You really are this clueless/stupid aren't you?
Strict and often un-Constitutional gun laws
only affect lawful citizens.
The criminals can get all the illegal drugs and guns that they want, right off the streets daily.
So, restrictive gun laws only prevent the honest citizens from being able to protect themselves and their families from the criminals. Looks like yet another plan from the traitorous Rats to kill free America.
Chicago and NY have some of the strictest gun laws in the nation.
What that gets them is the worst record for killings by gun toting criminals.
Florida had a total of
1,971,997 currently valid concealed weapon permits as of March 31.
There are many other responsible citizens that don't bother with getting a CWP.
Open carry is legal in Florida. Open Carry refers to the act of carrying a
firearm in plain sight. In Florida, you can legally open carry a loaded
firearm while engaged in, or going to and from, Fishing, Hunting, and Camping. With some planning and preparation, a
law abiding person can
open carry a
firearm in public and stay in compliance with the law.
permit holders in
Florida, the rate [of firearms violations] is only
2.4 per 100,000.
Those 2 million FL permit holders are convicted of misdemeanors and felonies at 1/6 of the rate at which police officers are convicted.
So note to tourists and other visitors. In Florida, about 1 in 10 of those you see on the streets are ARMED, and will use them to protect themselves from the traveling or local criminals. You come here to burn one of our cities or towns down, and you are going to get a very RUDE surprise.... Florida ain't Seattle or Portland, or any other Rat controlled state.
Maybe Chicago and NY, among others, need to pull their heads outta their butts.....