrong on the Trump side. Don't switch up what you expect now because your original thoughts were proven wrong.
Just care about the results. Which is all that matters. It was new and people were critical of it, should they not be?
100% they should be - the process, results, etc. should all be reviewed and questioned. It will only make future audits better.

That doesn't mean everything they found was BS though.
You should only care about valid results IMO. Do you consider these results valid?
I don't really understand what you're asking with the second part.
I always thought this audit was a sham, so I don't take it seriously. I just laugh at the people who did and the people who thought that it would change the results. Despite that, it concluded that the original recounts were valid.

I'm sure they will add some spin because they knew alot of Trump lovers were relying on this but the results are the same.

Not sure if you are a believer in this nonsense, but it's time for Trump people to accept that he lost FAIR AND SQUARE and let's move on.
No this is a lie. Just follow the history of the threads created around this audit. People on here was sure that the results would be overturned. They were sure that the votes only impacted Biden. Seems like a lot went wrong on the Trump side. Don't switch up what you expect now because your original thoughts were proven wrong.
What in God's green earth are you even talking about. What expectations did I have?

Listen - you clearly are totally confused so let me break it down for you.
1) The audit portion of counting the ballots was comparing the machine count to the results via hand count. That proved to be +263 for Biden over millions of votes. That's probably within the margin of error for the machines.
2) The 55k votes that had issues were in that count. They didn't change those out, they reported on them. What we don't know is who were those ballots for? If they were split amongst the candidates the election was just a mess. If one candidate rec'd a majority of them we probably have organized cheating.

Remember, this is ONE COUNTY. The entire state was 11k vote margin and they found 55k bad ballots in ONE COUNTY. You don't have to be as analytical as @SORT14 to realize that's a massive problem.

We don't want Trump back in, we want elections fixed for the future.
I always thought this audit was a sham, so I don't take it seriously. I just laugh at the people who did and the people who thought that it would change the results. Despite that, it concluded that the original recounts were valid.

I'm sure they will add some spin because they knew alot of Trump lovers were relying on this but the results are the same.

Not sure if you are a believer in this nonsense, but it's time for Trump people to accept that he lost FAIR AND SQUARE and let's move on.
Wait - you think it was a sham but you're using their count numbers as proof the election was clean.

You're talking out of both sides of your mouth again.
I always thought this audit was a sham, so I don't take it seriously. I just laugh at the people who did and the people who thought that it would change the results. Despite that, it concluded that the original recounts were valid.

I'm sure they will add some spin because they knew alot of Trump lovers were relying on this but the results are the same.

Not sure if you are a believer in this nonsense, but it's time for Trump people to accept that he lost FAIR AND SQUARE and let's move on.
I would contend that presenting poor evidence in support of your argument undermines your argument more so than it strengthens it. That just reduces the exchanges to a volley of opinions with no progress (whatever progress means here) being made.
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