What the heck is this about?

I read the ten page doc on the Library of Congress website.

The city was Incorporated and is municipal. But the doc makes clear that the top officials are appointed by POTUS and confirmed by the Senate and that congress has oversight. The feds run the city. The City does not run the Feds or the nation. It keeps the streets clean and picks up the garbage. That is what the act does.

A city subservient to the central government can not bind the USoA to any agreement since it is acting at the city level and the district is constitutionally bound to congress. Congress explicitly bans them from taxing federal property. So much for The City of Wash DC binding the USoA to anything! This is like saying Alfred the Butler is Batman's boss because he runs the household and dusts the furniture. Alfred can not take out a loan in Bruce Wayne's name.

I have yet to see any document showing the loan or congressional authorization for a loan or any other doc that binds the USoA to London. Such action would require a treaty with 2/3rd approval of the Senate.

So even if such a doc existed it would be based on an unconstitutional statute or act that would easily be declared null at SCOTUS and at worst leading to a war that London and the Vatican would lose and lose badly.

IOW its nonsense.

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