where is joey

Same place he has been his entire "Presidency" ABSENT.
Remember...the dementia did not start 3 weeks ago. They have covered it up for close to 5 years. I am sure many of you think I am way to hard on lefties...but I can easily explain why I KNOW not ONE of them are REAL Americans. THEY ARE NOT. They do more damage to our Country than our enemies do.
Yeah. I find it extremely weird that the sitting president dropped out of the race for reelection on twitter and never addressed the public in person. There aren’t even any still photos. Very weird. I hope he is okay
Remember...the dementia did not start 3 weeks ago. They have covered it up for close to 5 years. I am sure many of you think I am way to hard on lefties...but I can easily explain why I KNOW not ONE of them are REAL Americans. THEY ARE NOT. They do more damage to our Country than our enemies do.
Where the hell is Woodward and Bernstein to tell the story of the greatest presidential coverup in history. Oh I forgot. They're not journalists. They're dem operatives.
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Yeah. I find it extremely weird that the sitting president dropped out of the race for reelection on twitter and never addressed the public in person. There aren’t even any still photos. Very weird. I hope he is okay
For all the hate rhetoric towards Trump in the news by media and left wing supporters, I’ve never heard anyone on the right here or elsewhere outwardly publicly desire his demise or death because of opposition to his border policies and political agenda. Your sentiments are exactly mine regarding his health concerns now and in the future. I believe often times we take for granted the other side knows how we feel in cases like this but it being actually voiced can be a good mechanism for the future understanding of each other regardless of our strongly opposed views on things. Thanks again for doing this.
For all the hate rhetoric towards Trump in the news by media and left wing supporters, I’ve never heard anyone on the right here or elsewhere outwardly publicly desire his demise or death because of opposition to his border policies and political agenda. Your sentiments are exactly mine regarding his health concerns now and in the future. I believe often times we take for granted the other side knows how we feel in cases like this but it being actually voiced can be a good mechanism for the future understanding of each other regardless of our strongly opposed views on things. Thanks again for doing this.
We are all children of God.
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My guess is he’s alive but had a stroke.

Depending on how severe it is if you get right on top of it you can often get a stroke victim back on their feet.
If that is the case they owe it to the American people to be open and honest and power HAS to be transferred until he is well enough to carry out his duties
I’d bet whatever he has left of a brain has been fried by meds over the last 5 years…

I hope he’s in great, great physical & mental pain.
Yeah. I find it extremely weird that the sitting president dropped out of the race for reelection on twitter and never addressed the public in person. There aren’t even any still photos. Very weird. I hope he is okay
He did NOT drop out...that is a bald faced lie and EVERYONE needs to call out the POS's who say that. He was KICKED OFF the ticket under THREAT of removing him by the 25th amendment(Pelosi) and had to dig a knife out of his back before he "resigned"

So now the TRUTH..Trump WON the first is over. FJB was forced out because he had ZERO chances to win. Now the POS's AGAIN F with the laws an maneuver ANTHOR chance..albeit be a HAIL MARY with the idiot they have installed.
For all the hate rhetoric towards Trump in the news by media and left wing supporters, I’ve never heard anyone on the right here or elsewhere outwardly publicly desire his demise or death because of opposition to his border policies and political agenda. Your sentiments are exactly mine regarding his health concerns now and in the future. I believe often times we take for granted the other side knows how we feel in cases like this but it being actually voiced can be a good mechanism for the future understanding of each other regardless of our strongly opposed views on things. Thanks again for doing this.
I’d bet whatever he has left of a brain has been fried by meds over the last 5 years…

I hope he’s in great, great physical & mental pain.
For all the hate rhetoric towards Trump in the news by media and left wing supporters, I’ve never heard anyone on the right here or elsewhere outwardly publicly desire his demise or death because of opposition to his border policies and political agenda. Your sentiments are exactly mine regarding his health concerns now and in the future. I believe often times we take for granted the other side knows how we feel in cases like this but it being actually voiced can be a good mechanism for the future understanding of each other regardless of our strongly opposed views on things. Thanks again for doing this.
I just want the POS to retire and go away. I don't think he's competent enough to be in on the attempted assassination. He barely knows what day it is. Now Hunter, throw his ass in Alcatraz, good reason to open it up again. Have tours to watch him like a caged monkey. Make Jill the zookeeper.
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If that is the case they owe it to the American people to be open and honest and power HAS to be transferred until he is well enough to carry out his duties
But to who? Cackles? C'mon man. He wasn't running the show, and neither will she.
China Joe is a corrupt, evil man. His administration’s persecution & prosecution of his political opponents is an American disgrace.

Obama & his criminal crew will soon on face accountability for their illegality!
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I don’t.

Time gets us all, I’m going to be in that boat someday.

I just want him to go away and stop running this great country into the ground.
Nonetheless, he's been a piece of shit his entire life. His dementia doesn't excuse the rest of his miserable existence. Eff him and his Shetland pony he and his fake ballots rode in on.


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