Why “China Virus” is important


Bull Gator
Feb 1, 2006
There is good reason to name it “China Virus”. Good historical reason, lest we never forget. But dims are so bent on wokeness, they throw all logic out the window. This is how ignorant they have become.

I thought dims cared about protecting others? If you do, then virus shaming be damned in the name of protecting people from this ever happening again

There is good reason to name it “China Virus”. Good historical reason, lest we never forget. But dims are so bent on wokeness, they throw all logic out the window. This is how ignorant they have become.

I thought dims cared about protecting others? If you do, then virus shaming be damned in the name of protecting people from this ever happening again

When Fauci was debating Rand Paul he referred to a strain as the “South African” mutation.

Why did he not get called out?
There is good reason to name it “China Virus”. Good historical reason, lest we never forget. But dims are so bent on wokeness, they throw all logic out the window. This is how ignorant they have become.

I thought dims cared about protecting others? If you do, then virus shaming be damned in the name of protecting people from this ever happening again

The world has gone nuts if I'm agreeing with Bill freaking Maher.
The world has gone nuts if I'm agreeing with Bill freaking Maher.
There have been a number of subjects I have found to be in complete agreement with him on. Plenty he’s still full of shit and another hollywood bubbled pussy about. But when the staunchest democrat mouthpieces are calling your principles insane it might be time to pay attention.
There have been a number of subjects I have found to be in complete agreement with him on. Plenty he’s still full of shit and another hollywood bubbled pussy about. But when the staunchest democrat mouthpieces are calling your principles insane it might be time to pay attention.

He makes my skin crawl...but even he can't be wrong all the time.
He makes my skin crawl...but even he can't be wrong all the time.

Pompeo knows the origin for the Wu Kung Flu and has stated so numerous times. China lab origination to supplement their zero population growth goal. This is not rocket science.
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"A former top U.S. health official says he thinks the coronavirus originated in a lab in Wuhan, China, and began spreading as early as September 2019.

Robert Redfield, who led the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention during the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic, told CNN in a clip aired Friday that he thinks that scenario is more likely than any alternative, including that the virus erupted after transferring from animals to humans or in a live animal market.

The most likely origin “was from a laboratory — you know, escaped,” said Redfield, who served under the administration of former President Donald Trump. “Other people don’t believe that. That’s fine. Science will eventually figure it out....”

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There is good reason to name it “China Virus”. Good historical reason, lest we never forget. But dims are so bent on wokeness, they throw all logic out the window. This is how ignorant they have become.

I thought dims cared about protecting others? If you do, then virus shaming be damned in the name of protecting people from this ever happening again

I don't think it's racist calling it the "China virus". Another left wing hysteria.
"When Lt. General Tom McInerney was the #3 guy at the Pentagon, his perspectives helped shape the direction of the nation. Now that he is retired, he continues to try to share important information...."

Now we are getting confirmation that Pres Trump was right all along. Covid came from the Wuhan Lab, as Pres Trump told us all along.

Now we see why he called it China Virus.

Has Pres Trump ever made a claim that wasn't later proven true?

Remember 6 months ago when he claimed the 2020 election was rigged and stolen from him?

Keep watching...

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