And they’re off, the 2021 running of the Mexico/US boarder

No. That’s not what I’m talking about. It’s thinking lame fry boy jokes are clever. I was just equating the two.
The term fry boy is not clever, how we use it in the plethora of different ways is clever. If you don’t see that then you don’t understand the art of talking shit on a message board.
The term fry boy is not clever, how we use it in the plethora of different ways is clever. If you don’t see that then you don’t understand the art of talking shit on a message board.
Of course I understand it. I give a few credit for being clever, but those are few and far between. Most are just trolling for likes. And BEG really thinks I’m insulted by it, which is hilarious. Surely you must recognize when a joke is worn out.

I do find it odd that you’re making a stand on this spelling thing. Once could be excused, but you really think this is the way it’s spelled. So of course I’m going to give you shit for it. You should take your own advice.

I think you’re a bright guy, and less of a Trumper head case than most OTB. But you have to take your lumps when you say something stupid, just like the rest of us.
Really? You’ve lost a lot since you’re last trigger thread if spelling is all you have left.

Don’t respond to this, it’s not worth yours or my time.

If you’re going to talk shit about spelling, you have nothing to stand on. Do us all a favor and try harder please, I can’t get back the time wasted to read your response and then have to explain this to you.


I can't believe you're still wasting your time engaging him directly.
The brains that built this country came from the cultures of western civilization. Does that make a race superior? NO!

Does that mean I look to a hybrid culture from the south to MAGA? NO! Come legally, integrate quickly and vote pub or stay home!

Does it mean we need to look to indigenous sub-cultures for leadership in business and government just because they were oppressed 50 years ago and before? NO!

Is that "white" supremacy? NO. Its historical fact and common sense.

We are not great because of diversity. We are diverse because we are great and diverse peoples want to come here. Come whatever flavor you are but integrate and vote for what makes America great. ( That would be mostly found in the pub platform and scant anything found in the dim platform.)

It aint a "white" thing. Black leaders like Clarence Thomas, the late Herman Cain, late Walter Williams, Thomas Sowell, Hodge Twins, Candace Owens, Burgess Owens et al get it.