SOFTBALL. This will be the thread for the first two games of the SUN DEVIL CLASSIC to be played today starting at 12:30 pm in Tempe, Az.
- By jimbo1313R
- The Swamp
- 17 Replies
Game i will be against California Baptist. Game two has a scheduled start at 3:15 pm against Arizona State. 2 games on 21st, 2 0n 22nd and last one a single game on 2/23/'25
I will shoot for lineup 30 minutes prior to each game. Both games to be played in Tempe, Az
LINEUP game 1 Florida. 12:30 pm 2/21. vs California Baptist.
Falby CF
Shumaker RF
Otis Lf
Erickson 1B
Walsh DP
Cahalan 3B
Williams 2B
Brown P
Holtorf SS
Bellaire C
Top of 1st and top 3 batters L5, L5, G4 0 runs, hits or errors
Bottom of 1s and Falby leads off with 1B 5, stole 4, Shu 1 B LL, to 4 on throw in, Falby to 5, Otis up, she 2B 7 2 RBI's, Erickson, she L8, Walsh, she G 5, Otis to 5, Cahalan, steps in, she 2B 9 L, RBI, Williams, W, Brown, she full, 3-2 W, bases juiced for Holtorf, she goes full, 3-2 then she slams the pill over 7 for a 4 run RBI TATER, score now 7 - 0. Back to top for Falby who faces a new pitcher, she gets her 2nd infield hit in the inning !B 6, Shu to bat with 2 out and Falby on ist, she (Falby steals 4,) Shu massacres the pill over 7 for a 2 run RBI TATER. Otis back to the plate for 2nd time this inning , she P6 to end the inning. 9 runs, 8 hits and 0 errors
Score after 1,, Florida 9 - 7 - 0 Cal. Baptist no score or hits
Top of 2nd and lead off batter G4, next 1B 8, next F8, next FC runner out at 4. 0 runs, 1 hits or errors.
Bottom of 2, Erickson looking to break out of hitting slump, she F9, Walsh, she G5, Cahalan, she F9, what a difference an inning makes. 0 runs, hits or errors.
Score remains Florida 9 Cal Bap. 0 top of 3rd and C. B. steps in, she G4, next, F7, next FF7. 0 runs, hits or errors.
Lead off batter for Florida top of 3rd, Williams steps in , she L7, next Brown, she KL, Holtorf K. 0 runs, hits or errors.
Score after 3 remains Florida 9 to 0.
Top of 4 and lead off batter for CB steps in and L4, next 2 batters 1B 8, next HBP to load bases, next, full count with no where to put her, G1, good save Ava. 0 runs, 2 hits and 0 errors.
Falby to lead off bottom of 4th, She 1B 9, Shumaker comes to bat and blasts a 2 run dinger over 7 and Shu has 2 more RBI's and her 2nd TATER of the game. Otis W, Erickson F9, Walsh, W, runner to 4, Cahalan, she is pinch hit for by McLellan, who goes full, K, Comia to PH for Williams , she G4.. 2 runs, 2 hits 0 errors.
After 4 Florida 11- 9 - 0 CBU 0 - 3 - 0
Top of 5 and this could be the game on run rule, CB needs 4 to hang around another inning, Lead off batter, G4, Next G5, next 1B7, next G1 and it's over as we win 11--0. Stats in a few, next game vs Arizona State at 3:15 pm, in Tempe, AZ.
Stats pitching Winner Ava Brown 4-0, 4.0 IP, 0 runs, 3 hits, Hit batter Strong Game
O. Miller 1.0 IP, 0 runs, 1 hit.
Stats Hitting
Falby 3 hits
Shumaker 3 hits, 4 RBI's 2 HR's Another great hitting day for Shu. Got to love her.
Otis, 1 hit, 2 RBI's, 2B
Cahalan, 1 hit, RBI, 2B
Holtorf, 1 hit, 4 RBI"S HOME RUN Grand Slam.
SEE YOU FOLKS IN ANOTHER approximately 45 minutes for game vs Arizona State...jim
Lineup Game 2 of Sun Devil Classic 3:15 pm
Falby CF
Shumaker RF
Otis Lf
Rothrock P
Bottom of 1st for Arizona State lead off batter, G5, next 1B Mi, next FF2, next HBP, runner to 4 on WP, next KL 0 runs, 1 hit 0 errors
top of 1st, Falby leads off and K, Shu 1B 1, 0tis W, Erickson FC runner out, Walsh, G5. 0 runs, 1 hit 0 errors
No score after 1
Top of 2nd Cahalan, W, Williams L8, Comia 2B 9,, Holtorf F9 Sac fly RBI, Falby !B LS, RBI; to 4 on throw in, Shu, L4. 2 runs, 2 hits 0 errors
Bottom of 2nd and lead off batter for A S steps in, W, next DP 3-4, next G4. 0 runs, hits or errors.
Score after 2 Florida 2 - 3 - 0 A. State 0 - 1 - 0
Top of 3, Otis leads off with 1B 6, Erickson shakes her slump with 2B 9, Walsh Sac Fly 7 RBI, Cahalan DP 2-5 1 run, 2 hits 0 errors
Bottom of 3 rd, Lead off batter for State K, next SOE 6, next safe on throwing error by 5 on a bunt, E5T ESH, runner steals 4, next W, next K rothrock ended up K ing the inning 0 runs or hits but 2 Gstor errors.
After 3, Score Florida 5 - 8 - 2, Arizona St. 0 - 1 - 1
Top of 4 and Williams Takes it out of park for Tater and RBI, Commia FF5, Holtorf SOE by 6, stole 4, Falby F7, Shu 1B 9, RBI, Otis 1B 7, Erickson K.. 2 runs, 2 hits 00 errors
Bottom of 4th for A. State, batter, FF5, P4 F8. 0 runs, hits or errors
Score after 4 Florida 5 - 8 - 1 A. St. 0 - 1 - 1
Top of 5th and Walsh G6, Cahalan, P4, Williams F8. 0 runs, hits or errors
Bottom of 5th, lead off batter, for State K, G4, G1 0 runs, hits or errors
Score after 5 Florida 5 - 8 - 1 ASU 1
Top of 6th, Comia G1, Holtorf F9, Falby G1. 0 runs , hits or errors
Bottom of 6th, Lead off batter for A. St. G6, next 1B Mi, next 2B ( line, out at 5, 6-5, RBI, next 1B Mi, next Safe on FC 0runner out at 2nd. 1 run, 3 hits 0 errors
Score after 6 Florida
Top of 7th Shumaker G4, Otis 2B 9, Erickson 1B Mi, Walsk HBP, Cahalal, W, Williams 1 B 9 RBI, Lamar 1B 09, Comia stole 4, Holtorf F9, Falby G2. 34 runs, 4 hits 0 errors.
Bottof 7, lead off batte rfor AZ, W, K. HaMMoc0k pitching, next 2B 7, next reached on FC, runner out at 5, next F&, next safe on FC, runner out at 5. 0 runs, 1 hit 0 errors
Final Score Florida 9 - 12 - 1 Arizona State 1 - 6 - 1.
2 games tomorrow to be played in Phoenix Az, First game 6:00 pm vs New Mexico State, 2 nd vs Grand Canyon at 8:30 pm. STATS in a few..jim
Stats Pitching Rothrock Winner, 7-1, 7.0 IP, 5 hits, 1 run (earned), WP, Hit Batter. K. Hammock 1 hit. W
Stats Hitting
Falby Hit, RBi
Shumaker, 2 hits, RBI
Otis, 3 hits 2 B
Erickson, 2 hits, 2 B
Walsh, RBI
Williams, 2 hits, 2 RBI's, HR
Comia, hit, 2B
Lamar hit, 2 RBI's
Holtorf RBI
New thread for games 3 & 4
I will shoot for lineup 30 minutes prior to each game. Both games to be played in Tempe, Az
LINEUP game 1 Florida. 12:30 pm 2/21. vs California Baptist.
Falby CF
Shumaker RF
Otis Lf
Erickson 1B
Walsh DP
Cahalan 3B
Williams 2B
Brown P
Holtorf SS
Bellaire C
Top of 1st and top 3 batters L5, L5, G4 0 runs, hits or errors
Bottom of 1s and Falby leads off with 1B 5, stole 4, Shu 1 B LL, to 4 on throw in, Falby to 5, Otis up, she 2B 7 2 RBI's, Erickson, she L8, Walsh, she G 5, Otis to 5, Cahalan, steps in, she 2B 9 L, RBI, Williams, W, Brown, she full, 3-2 W, bases juiced for Holtorf, she goes full, 3-2 then she slams the pill over 7 for a 4 run RBI TATER, score now 7 - 0. Back to top for Falby who faces a new pitcher, she gets her 2nd infield hit in the inning !B 6, Shu to bat with 2 out and Falby on ist, she (Falby steals 4,) Shu massacres the pill over 7 for a 2 run RBI TATER. Otis back to the plate for 2nd time this inning , she P6 to end the inning. 9 runs, 8 hits and 0 errors
Score after 1,, Florida 9 - 7 - 0 Cal. Baptist no score or hits
Top of 2nd and lead off batter G4, next 1B 8, next F8, next FC runner out at 4. 0 runs, 1 hits or errors.
Bottom of 2, Erickson looking to break out of hitting slump, she F9, Walsh, she G5, Cahalan, she F9, what a difference an inning makes. 0 runs, hits or errors.
Score remains Florida 9 Cal Bap. 0 top of 3rd and C. B. steps in, she G4, next, F7, next FF7. 0 runs, hits or errors.
Lead off batter for Florida top of 3rd, Williams steps in , she L7, next Brown, she KL, Holtorf K. 0 runs, hits or errors.
Score after 3 remains Florida 9 to 0.
Top of 4 and lead off batter for CB steps in and L4, next 2 batters 1B 8, next HBP to load bases, next, full count with no where to put her, G1, good save Ava. 0 runs, 2 hits and 0 errors.
Falby to lead off bottom of 4th, She 1B 9, Shumaker comes to bat and blasts a 2 run dinger over 7 and Shu has 2 more RBI's and her 2nd TATER of the game. Otis W, Erickson F9, Walsh, W, runner to 4, Cahalan, she is pinch hit for by McLellan, who goes full, K, Comia to PH for Williams , she G4.. 2 runs, 2 hits 0 errors.
After 4 Florida 11- 9 - 0 CBU 0 - 3 - 0
Top of 5 and this could be the game on run rule, CB needs 4 to hang around another inning, Lead off batter, G4, Next G5, next 1B7, next G1 and it's over as we win 11--0. Stats in a few, next game vs Arizona State at 3:15 pm, in Tempe, AZ.
Stats pitching Winner Ava Brown 4-0, 4.0 IP, 0 runs, 3 hits, Hit batter Strong Game
O. Miller 1.0 IP, 0 runs, 1 hit.
Stats Hitting
Falby 3 hits
Shumaker 3 hits, 4 RBI's 2 HR's Another great hitting day for Shu. Got to love her.
Otis, 1 hit, 2 RBI's, 2B
Cahalan, 1 hit, RBI, 2B
Holtorf, 1 hit, 4 RBI"S HOME RUN Grand Slam.
SEE YOU FOLKS IN ANOTHER approximately 45 minutes for game vs Arizona State...jim
Lineup Game 2 of Sun Devil Classic 3:15 pm
Falby CF
Shumaker RF
Otis Lf
Rothrock P
Bottom of 1st for Arizona State lead off batter, G5, next 1B Mi, next FF2, next HBP, runner to 4 on WP, next KL 0 runs, 1 hit 0 errors
top of 1st, Falby leads off and K, Shu 1B 1, 0tis W, Erickson FC runner out, Walsh, G5. 0 runs, 1 hit 0 errors
No score after 1
Top of 2nd Cahalan, W, Williams L8, Comia 2B 9,, Holtorf F9 Sac fly RBI, Falby !B LS, RBI; to 4 on throw in, Shu, L4. 2 runs, 2 hits 0 errors
Bottom of 2nd and lead off batter for A S steps in, W, next DP 3-4, next G4. 0 runs, hits or errors.
Score after 2 Florida 2 - 3 - 0 A. State 0 - 1 - 0
Top of 3, Otis leads off with 1B 6, Erickson shakes her slump with 2B 9, Walsh Sac Fly 7 RBI, Cahalan DP 2-5 1 run, 2 hits 0 errors
Bottom of 3 rd, Lead off batter for State K, next SOE 6, next safe on throwing error by 5 on a bunt, E5T ESH, runner steals 4, next W, next K rothrock ended up K ing the inning 0 runs or hits but 2 Gstor errors.
After 3, Score Florida 5 - 8 - 2, Arizona St. 0 - 1 - 1
Top of 4 and Williams Takes it out of park for Tater and RBI, Commia FF5, Holtorf SOE by 6, stole 4, Falby F7, Shu 1B 9, RBI, Otis 1B 7, Erickson K.. 2 runs, 2 hits 00 errors
Bottom of 4th for A. State, batter, FF5, P4 F8. 0 runs, hits or errors
Score after 4 Florida 5 - 8 - 1 A. St. 0 - 1 - 1
Top of 5th and Walsh G6, Cahalan, P4, Williams F8. 0 runs, hits or errors
Bottom of 5th, lead off batter, for State K, G4, G1 0 runs, hits or errors
Score after 5 Florida 5 - 8 - 1 ASU 1
Top of 6th, Comia G1, Holtorf F9, Falby G1. 0 runs , hits or errors
Bottom of 6th, Lead off batter for A. St. G6, next 1B Mi, next 2B ( line, out at 5, 6-5, RBI, next 1B Mi, next Safe on FC 0runner out at 2nd. 1 run, 3 hits 0 errors
Score after 6 Florida
Top of 7th Shumaker G4, Otis 2B 9, Erickson 1B Mi, Walsk HBP, Cahalal, W, Williams 1 B 9 RBI, Lamar 1B 09, Comia stole 4, Holtorf F9, Falby G2. 34 runs, 4 hits 0 errors.
Bottof 7, lead off batte rfor AZ, W, K. HaMMoc0k pitching, next 2B 7, next reached on FC, runner out at 5, next F&, next safe on FC, runner out at 5. 0 runs, 1 hit 0 errors
Final Score Florida 9 - 12 - 1 Arizona State 1 - 6 - 1.
2 games tomorrow to be played in Phoenix Az, First game 6:00 pm vs New Mexico State, 2 nd vs Grand Canyon at 8:30 pm. STATS in a few..jim
Stats Pitching Rothrock Winner, 7-1, 7.0 IP, 5 hits, 1 run (earned), WP, Hit Batter. K. Hammock 1 hit. W
Stats Hitting
Falby Hit, RBi
Shumaker, 2 hits, RBI
Otis, 3 hits 2 B
Erickson, 2 hits, 2 B
Walsh, RBI
Williams, 2 hits, 2 RBI's, HR
Comia, hit, 2B
Lamar hit, 2 RBI's
Holtorf RBI
New thread for games 3 & 4