I still believe we can change the direction of America if we Christians stand up against this evil, but only if we stand up against it and allow God to work His power through us. But how can this happen? By getting on our knees and begging for forgiveness of our sins as a nation. This can only be done by a whole, united front of all Christian denominations and those non-believers who believe the way Christians believe in doing the right thing. There is power in those kinds of numbers, but they have to be huge.
But my gut says it's over.
We are hypocrites. We are cowards. We are self-righteous bigots with hardened hearts of prideful stone hiding behind our own personal gain and are too afraid to speak out as a powerfully united force. And this is what will force God's gracious wrath to come. Trust me when I say it isn't going to be pretty. We best be squared-up with our relationship with our Lord and Savior because we are in for a rough ride folks. I truly believe we ain't seen nothing yet that is about to happen. Jonah and Nineveh come to mind for any of you? A whole city repents of their sinful ways, and God spares them. Didn't take too many years thereafter when they went back to their old ways and God wiped the whole city out.
You see, this is more than just about Trump, it's about stopping evil democrats, stopping abortion, sex-trafficking, sex change, illegal drugs, money laundering for personal gain, anti-God Communism becoming the law of the land, and who knows what else there is out there that's evil. Only God's can help us, but if we have yet to turn to Him, why should He help us? We are NOT one nation under God. Hadn't been for a long, long time.