‘I stand with Trump’ movement strengthens

Border is wide open. The people that hurts the most are lower income workers (ie those who can afford illegal competition the least).
I feel for these immigrant persons. They are just looking for a better life for themselves and their families, but they are being jerked around by some really evil people on both sides of the border. I am afraid that only Jesus can help these immigrants and they may have to wait for another life for that help.
Immigration is a huge problem now and we need someone in charge who is gonna try to fix the problem and not just help themselves.
My biggest problem with Trump is that he is gasoline on a fire that already exists (the division in the country).

Ok, Trump is often gas on the fire...but what about the people responsible for the fire?

Trump's popularity comes from people who are sick of the BS, sick of DEI attitudes, the racist sentiments and the general direction that the American left is taking us. So sure, you can blame Trump because he's an easy mark but the real issue here, the driver, is the BS direction we're headed in. A few examples is the absolute lawlessness in some cities, anti-white racist propaganda, zero border integrity and the literal belief that our elections are unsecured.

Trumpers are reacting to all of this. If people hate him so much that they want him to go away, or the MAGA movement in general, the above (and more) will have to be corrected. I don't think that is unreasonable.
Hey, I am all for that. Fight for what you believe in.....that's long as its not violent. And I think you probably would be surprised that I likely agree with you on quite a few issues. My biggest problem with Trump is that he is gasoline on a fire that already exists (the division in the country). Priority #1 for me is the country stays intact for my children and grandchildren because despite all our problems (yes, many caused by the left, we can agree on that) we still have a better system than just about anybody else in the world.
He was attacked by the left, hell..our own government since he won. THAT ALONE should wake most people up. His divisiveness is brought on BY THE LEFT, the establishment, MSM and big tech..and most importantly...the elites who actually run this Country. I think America runs MUCH, MUCH better when the PEOPLE are in power. We are NOT in power now. Government is NOT our friend. The left is trying their very best to ignore our Constitution when it does not fit their agenda. Sorry....unacceptable as an American. I WILL fight for the very end if needed. I hope we wake up before that happens
On a slightly different note, I read where 67,00 illegal votes were counted in Fulton County Georgia. So I am wondering why only a few dedicated conservatives are concerned about this. This "stat" should be easily confirmed or refuted so why are we not hearing anything?
Because 95% of the people are uninformed. Some of that is because 95% of the media will refuse to cover anything like this, and it will be gone from search engines shortly, or buried so far you can never find it.
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Everything will crash and we all lose everything we spent that last couple hundred years building. No matter how many democrats you kill. We will end up shooting at each other just to get the last loaf of bread off the shelf. You think the covid supply chain issues where bad?
Bro, seriously?

The supply chain issues were MANUFACTURED. We KNOW this. Cargo was left to sit in port and no one would unload the cargo because it was TOO DANGEROUS cause they would CATCH COVID AND DIE.

Remember all that? So all that food stayed in port and spoiled, causing billions in damage to the economy.

Yet somehow...the Walmart workers who had to stock the shelves and deal with all the customers coming in looking for the last roll of toilet paper.....they never seemed to catch covid and die, did they?

Didn't that seem odd to you???

I remember hearing immediately that within TWO WEEKS, all the staff at Walmart would be in the hospital with covid. Except for the ones that were in the morgue.

Never happened. I began to question WTF was going on after a couple of weeks. As we can see, it's 3 years later and you still aren't questioning.

You mentioned Civil War. You said if we go to Civil War, it will be Trump's fault. Bro I hate to tell you, but if we have Civil War, it's YOUR fault. Dr Jan Halper-Hayes was discussing this in the other thread I mentioned. She was asked how we avoid Civil War. She said the problem now is 20% of the population is still asleep. Unless that number GOES DOWN, we will eventually have Civil War.

She was asked how we can wake more people like you up. She said the problem is, that these 20% that are still asleep WILL NOT PROCESS NEW INFORMATION.

She's talking about you. After all you've seen and learned the last 3 years about covid, how the lockdowns weren't necessary, how the shots don't work (even the CDC finally admitted this), how they are actually KILLING don't see it. You still think everything you were told was the truth.

You still think covid was real, the planet COULD have been wiped out, and that Trump almost killed us all.

Which is why when they try it again, you will fall for it again.

If you want to save America and avoid Civil War, then you need to wake up. This is on you, not Donald Trump.
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Just stop with the childish calling everybody who disagrees with you a "lib". It dumbs down the whole discussion.

You seem reasonable on the other parts of the board, but you become a raving lunatic over here. What gives?

If the shooting ever does start nobody is going to win. Your fooling yourself. Everything will crash and we all lose everything we spent that last couple hundred years building. No matter how many democrats you kill. We will end up shooting at each other just to get the last loaf of bread off the shelf. You think the covid supply chain issues where bad?

Really want that reality for you children and grandchildren? Well, keep supported the Donald then......he is your best chance at seeing an armed conflict. No doubt about that. But we won't end up with a democracy/republic.
My LAWD you are blind to the FACTS. You have a guy that did not listen to ANY of his Generals when we left Afghanistan, and it was THE WORST military withdrawal in our Nations history. And he blamed Trump. Left over 1000 American citizens behind enemy lines that wanted to get out...but he DEMANDED we close Bagram, and we ost 13 BRAVE American military (and had the terrorist in our snipers sights..but was told NOT to shoot) Left the enemy BILLIONS in our best weapons. We have a guy that let a Chinese spy balloon fly right over our silo's traverse our WHOLE Country, and refused to shoot it down until it got over saltwater...ruing any chance to collect electronic info from it. We have a guy that compared EVERY National disaster to some weak ass shit that supposedly happened to him minimizing the tragedy that people experienced just days and hours before. We have a guy that 100% has been CAUGHT selling access to our government control through his son. Same guy uses his DOJ and FBI to go after his #1 political opponent (something that has NEVER HAPPENED in our Nations history) even though he is even more guilty than Trump is on secret documents. We have a guy that has negotiated with our worst enemies..just like his former boss and given the #1 terror Nation on this planet BILLIONS to use it for terror against US. wE HAVE A GUY WHO REFUSED (FOR THE FIRST TIME SINCE 9/11/01) to go to ground zero to honor the victims and families of the almost 3000 people who were killed by the cowardly muslims.

So can you tell me AGAIN...WHO is the divisive person? Then...tell me why. I made my case...and have WAY more material if you would like to debate right here and now. I have SUBSTANCE...lets see what you can come up with. I already know...I do not like Trump.
I feel for these immigrant persons. They are just looking for a better life for themselves and their families, but they are being jerked around by some really evil people on both sides of the border. I am afraid that only Jesus can help these immigrants and they may have to wait for another life for that help.
Immigration is a huge problem now and we need someone in charge who is gonna try to fix the problem and not just help themselves.
Allowing the border to be open leads to so many bad outcomes it’s crazy. For liberals to act like it’s some humanitarian act on our part when it’s the opposite is the height of ignorance and hypocrisy.

It lines the pockets of the cartels, leads to massive human trafficking, destroys communities and puts migrants in terrible living conditions.

Not to mention - someone industrious enough to pack up and walk here for a better life is obviously motivated. The good people that come here (because not all are) are the exact type of people that need to work to improve the places they are from. Otherwise this problem is just going to get worse…stronger cartels and fewer and fewer good people to oppose them.
On a slightly different note, I read where 67,00 illegal votes were counted in Fulton County Georgia. So I am wondering why only a few dedicated conservatives are concerned about this. This "stat" should be easily confirmed or refuted so why are we not hearing anything?
The sooner you figure out there is one party the quicker this will make sense.

Kemp was bailed out of debt by several companies, one of them was Dominion.

Raffensberger has also been bought off. They do just enough to not make it obvious.

It’s all an attempt to keep a political outsider who is too rich to be bought off away from power.
Border is wide open. The people that hurts the most are lower income workers (ie those who can afford illegal competition the least).
So I think the people getting hurt the worst are the people who are dying because of the overload of Fentanyl coming across the border. If Trump were allowing this, the media would be covering this non stop. But since the socialists are...hundreds of thousands of drug deaths have happened

You see...this is what I call divisive. Why do they lie to us? And this IS the left for the most part. (and establishment republicans)

Everyone knows what we are.
We aren't a democracy. We are a Republic, as established by our Constitution.

The left wants us to be a democracy, because they want every decision made via popular vote.

Because they can rig the vote, as we saw in 2018, 2020 and 2022. Let's hope enough people wake up so we don't see it again in 2024.
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Yep, raging ALL American you are, just like most on here

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VERY good video...and the boars slowest believe he is not popular. They are SO SLOW witted they actually believe the guy who HID in his basement(first time in American history) because he cannot talk beat this guy. It DESTROYS their lie.
COME ON MAN! Everyone knows that for DEMS, yeahhhh, woh woh, USA USA and other excited yelling is the NEW BOOING.
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Crooked Joe Biden, who is killing the United Autoworkers with his WEAK stance on China and his ridiculous insistence on All Electric Cars, every one of which will be made in China, saw that I was going to Michigan this week (Wednesday!), so the Fascists in the White House just announced he would go there tomorrow. That was the only way to get him out of the basement and off his lazy a..! He has been a complete disaster for all Autoworkers in the U.S., so much do that with his warped plan & mind, their won’t be any Autoworkers left in 3 years. He is destroying our Country, and likewise, destroying the United Autoworkers. When he slowly walks to pretend he is a “picket,” REMEMBER, HE WANTS TO TAKE YOUR JOBS AWAY AND GIVE THEM TO CHINA AND OTHER FOREIGN COUNTRIES. TURN YOUR BACK ON THIS CORRUPT AND HIGHLY INCOMPETENT PRESIDENT, BY FAR THE WORST IN THE HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES, AND SHOUT OUT TO YOUR UNION LEADERSHIP TO ENDORSE DONALD J. TRUMP. I WILL KEEP YOUR JOBS AND MAKE YOU RICH!!!

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When zer0 was elected was when I began studying homesteading. One of my favorite youtubers says when you follow prepping to its logical conclusion you end up homesteading. Once your asset (the homestead) is setup then your financial freedom should significantly increase regardless of your retirement income. Most of your labor (gardening , raising chickens, canning etc) is tax free. My planning for this economic war began in 2008. Due to my kids, etc I have been slow walking everything. My son is a senior in HS and my daughter graduated college last May so things are about to gather some steam.
My family is also deep into the homesteading lifestyle. Definitely brings a sense of peace and closeness to the Creator. Have you ever watched Paul goutchi ( spelling ? ) and the return to Eden method. No dig wood chip beds. Revolutionary. Highly recommend. Extreme abundance
My family is also deep into the homesteading lifestyle. Definitely brings a sense of peace and closeness to the Creator. Have you ever watched Paul goutchi ( spelling ? ) and the return to Eden method. No dig wood chip beds. Revolutionary. Highly recommend. Extreme abundance
Yes on back to Eden. I do not do it. I dont like the idea of using cardboard due to unknown chemicals in a man made product. Old/spoiled local produce is given to a third party company so we are shutout of that. We clean our plates so there is very little left over to compost.

BUT, I was able to get an entire truckload of free wood chips which I have composted down to over 100 gallons of "dirt." I say gallons because I have sifted the dirt into a large trashcan and several 5 gallon buckets. I still have probably a third of the chips left.

I had a health scare this year so the garden was small but productive for its size. I am now down 34 lbs and in the best shape I have been in 25-30 years. Diet (Keto), strength training (410 on leg press @ 54 yrs old and 153 lbs), walking (8000 steps per day min ~ 3.5 miles) and Tai Chi (both Sun and Chen style).

I am on a 1/4 acre just barely in the city. Cant have animals.
Yes on back to Eden. I do not do it. I dont like the idea of using cardboard due to unknown chemicals in a man made product. Old/spoiled local produce is given to a third party company so we are shutout of that. We clean our plates so there is very little left over to compost.

BUT, I was able to get an entire truckload of free wood chips which I have composted down to over 100 gallons of "dirt." I say gallons because I have sifted the dirt into a large trashcan and several 5 gallon buckets. I still have probably a third of the chips left.

I had a health scare this year so the garden was small but productive for its size. I am now down 34 lbs and in the best shape I have been in 25-30 years. Diet (Keto), strength training (410 on leg press @ 54 yrs old and 153 lbs), walking (8000 steps per day min ~ 3.5 miles) and Tai Chi (both Sun and Chen style).

I am on a 1/4 acre just barely in the city. Cant have animals.
This is excellent. I hear you on the cardboard, I buy an organic chemical free cardboard sheet on the internet. It’s expensive, but I hate the idea of impurities. Hopefully I’m not being taken for a fool. However, I have laid a nice wood chip patch thick enough to not place the cardboard. I have planted my fruit orchard there. I have mangoes, Barbados cherries, blueberry, and mulberry. This is where you can really see the chips taking hold. I have also dug beds into it and put compost in the void for strawberries, watermelon, and cantaloupe. I have a heart full of stints at 41 years old. I am also all about the fitness lifestyle. 22 weeks a year for dedicated weight training and bulking up split into 2 times a year, 11 weeks each. The rest is HIIT training…. Lots of jumps, unweighted speed squats and lunges, push-ups pull-up jump rope and the like. Then I run a 5k once a year in Tampa…. But I hate to run. Keep it up.
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I have a heart full of stints at 41 years old. I am also all about the fitness lifestyle. 22 weeks a year for dedicated weight training and bulking up split into 2 times a year, 11 weeks each. The rest is HIIT training…. Lots of jumps, unweighted speed squats and lunges, push-ups pull-up jump rope and the like. Then I run a 5k once a year in Tampa…. But I hate to run. Keep it

Rolled into ER with congestive heart failure and an EF of 30, BP of 230/130 A1c 11 and Sugar at 400.

Discharged 3 days later no stints or surgery.

Heart monitor/defib machine 24/7 for 2 months until EF was at least 45 and enough meds to take down a horse.

Later diagnosed with retinopathy, sleep apnea and skin cancer.

Blood work is normal as of late June.

Last A1c was 4.6 but PCP took me off one med and lowered the metformin by half.

I will probably be back in pre-diabetic range when I get blood done next week. Sugars in the 120s -140s range. Testing was demoralizing so I have quit for now. A1c is going to be whatever it is. She said she would be fine with a 6.8 BUT I WILL NOT BE.

I am sticking with the plan. Low carb but I am probably not in ketosis. However, I continue to loose weight. Intermittent fasting, strength training, sauna and sets of 10s sprints until HR goes over 150. I need to be more consistent on the strength training, sauna and sprints.

Training is at Y using weights and pulley machines. Arm press, core, pull ups and leg press is all. For me Its purely to help lower sugar and i consider the gains a bonus.

I may go carnivore to knock out the last of the insulin resistance so I can go into full remission without meds. I am eating some low carb bread (1g net) and desserts (7g net). Its nothing crazy but that may be holding me back a bit. Dietitians were saying I could have 45g a meal and 135g a day. I said negative. I am trying to keep carbs below 20g/meal and less than 80g a day. I may need to lower those to less than 50g a day

Next and hopefully last skin cancer surgery on the 16th. Apnea was borderline and before I lost weight so I have not addressed it and my sleep is significantly better anyway.

Rolled into ER with congestive heart failure and an EF of 30, BP of 230/130 A1c 11 and Sugar at 400.

Discharged 3 days later no stints or surgery.

Heart monitor/defib machine 24/7 for 2 months until EF was at least 45 and enough meds to take down a horse.

Later diagnosed with retinopathy, sleep apnea and skin cancer.

Blood work is normal as of late June.

Last A1c was 4.6 but PCP took me off one med and lowered the metformin by half.

I will probably be back in pre-diabetic range when I get blood done next week. Sugars in the 120s -140s range. Testing was demoralizing so I have quit for now. A1c is going to be whatever it is. She said she would be fine with a 6.8 BUT I WILL NOT BE.

I am sticking with the plan. Low carb but I am probably not in ketosis. However, I continue to loose weight. Intermittent fasting, strength training, sauna and sets of 10s sprints until HR goes over 150. I need to be more consistent on the strength training, sauna and sprints.

Training is at Y using weights and pulley machines. Arm press, core, pull ups and leg press is all. For me Its purely to help lower sugar and i consider the gains a bonus.

I may go carnivore to knock out the last of the insulin resistance so I can go into full remission without meds. I am eating some low carb bread (1g net) and desserts (7g net). Its nothing crazy but that may be holding me back a bit. Dietitians were saying I could have 45g a meal and 135g a day. I said negative. I am trying to keep carbs below 20g/meal and less than 80g a day. I may need to lower those to less than 50g a day

Next and hopefully last skin cancer surgery on the 16th. Apnea was borderline and before I lost weight so I have not addressed it and my sleep is significantly better anyway.

Keep it up brother, sounds like you are doing great. 👍