Adam Silverstein Update on ALL UF Spring Sports

So apparently there are at least a couple of Gator fans that are interested in sports other than just football... ;) -- :cool:

And thanks for the Spring sports update link dude.
So apparently there are at least a couple of Gator fans that are interested in sports other than just football... ;) -- :cool:

And thanks for the Spring sports update link dude.
You are quite welcome. I love all our Gator sports. I know it's football that drives the train, but ALL the athletes and coaches give their all competing for Gator Nation.
In most things, variety is the 'spice' of life.
As a kid growing up in Florida in the 1950's-60's;

Football - WR & backup QB
B-Ball - PG
Baseball - 2B
Track - Low Hurdles
Tennis - not very good, just for fun and/or killin-time.
Hand-ball and Ping-Pong - better, but only between classes in college
Wasted some time as a youth around many a pool table.
Darts - still have custom sets, but not so much anymore.
Swim-Dive -- Just for fun, snorkling, dock-tag, river swings, jumping from tree tops. Red-Cross Senior Life Saver (summer Life Guarding).
Repelling, and many of the martial and/or outdoor/backwoods sports....

* Freestyle tree climbing,
through 106 trees without coming to the ground.

Those that are only interested in and/or follow football are boring imo, but each to their own because 'Life' - is a do-it-yourself project.... :cool: