All-in-Podcast Guys on the RNC and JD Vance


Bull Gator
Gold Member
Feb 3, 2007

Great, great piece. I would especially listen to the segment at 41:25 and his exposition of JD Vance and the Future of the Republican party. David Sacks is very powerful and impressive.
You nailed it.

Haley is out because in no way does Trump want a globalist. Spending billions/trillions while Europe under spends it’s required amount and sending our young men and women to die or have long term physical and mental trauma is beyond the pale.

Trump also didn’t have to. He’s up in the polls and Biden is showing no urge to get out (or that is his campaign’s negotiating stance). He can win by moderates staying home in battleground states.

I was on the fence on JDV. The all in guys put JDV in a broader context.
Interesting how it aligns with this…

It's no good to run a porch sitter like a George Bush, the left will bash and hate them just a badly as a real conservative. Might as well go for the gusto. :p
You nailed it.

Haley is out because in no way does Trump want a globalist. Spending billions/trillions while Europe under spends it’s required amount and sending our young men and women to die or have long term physical and mental trauma is beyond the pale.

Trump also didn’t have to. He’s up in the polls and Biden is showing no urge to get out (or that is his campaign’s negotiating stance). He can win by moderates staying home in battleground states.

I was on the fence on JDV. The all in guys put JDV in a broader context.
This is EXACTLY why Trump hates unnecessary wars.
This is EXACTLY why Trump hates unnecessary wars.
It took me a while to realize the failures of the Neo-Con (read: John Bolton) POV, now it is exceptionally clear.

The deep irony is that biological father (he passed decades ago) protested the Vietnam war and was thrown in jail by Reagan for his work. Now, he and Tucker Carlson would likely see "eye to eye" on that (and other) parts of politics.

The more I focus on this, the deeper my "hate" (too strong of a term, but you get it) for Liz C. and Adam K. Note how, as somewhat of a Center-Right person here, I NEVER suggest them in any go-forward context other than I hope they step off the political stage and challenge them to find meaningful work and contributions outside of the occasional "useful idiot" appearance on CNN.
It took me a while to realize the failures of the Neo-Con (read: John Bolton) POV, now it is exceptionally clear.

The deep irony is that biological father (he passed decades ago) protested the Vietnam war and was thrown in jail by Reagan for his work. Now, he and Tucker Carlson would likely see "eye to eye" on that (and other) parts of politics.

The more I focus on this, the deeper my "hate" (too strong of a term, but you get it) for Liz C. and Adam K. Note how, as somewhat of a Center-Right person here, I NEVER suggest them in any go-forward context other than I hope they step off the political stage and challenge them to find meaningful work and contributions outside of the occasional "useful idiot" appearance on CNN.
The people here on this board have been SPOT ON concerning the RINO republicans. DJT has forever changed our party to a MUCH better political party. WE are now the tolerant side. WE are now the needless anti war side, however will in one second defend this Country in the blink of an eye against our enemies. I used to say that I do not like Trump as the person, but after watching 85-90% of every minute of this convention...something I have NEVER done...I love this guy probably even more than I did Reagan. I think their presidencies are guided by God, and our Nation need/needs them to be the free Nation for good in this world. Yes, he is a bit brash....but NEVER question his love for this Country. That BS lie is WRONG.
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Trump clearly loves his country and his family.

The assassination attempt and the incredible photo of him afterwards has injected a humility that I was hoping (and begging) for.

The RNC event was run nearly flawlessly. His speech, after the first 20 minutes, was not as tight and disciplined as it should have been, and hopefully he realizes that the less he says, the more mythic he becomes.

Let's hope that the Biden's take 3+ more weeks to negotiate their exit and put Kamala up against a wall timing wise.
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Trump clearly loves his country and his family.

The assassination attempt and the incredible photo of him afterwards has injected a humility that I was hoping (and begging) for.

The RNC event was run nearly flawlessly. His speech, after the first 20 minutes, was not as tight and disciplined as it should have been, and hopefully he realizes that the less he says, the more mythic he becomes.

