Wonder what “critical thinkers” think of Trump’s total Flip Flop...

But because sadgator is a liberal...gotta warn you...he’ll probably gay up his bourbon with a maraschino you just gotta kinda look past’s cool...

Only if Angusturo bitters and sweet vermouth are included with said cherry - just saying
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Me. I'd shear the sheep to make a sweater, and then I'd have lamb chops for supper... ;)

And if it were me, I'd have snipers on roof tops and spotters with telephoto camera's with orders to record and then shoot anyone with a Molotov Cocktail or a torch in their hand attempting to start fires. :mad:

For the vandals and looters, I'd have street level National Guardsmen with dart guns loaded with tranks. When it settled down, I'd collect the unconscious criminals and throw their butts in jail. The morgue could collect the attempted arsonists. :oops:

Then the next day, I'd hand out medals to all of the peaceful protesters for standing up for their own God given inalienable rights to peacefully gather and petition the Constitutionally restricted government for it's inappropriate and possibly illegal police actions. :cool:

What I WOULD NOT DO is allow criminals to take over the streets, burn cars or building, assault and/or kill any others, steal and loot, or otherwise break the common laws of the people. o_O ---- But that's just me. :)
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