ANOTHER Biden LIE (about Trump) debunked by left fact checker


Rowdy Reptile
Jul 5, 2001
The list of lies by Biden is almost as long as the list of mostly minority precincts in deep blue cities where election fraud occurred in 2020. The problem...who wants to be a poll watcher in these locations without being armed. Cheating will occur. Until voters are assigned a voter Identification # that has to be placed on their ballot and matched with either a picture ID or some other biometric identity solution like, the dems will cheat their asses off. And once the ballot is in the box or tabulated by the machine, you cannot prove they cheated. That was the issue in 2020.
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The list of lies by Biden is almost as long as the list of mostly minority precincts in deep blue cities where election fraud occurred in 2020. The problem...who wants to be a poll watcher in these locations without being armed. Cheating will occur. Until voters are assigned a voter Identification # that has to be placed on their ballot and matched with either a picture ID or some other biometric identity solution like, the dems will cheat their asses off. And once the ballot is in the box or tabulated by the machine, you cannot prove they cheated. That was the issue in 2020.
And the lefties on here that will never acknowledge the Biden lie about what Trump said but just perpetuate it are nothing but liars themselves.
Leftists have always been about lies & collusion between the government, judiciary & media.

Historically this has always been the case. It’s been this way in America for decades!
Leftists have always been about lies & collusion between the government, judiciary & media.

Historically this has always been the case. It’s been this way in America for decades!

Didn't the right just get 34 felonies?
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PLEASE do tell, what makes Joe well rounded? What has he accomplished in his 40+ years as being a politician?
Democrats have known for years that Biden isn't fit for office. The media used to roast him. 😂

  • Joe Biden has plagiarized from speeches, essays, and policy positions throughout his entire life
  • As a student at Syracuse Law School in 1965, Biden plagiarized 5-pages from a law review journal "without quotation or attribution"
  • During his failed 1988 presidential campaign, Biden plagiarized from speeches by British politician Neil Kinnock, Robert Kennedy, and President John F. Kennedy
  • Now, Joe Biden and his 2020 Presidential campaign are at it again – lifting ideas, slogans, and writings to pass off as their own
    • Last year, Biden's campaign used "word-for-word" language from other groups as part of his climate and education policy papers
    • The newly released recommendations from the "Biden-Sanders Unity Task Force" takes whole sections straight from Bernie Sanders' campaign platform
    • Biden's "Build Back Better" slogan is a phrase coined by Bill Clinton in 2006

    In September 1987, Joe Biden Acknowledged He Plagiarized A Law Review Article During His First Year In Law School

    In September 1987, Then-Senator Joe Biden (D-DE) Acknowledged "A Mistake" When He Plagiarized A Law Review Article In His First Year At Law School.
My guy is one of the greatest most well rounded presidents of our lifetime. He will be re-elected (legally or illegally) again. I don't care what it takes
Spoken like a true totalitarian.

Let me guess, cheat to win the election to "save Democracy"?
PLEASE do tell, what makes Joe well rounded? What has he accomplished in his 40+ years as being a politician?

The better question is what has he not accomplished? He has turned this economy completely around since the disaster left from covid. He kept his campaign promises to cancel student debt. He's weakening Russia by tricking them I to going to war with Ukraine. He's been elite as a president and anyone who doesn't think so is probably just being partisan.
The better question is what has he not accomplished? He has turned this economy completely around since the disaster left from covid. He kept his campaign promises to cancel student debt. He's weakening Russia by tricking them I to going to war with Ukraine. He's been elite as a president and anyone who doesn't think so is probably just being partisan.
Man Slapping Couch Laughing GIF
If it saves democracy, it must be done at all costs. Do you not like democracy?
So you have to destroy it to save it?

Isn’t that an oxymoron? If you love it why destroy it? How can destroying it save it?

Are you sure you’re not a totalitarian fascist masquerading as a freedom loving American?

Where do you draw the line?
So you have to destroy it to save it?

Isn’t that an oxymoron? If you love it why destroy it? How can destroying it save it?

Are you sure you’re not a totalitarian fascist masquerading as a freedom loving American?

Where do you draw the line?

Democrats need to win at all costs to save democracy, Republicans can't be trusted. Biden is our only hope.
And so are you.

Feel free to answer the question
Engaging with that guy continues to be a waste of time. If you ask him just the simple question of "what time is it," he will attempt to explain to you how to make a watch. And at the end, you will not know how to make a watch, nor will you know what time it is. When you ask him when will he answer your question, he will tell you he answered it.
He is either the very best troll on this site or the truly dumbest. In either case, just a waste of time.