Let's hope that the Biden's take 3+ more weeks to negotiate their exit and put Kamala up against a wall timing wise.
I could not agree more. It left me hoping for more. HOWEVER I give him a pass for almost being killed a few days earlier. His speech was a bit less than 90% of the people who spoke. However there has never been a convention that accomplished what it was supposed to accomplish more than this one. I DO wish his speech would have been one of his best...but it was not.
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Trump clearly loves his country and his family.

The assassination attempt and the incredible photo of him afterwards has injected a humility that I was hoping (and begging) for.

The RNC event was run nearly flawlessly. His speech, after the first 20 minutes, was not as tight and disciplined as it should have been, and hopefully he realizes that the less he says, the more mythic he becomes.

Let's hope that the Biden's take 3+ more weeks to negotiate their exit and put Kamala up against a wall timing wise.
Starting to think Biden may give the Dims his middle finger to sit on.
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I could not agree more. It left me hoping for more. HOWEVER I give him a pass for almost being killed a few days earlier. His speech was a bit less than 90% of the people who spoke. However there has never been a convention that accomplished what it was supposed to accomplish more than this one. I DO wish his speech would have been one of his best...but it was not.
100 percent agree
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It's no good to run a porch sitter like a George Bush, the left will bash and hate them just a badly as a real conservative. Might as well go for the gusto. :p

Bingo. There are some “moderates” that still don’t quite get it, but I think are making progress. Even with Trumps speech, he is who he is, and it has proven effective over and over again.

He isn’t a moderate, and tells it like it is. THAT is why he is popular. Stop trying to make him or want him to be someone he isn’t. There’s a reason “disciplined” guys like Mitt keep failing.

Loved Trumps troll song to end the convention.

Trump clearly loves his country and his family.

The assassination attempt and the incredible photo of him afterwards has injected a humility that I was hoping (and begging) for.

The RNC event was run nearly flawlessly. His speech, after the first 20 minutes, was not as tight and disciplined as it should have been, and hopefully he realizes that the less he says, the more mythic he becomes.

Let's hope that the Biden's take 3+ more weeks to negotiate their exit and put Kamala up against a wall timing wise.

Loving the “discipline” of Trump. We are soooo back!!!!!

For those who think, believe The Donald cares for anyone besides himself, you are so wrong. Trump is a narcissist and caring for anyone just isn't in his mind set. He will probably win the election, The Dems have made it too easy. The Dems will have to live with Trump but so will the rest of you, good luck with that.
For those who think, believe The Donald cares for anyone besides himself, you are so wrong. Trump is a narcissist and caring for anyone just isn't in his mind set. He will probably win the election, The Dems have made it too easy. The Dems will have to live with Trump but so will the rest of you, good luck with that.

It was great last time and will be again.

Sucks that you were lied to for 4 years about Joes cognitive condition….and believed the lies. I feel sorry for you.
For those who think, believe The Donald cares for anyone besides himself, you are so wrong. Trump is a narcissist and caring for anyone just isn't in his mind set. He will probably win the election, The Dems have made it too easy. The Dems will have to live with Trump but so will the rest of you, good luck with that.

Good bye to YOUR open borders, DEI hires, the dick saw for minor children. Even Bill Mahr condemns your ilk for that.
It was great last time and will be again.

Sucks that you were lied to for 4 years about Joes cognitive condition….and believed the lies. I feel sorry for you.
I had no question about Biden's condition, it was a matter of ANYONE was better than the Clown he was running against. Do I have regrets, sure but I had no alternative. Same this election. Watch if Trump does get elected how he will revert to being himself, Hell it's not his fault he just can't help himself. God Bless America, We will all need it.
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I had no question about Biden's condition, it was a matter of ANYONE was better than the Clown he was running against. Do I have regrets, sure but I had no alternative. Same this election. Watch if Trump does get elected how he will revert to being himself, Hell it's not his fault he just can't help himself. God Bless America, We will all need it.

Wait, so you were willing to put the fate of the country (including the guy with access to nuclear codes) in the hands of a dementia patient because you were upset by some tweets?

Holy fook.
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For those who think, believe The Donald cares for anyone besides himself, you are so wrong. Trump is a narcissist and caring for anyone just isn't in his mind set. He will probably win the election, The Dems have made it too easy. The Dems will have to live with Trump but so will the rest of you, good luck with that.
He has narcissistic traits to be absolutely sure.

