30,000 Scientists say Glow Ball Warming/Climate change is a hoax.

urten's Top 5 sources for information:

The Daily Beast
Mother Jones

Sheep aren't created by accident.

I'm gonna respectfully disagree with you on this one, Sir...sheep are created on purpose...since their collective I.Q.s are a bit low...they willingly allow themselves to be led...all the way to the slaughtering'd think with all this nonsense about global warming, 57 sexual identifications to choose from, safe-spaces, and screaming hysterically when their notions are questioned by others, and from falling for hope & change...this is proof positive thinking and reasoning were never added to the librul curriculum.

Don't allow your friends, children, parents, or anyone else you care about to become sheep.

Agent Orange
I’ll take a crack at this:

1. Yes, they at least have the same mother. Unless one or both are adopted, but they still share the experience of being brought up by that woman.

2. 3. You could go red then black but next one is a match. (Full disclosure this is an edit of my first answer 6, which was stupid).

3. The question is poorly phrased. Who is “us”? The message board? Humans? The larger the sample size becomes the more likely it becomes that someone within it is afraid of heights.

The correct answers are:
1. Yes
2. 3
3. No

Some of us have a fear of edges or falling.

I stand on a street corner in Denver in a crowd. We're 5,280 feet above sea level. Our worst fears are being mugged or run over by a bus.

I stand on the Alico building in Waco. I'm 712 feet above sea level. I stand near the edge with some roofers. I'm nervous. I step away from the edge where I'm as cool as a cucumber. I have no fear of heights. Nor do you.

I exhibited your boo boo when solving question 2. Matter of fact, with a 60 minute time limit, I skipped over it and came back. Don't feel bad.

All three questions are perfectly phrased. It is common for humans to overthink when problem solving.

You done good.
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The correct answers are:
1. Yes
2. 3
3. No

Some of us have a fear of edges or falling.

I stand on a street corner in Denver in a crowd. We're 5,280 feet above sea level. Our worst fears are being mugged or run over by a bus.

I stand on the Alico building in Waco. I'm 712 feet above sea level. I stand near the edge with some roofers. I'm nervous. I step away from the edge where I'm as cool as a cucumber. I have no fear of heights. Nor do you.

I exhibited your boo boo when solving question 2. Matter of fact, with a 60 minute time limit, I skipped over it and came back. Don't feel bad.

All three questions are perfectly phrased. It is common for humans to overthink when problem solving.

You done good.

I might quibble with you on 3, but they are interesting questions. So true that the tendency is to overthink them.
The correct answers are:
1. Yes
2. 3
3. No

Some of us have a fear of edges or falling.

I stand on a street corner in Denver in a crowd. We're 5,280 feet above sea level. Our worst fears are being mugged or run over by a bus.

I stand on the Alico building in Waco. I'm 712 feet above sea level. I stand near the edge with some roofers. I'm nervous. I step away from the edge where I'm as cool as a cucumber. I have no fear of heights. Nor do you.

I exhibited your boo boo when solving question 2. Matter of fact, with a 60 minute time limit, I skipped over it and came back. Don't feel bad.

All three questions are perfectly phrased. It is common for humans to overthink when problem solving.

You done good.

Reminds me of the questions:

Can a person living in Canada be buried in the US?

How far can someone walk into the woods?

Which weighs more 2000 pounds of feathers or a ton of iron?
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I'm gonna respectfully disagree with you on this one, Sir...sheep are created on purpose...since their collective I.Q.s are a bit low...they willingly allow themselves to be led...all the way to the slaughtering'd think with all this nonsense about global warming, 57 sexual identifications to choose from, safe-spaces, and screaming hysterically when their notions are questioned by others, and from falling for hope & change...this is proof positive thinking and reasoning were never added to the librul curriculum.

Don't allow your friends, children, parents, or anyone else you care about to become sheep.

Agent Orange

Anger lowers a person's IQ by up to 50 points. MSM gives dems a reason to be angry, and for the average dem, that drops their IQ in half.

Isn't that hard to fool a person who has an IQ of 50.
Anger lowers a person's IQ by up to 50 points. MSM gives dems a reason to be angry, and for the average dem, that drops their IQ in half.

