what is scarier

Whats scarier?

  • All of this is some false conspiracy theory and the socialist will be in WH for 4 years

    Votes: 1 5.6%
  • This stuff is real, a brazen theft occurred and Biden gets away with it and nothing happens

    Votes: 10 55.6%
  • This stuff is real, Trump wins, violent chaos reigns

    Votes: 2 11.1%
  • This stuff is real, Biden wins, but violent chaos reigns for years

    Votes: 5 27.8%

  • Total voters
I will leave my vote but you make a better argument unless mine devolves into civil war.

rather to have a civil war sooner (if at all), then to have our votes stolen and the thieves continue to steal and suppress the crimes whereby democracy dies.... at least for the future generations.

If I were to be selfish, then of course avoidance of the pain of chaos until I assume room temperature would be the choice...... but I’m-more of a patriot than that
The correct answer to the poll question is...

“People continuing to believe and spread unfounded and unsubstantiated conspiracy claims about a ‘stolen’ election which was actually legitimate because of the reckless and irresponsible ramblings of a demigod ‘leader’ who can get past his bruised ego.”
The correct answer to the poll question is...

“People continuing to believe and spread unfounded and unsubstantiated conspiracy claims about a ‘stolen’ election which was actually legitimate because of the reckless and irresponsible ramblings of a demigod ‘leader’ who can get past his bruised ego.”
Nah theft occurred but I did leave you option 1. But poll wasnt aimed at dems, leftists or other collectivist who relish the idea of community property, mandates and other forced participation in their schemes.
The correct answer to the poll question is...

“People continuing to believe and spread unfounded and unsubstantiated conspiracy claims about a ‘stolen’ election which was actually legitimate because of the reckless and irresponsible ramblings of a demigod ‘leader’ who can get past his bruised ego.”

I'm honestly stunned anyone who follows this at all can honestly think there is absolutely zero to be concerned about. I don't care how you feel about Trump, this has nothing to do with him (other than he happened to be the other candidate).

Why are all of these lawyers, subject matter experts and sworn witnesses just eviscerating faith in our electoral system? They're ruining their lives, subjecting themselves to violence/doxxing to stand up for something they know isn't true and couldn't possibly change the outcome of their state?

It flat out doesn't pass the sniff test. This is way too big to be a huge hoax. There are too many specifics that align from different sources...and much of it is math (statistics) which is science.
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I'm honestly stunned anyone who follows this at all can honestly think there is absolutely zero to be concerned about. I don't care how you feel about Trump, this has nothing to do with him (other than he happened to be the other candidate).

Why are all of these lawyers, subject matter experts and sworn witnesses just eviscerating faith in our electoral system? They're ruining their lives, subjecting themselves to violence/doxxing to stand up for something they know isn't true and couldn't possibly change the outcome of their state?

It flat out doesn't pass the sniff test. This is way too big to be a huge hoax. There are too many specifics that align from different sources...and much of it is math (statistics) which is science.

So let me ask you this: After the 2016 election, Trump claimed that at least 3 million votes for Hills were illegal, due to fraud in the voting machines. Why didn't we have a massive overhaul of the election process if he actually believed it? He could have easily forced the states to get rid of all the voting machines and put in anything the Republicans wanted, just by pulling the Reagan trick of telling them if they didn't he would pull all their highway funding. But nothing came of it.

Let's put this to you personally. You, fatman, have just been elected President. You believe you won despite massive fraud by the other side. And not only have you won, but your party controls everything. Knowing there is an election in 2 years, and your reelection in 4 years, what do you do? Do you do nothing, like Trump did?

THIS is the thing that doesn't pass the sniff test.
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So let me ask you this: After the 2016 election, Trump claimed that at least 3 million votes for Hills were illegal, due to fraud in the voting machines. Why didn't we have a massive overhaul of the election process if he actually believed it?

Well we caught you guys cheating, so looks like we did.
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Do you do nothing, like Trump did?

Sigh. You literally have no idea what you are talking about.

Literally. And we've been discussing the changes Trump made here for 2 years since 2018 election.

But you do you. I suspect you've got another 10,000 words worth of 'this is nothing' left in you today.
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I'm honestly stunned anyone who follows this at all can honestly think there is absolutely zero to be concerned about. I don't care how you feel about Trump, this has nothing to do with him (other than he happened to be the other candidate).

Why are all of these lawyers, subject matter experts and sworn witnesses just eviscerating faith in our electoral system? They're ruining their lives, subjecting themselves to violence/doxxing to stand up for something they know isn't true and couldn't possibly change the outcome of their state?

It flat out doesn't pass the sniff test. This is way too big to be a huge hoax. There are too many specifics that align from different sources...and much of it is math (statistics) which is science.

Let me add a note about statistics. Statistics cannot be used here.

The people touting statistics are trying to say that the entire election is one population and the mail in ballots are part of that one population and random sampling says there is no way the mail in ballots can be at the percentage they are at.