Someone said (I forget who) that Trump was remarkable in that he was the only individual in recent memory where the office did not (materially) change him. I think that is partially right.

The office, afterwards, deeply changed him. Lawfare and now the assassination has given him a level of humility that is remarkable.

Biden on the other hand, and especially Jill and Hunter, are engaging in the worst sort of narcissistic behavior thinking that they are the only ones who can beat Trump.

To your point, they are handing the Trump campaign a land slide. And it is all the same narcissistic behavior with just less gold leaf.
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For those who think, believe The Donald cares for anyone besides himself, you are so wrong. Trump is a narcissist and caring for anyone just isn't in his mind set. He will probably win the election, The Dems have made it too easy. The Dems will have to live with Trump but so will the rest of you, good luck with that.
This is a post of someone totally incapable of intelligent discussion. We WILL win the election and clean up the sick Bs Your side levied in this great country, son
Wait, so you were willing to put the fate of the country (including the guy with access to nuclear codes) in the hands of a dementia patient because you were upset by some tweets?

Holy fook.
His brain cells do not function anymore. His hate of ONE MAN overrides sanity. God bless poor lil Jimmie
I had no question about Biden's condition, it was a matter of ANYONE was better than the Clown he was running against. Do I have regrets, sure but I had no alternative. Same this election. Watch if Trump does get elected how he will revert to being himself, Hell it's not his fault he just can't help himself. God Bless America, We will all need it.
Too late, your idiot already embarrassed us in Afghanistan and left over 1000 Americans behind enemy lines, emboldening Iran to attack Israel, China to pressure Taiwan, and Russia to invade Ukraine causing HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS lives because of his weakness. He went after his political opponent with the DOJ, FBI, CIA and others. He hired a dumb DEI beotch that led to a 20 yr old POS pimple faced punk kid outsmarting the world (used to be) premier protection agency. TRUMP is the danger to America?? Please, PLEASE expound on how? You see jimbo…YOU CANT, and you won’t. Your posts embarrass me for you. Hatred should not blind someone, but it does you. You are NOT a real American, so please rest from pretending you are by saying “God bless America.” I see right through your lies, son.
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Wait, so you were willing to put the fate of the country (including the guy with access to nuclear codes) in the hands of a dementia patient because you were upset by some tweets?

Holy fook.
Russell, grow up my man. you need to recall that Biden as addled as he might be,, received millions of votes. Blame them all.
Russell, grow up my man. you need to recall that Biden as addled as he might be,, received millions of votes. Blame them all.

Make no mistake about it, I do blame them all. The media, the politicians, and every Dem that voted for someone that they knew damn well had dementia.

They all are a threat to our Republic. Whether it be ignorance, or TDS.

My question to you is, if they lied to you about Joe, then what else are they lying to you about? Maybe Trump?

You should be pissed.
This is a post of someone totally incapable of intelligent discussion. We WILL win the election and clean up the sick Bs Your side levied in this great country, son
Ron, there is no discussion. Let me say that I feel about Trump the way you apparently think about Biden. It is my opinion stated numerous times, neither Trump or Biden are fit to be President. Generally I have voted for the best candidate for President. Unfortunately this election there isn't one. This my opinion.
Ron, there is no discussion. Let me say that I feel about Trump the way you apparently think about Biden. It is my opinion stated numerous times, neither Trump or Biden are fit to be President. Generally I have voted for the best candidate for President. Unfortunately this election there isn't one. This my opinion.
Bestcthing for you is just not vote. Help make America great again by not voting!!
The people here on this board have been SPOT ON concerning the RINO republicans. DJT has forever changed our party to a MUCH better political party. WE are now the tolerant side. WE are now the needless anti war side, however will in one second defend this Country in the blink of an eye against our enemies. I used to say that I do not like Trump as the person, but after watching 85-90% of every minute of this convention...something I have NEVER done...I love this guy probably even more than I did Reagan. I think their presidencies are guided by God, and our Nation need/needs them to be the free Nation for good in this world. Yes, he is a bit brash....but NEVER question his love for this Country. That BS lie is WRONG.
Kind of goes in line with your post. Trump wasn't, Isn't and never will be anybody to be trusted. MY opinion.