Isn't that hard to fool a person who has an IQ of 50.

Did Trump give anyone a reason to be angry during the campaign?

How do you reconcile his statements about an “invasion” from Mexico with the fact that the last 4 years of border apprehensions are the lowest annual numbers since 2000?

Think critically dammit!
Reminds me of the questions:

Can a person living in Canada be buried in the US?

How far can someone walk into the woods?

Which weighs more 2000 pounds of feathers or a ton of iron?

Makes me think of my hobby on this early morn'. Metrology. The scientific study of measurement. I wonder why such grabs my attention so.
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Did Trump give anyone a reason to be angry during the campaign?

How do you reconcile his statements about an “invasion” from Mexico with the fact that the last 4 years of border apprehensions are the lowest annual numbers since 2000?

Think critically dammit!

The last four years didn't see organized caravans of people trying to enter the US illegally every few weeks, each numbering in the tens of thousands.

Critical thinking is fun. You sheep should try it sometime.
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Did Trump give anyone a reason to be angry during the campaign?

How do you reconcile his statements about an “invasion” from Mexico with the fact that the last 4 years of border apprehensions are the lowest annual numbers since 2000?

Think critically dammit!

Rule #1...people only want to hear what they personally agree with and that which confirms to their personal dogma(s)...that would be true, as well, for myself...and I admit it.
Rule #2...all politicians make folks angry every day of the year...Oh-bomba did the same as Trump.

Interesting how the dems wet their pants in disgust over the school shootings in recent years...but go into virtual silence about criminal invaders killing, raping, stealing, etc...American citizens.

Maybe the dems can't think critically for all their hypocrisy clouding their judgement...and for the record: if an American citizen need to conform to the laws of the should the criminal invaders and those who wish to give them sanctuary status...such as the female mayor of Oakland, CA.

Agent Orange
Did Trump give anyone a reason to be angry during the campaign?

How do you reconcile his statements about an “invasion” from Mexico with the fact that the last 4 years of border apprehensions are the lowest annual numbers since 2000?

Think critically dammit!

Because of the MILLIONS who claim REFUGEE status now that democrfats have schooled them into what to claim. They actually go to Border Agents and demand assylum and thus cannot be booted out immediately. They are given a court summons and disappear into the interior and never show up to be deported. Then there are all of those NON -MEXICANS who because GW Bush signed a law allowing Non Mexican "Yutes" to stay instead of being immediately deported until their REAL Parents can be located in their home nations to keep the sex traffickers from simply loading them back up across the border and smuggling them back to be raped over and over again in their roving brothels.

70% of the so called parents of pre-teen and teenaged girls are Coyotes. Your stupid ilk whined and cried over them pore li'l chilluns were being separated from their mommies and daddies when the majority were being saved from a life of pure hell after the DNA test results came back.
70% of the so called parents of pre-teen and teenaged girls are Coyotes. Your stupid ilk whined and cried over them pore li'l chilluns were being separated from their mommies and daddies when the majority were being saved from a life of pure hell after the DNA test results came back.

A reporter went down to the border last Fall to report on the incoming caravans. She was there for a few days. While there, authorities found a young child who had become separated from the group, and who was without an accompanying adult and disoriented, in obvious need of medical attention. They took the young girl to a local hospital and during a medical examination found the DNA from 30 different men inside her.

CNN won't report this. Ask yourself why.
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A reporter went down to the border last Fall to report on the incoming caravans. She was there for a few days. While there, authorities found a young child who had become separated from the group, and who was without an accompanying adult and disoriented, in obvious need of medical attention. They took the young girl to a local hospital and during a medical examination found the DNA from 30 different men inside her.

CNN won't report this. Ask yourself why.

Probably because you made it up or read it off some blog sourced on a twitter post from some rando that made it up. Otherwise post a link... crickets.
Probably because you made it up or read it off some blog sourced on a twitter post from some rando that made it up. Otherwise post a link... crickets.

It was on Phil Ballentine's radio show, he interviewed the woman who told the story from her time at the border.

CNN didn't report this because it hurts their narrative that illegals are fun, peace-loving people that never break the law and that these young children aren't harmed in making the trek to the US.

Funny how sheep attack anyone that asks them to think for themselves.
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