Zuck admits joey admin pressured him to censor Americans

Zuck is just a beta male that isn't any better than the Hollyweird morons. People with more cash than brains, completely out of touch with us normal civilians. Those people have been idiots ever since Groucho Marx, that dipshit commy.

But aside from that, what the lame stream media is doing trying to paint Whoremella as a joyfull intelligent person is disgusting and insulting to anyone with intelligence. They don't believe it either, it's all about TDS period. She's a certified village idiot when it comes to national or world affairs.

Oh and I have cracked the code on how to properly address Knee Pads on Yahoo comments. HOA is the perfect description, it flies under their radar and drives the commies nuts. 😂
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Zuck is just a beta male that isn't any better than the Hollyweird morons. People with more cash than brains, completely out of touch with us normal civilians. Those people have been idiots ever since Groucho Marx, that dipshit commy.

But aside from that, what the lame stream media is doing trying to paint Whoremella as a joyfull intelligent person is disgusting and insulting to anyone with intelligence. They don't believe it either, it's all about TDS period. She's a certified village idiot when it comes to national or world affairs.

Oh and I have cracked the code on how to properly address Knee Pads on Yahoo comments. HOA is the perfect description, it flies under their radar and drives the commies nuts. 😂
Help a brotha out here with the HOA!
This is not the first time he has admitted this.
Bingo. Heck, Jen Psaki (Peppermint Patty) flat out said the biden administration (The KGB) met with major social media outlets. Why would the Government be meeting with social media outlets? Hmmmmmmm.
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I was also informed the sky is blue as well….
We all knew this. Zuckerberg is just as bad as all of them. He’s a coward. Instead of telling everyone this immediately and letting us all know that the government was restricting everyone’s most sacred right, he did nothing.

If he had come out and said something that we all already knew, at least he could have saved some face. But just like all the other disconnected woke idiots, he tried to deny it because he thinks so little of his users on Facebook. He thinks so little of Facebook users and didn’t know that EVERYONE ALREADY KNEW THIS.

Get off Facebook people. Connect with your friends and family the old school way. He wants to pretend now like he’s some kind of man for the people. He knew this and allowed it for 4 years. F him.
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Correction. I said earlier EVERYONES most sacred right. I was wrong. Restricting only Conservatives most sacred right. This is what happens when government gets the censor “disinformation” and the left decides what’s “disinformation.”

I cannot believe grown adults can’t see this for what it is. The Democratic Party has lost its mind. It’s the most embarrassing thing about America in the last 50 years
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I was also informed the sky is blue as well….
We all knew this. Zuckerberg is just as bad as all of them. He’s a coward. Instead of telling everyone this immediately and letting us all know that the government was restricting everyone’s most sacred right, he did nothing.

If he had come out and said something that we all already knew, at least he could have saved some face. But just like all the other disconnected woke idiots, he tried to deny it because he thinks so little of his users on Facebook. He thinks so little of Facebook users and didn’t know that EVERYONE ALREADY KNEW THIS.

Get off Facebook people. Connect with your friends and family the old school way. He wants to pretend now like he’s some kind of man for the people. He knew this and allowed it for 4 years. F him.
To be perfectly fair, whatcha gonna do? They were threatening to break Meta up into pieces. The Hiden Administration, with the DOJ and SEC told them they were going to splinter them if they didn't cooperate. Comply or die. Billions of dollars were at stake. Honestly if it were my company and money, I don't know if I could have done differently. That's a lot of wealth to make a stand on principle against.
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To be perfectly fair, whatcha gonna do? They were threatening to break Meta up into pieces. The Hiden Administration, with the DOJ and SEC told them they were going to splinter them if they didn't cooperate. Comply or die. Billions of dollars were at stake. Honestly if it were my company and money, I don't know if I could have done differently. That's a lot of wealth to make a stand on principle against.
I agree with Trey. Tell everyone immediately that they are getting pressure, go on every news channel and get the word out. He went along quietly because he was happy to help the biden administration. The only reason he is admitting it now is due to so many people knowing and he is trying to save face.
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I agree with Trey. Tell everyone immediately that they are getting pressure, go on every news channel and get the word out. He went along quietly because he was happy to help the biden administration. The only reason he is admitting it now is due to so many people knowing and he is trying to save face.
TRYING to save face...but I ain't buyin ANY of his BS. He also stood tall fro Trump after the assassination attempt, calling it the bravest thing he has ever seen. Business must be hurting a bit
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Sure, but explain the $400M "get out the vote" Zuck bucks that was focused on getting only dems to the polls. He is a FoS useful idiot at best. But, I suspect he is a holier than thou collectivist spreading evil like his fellow travelers Soros, the boys over at alphabet aka google, Diz et al.
Sure, but explain the $400M "get out the vote" Zuck bucks that was focused on getting only dems to the polls. He is a FoS useful idiot at best. But, I suspect he is a holier than thou collectivist spreading evil like his fellow travelers Soros, the boys over at alphabet aka google, Diz et al.
I think, much like Elon Musk, he's quickly realizing who the fascists are and it's not Republicans, not MAGA ones anyway.
Musk was a Democrat until he got involved with Twatter. He quickly learned what had been going on and is openly supporting Trump.

That being said, I still say Zuck is a cuck.
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I think, much like Elon Musk, he's quickly realizing who the fascists are and it's not Republicans, not MAGA ones anyway.
Musk was a Democrat until he got involved with Twatter. He quickly learned what had been going on and is openly supporting Trump.

That being said, I still say Zuck is a cuck.
I think Musk actually saw free speech going away and stepped in and bought twatter. But he is a businessman, and even though there is nothing wrong with this(actually Trump is the same way) he is out to make money with his corporate moves

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