An old poster of Che Guevara wearing a Bernie shirt.


Bull Gator
Nov 1, 2013
I watched the last two debates. One thing about Bernie, he never gets flustered or raises his voice. Even when he should, gives the impression that he is easy to talk over and shout down.

BUT....during the last debate he was asked about his pro-communist comments in the past, especially in regards to Cuba. He said that Cuba had a wonderful education system, and that immediately drew boos from the crowd. Bernie immediately fired back "Oh really? Oh REALLY???" at the booers. IMO you could tell that their booing REALLY pissed him off, he took it personally LOL
The Feds began their takeover of the US public education system in 1965.

In Jan. 1962, JFK signed an Executive Order 10988 allowing the "Public Sector Workers" ( IE Those who live off US Taxpayers) to form Unions. No Republican has had the damned balls to sign another Executive Order repealing JFK's FUBAR and returning the hiring and firing of teachers to School Boards and School Superintendents .
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Thank you for straightening this out.
This is the exact reason why I dislike. Uncle Ronnie so much!
He, Uncle Ronnie had a chance to straighten this out with Russia but
He refused. to do the right thing
Bless you M.D for doing the right thing
Just bring up Charlotte Iserbyt on You tube if you wanna learn
the the truth about our educational system.
Especially SunBurnttIndian. She is one smart cookie!
She worked in in Uncle Ronnie's staff. (Cabinet)
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