When BLM too:

As was just explained to me by a former U.K. football player, who is black, we can’t associate the BLM organization, which has ideas to which a lot of blacks disagree, with the movement/slogan of BLM that moves the peaceful actions

A lot of people mean well in expressing dissatisfaction and even rage through justified protests.... but we have organizations hijacking the protests which need some attention
As was just explained to me by a former U.K. football player, who is black, we can’t associate the BLM organization, which has ideas to which a lot of blacks disagree, with the movement/slogan of BLM that moves the peaceful actions

A lot of people mean well in expressing dissatisfaction and even rage through justified protests.... but we have organizations hijacking the protests which need some attention

Well said, kudos to him.

Also, tell him I'm sorry that he had to play football for Kentucky. :cool:
And your point is? Also, if you're going to post something for us to read, at least post it in its entirety and not where we have to subscribe to a newspaper to read it. If true, these guys need to be put behind bars. Oh, but it's okay for BLM to incite violence, right?
You don’t have to subscribe to the newspaper to read it. At least I didn’t.

As far as BLM is concerned, I’ve condemned any violence that was perpetrated, although I think a lot has come from both right and left wing agitators, as well as just common thugs, who aren’t part of the BLM movement. You guys want to blame it all on BLM, who are mainly peaceful.
You don’t have to subscribe to the newspaper to read it. At least I didn’t.

As far as BLM is concerned, I’ve condemned any violence that was perpetrated, although I think a lot has come from both right and left wing agitators, as well as just common thugs, who aren’t part of the BLM movement. You guys want to blame it all on BLM, who are mainly peaceful.
Peaceful isn't screaming in the face of white soldiers/cops and trying to provoke them, sir. When we worked the riots in Dade county (1994) any protesters crossing the line of space 3 feet went to jail.
although I think a lot has come from both right and left wing agitators, as well as just common thugs, who aren’t part of the BLM movement. You guys want to blame it all on BLM, who are mainly peaceful.

That is utter horse doo-doo. It's the same type of conspiracy theory BS that you love to make fun of when the conspiracy comes from someone with an opposing viewpoint.