But here's the problem with that. Consider that there are two boxes. The live cast vote and the mail in vote. Now, everybody has two chips, a red and a blue, but they can only use one of them, and they have to put them in one of the two boxes. Well, the guy who wants you to use a red chip says he wants you to put it in box 1, the day of voting box. The guy who wants you to use a blue chip says he wants you to put it in box 2, the mail in box. So if people follow their instructions, it's obvious that there is a bias towards red in box 1 and a bias towards blue in box 2. So they are not one population, they are two populations, and you can't take a random sample of box 1 and expect it to have any validity in predicting the outcome of box 2, as box two has a different population. This is why statistics doesn't work in this situation. People simply don't understand that when you include a nonrandom factor into a situation, it blows up statistical sampling.
So let me ask you this: After the 2016 election, Trump claimed that at least 3 million votes for Hills were illegal, due to fraud in the voting machines. Why didn't we have a massive overhaul of the election process if he actually believed it? He could have easily forced the states to get rid of all the voting machines and put in anything the Republicans wanted, just by pulling the Reagan trick of telling them if they didn't he would pull all their highway funding. But nothing came of it.

Let's put this to you personally. You, fatman, have just been elected President. You believe you won despite massive fraud by the other side. And not only have you won, but your party controls everything. Knowing there is an election in 2 years, and your reelection in 4 years, what do you do? Do you do nothing, like Trump did?

THIS is the thing that doesn't pass the sniff test.
It's a good point. I think there are some challenges here with asserting King Trump could wave his magic wand and end the fraud though:
1) State legislatures and leadership set the rules for voting, including decisions like who to award bids to. I believe it would take a Constitutional Amendment to change this. He has no authority to ban certain vendors.
2) He didn't challenge in 2016 because he won. Hillary was welcome to bring up anything she wanted to investigate...unless she knew there was cheating and it wouldn't be in her favor? Besides, she knows they had other plans in running with Russia, etc and likely counted on him being impeached and removed. Safer to stand down and wait until 2020.
3) Cities like Philly and Atlanta have had massive fraud in their elections for decades. That type of ingrained analog fraud is damn near impossible for the Federal Gov't to stop.
3a) And if you look at the data, the cheating was extremely pervasive in 4-5 counties throughout the US. Those cities turned the tide for Biden. Tons of anomalies with the analog cheating in those cities.
4) With any type of crime, it's usually most effective to catch cheaters after they cheat. You aren't going to get very far prior to the crime taking place. You need evidence to prove your case.

His only hope, if all of this is true, is the events we are seeing now. Run the best possible campaign you can, against the least exciting Dem Candidate in decades, and break the system. Make the cheating so blatant even swamp creatures can't ignore it.

Consider the possibility if he's successful and gets a second term, locks up many criminals, and gets Dominion permabanned by the states...which process would be best for the long term health of our electoral system?

Flip the script in this roleplay - you're Trump. If he lost to cheating, what should he have done prior to prevent it?
Let me add a note about statistics. Statistics cannot be used here.

The people touting statistics are trying to say that the entire election is one population and the mail in ballots are part of that one population and random sampling says there is no way the mail in ballots can be at the percentage they are at.

But here's the problem with that. Consider that there are two boxes. The live cast vote and the mail in vote. Now, everybody has two chips, a red and a blue, but they can only use one of them, and they have to put them in one of the two boxes. Well, the guy who wants you to use a red chip says he wants you to put it in box 1, the day of voting box. The guy who wants you to use a blue chip says he wants you to put it in box 2, the mail in box. So if people follow their instructions, it's obvious that there is a bias towards red in box 1 and a bias towards blue in box 2. So they are not one population, they are two populations, and you can't take a random sample of box 1 and expect it to have any validity in predicting the outcome of box 2, as box two has a different population. This is why statistics doesn't work in this situation. People simply don't understand that when you include a nonrandom factor into a situation, it blows up statistical sampling.
Of course you can argue bias in mail in vs in person based on how the campaigns encouraged their base, but:
1) Bias cannot explain anomalies like 600k to 3k (PA). There are limits to how much bias in a dataset can skew a series of events. We have too many data points (past elections) to even question this. It's fraud.
2) In several areas R requests for Absentee outpaced D, but the percentages were still impossibly skewed towards Biden. I get you have some flipping but it's again statistically impossible based on the results we saw.

And there's so much more with mail in...700%+ turnout in some precincts, the timing and condition they were delivered, the impossibly low rejection rates despite the surge of new mail in voters (GA), etc. etc.

The evidence, from a pure statistical perspective, is insane. Add in potential Dominion issues, the way observers were treated in those 4-5 key cities, the timing of the "dumps", all of the affidavits suggest mail in votes were being back dated, etc.

When you have hundreds of data points going one isn't a coincidence. Is there one "glitch"/issue/anomaly that favored Trump?
So let me ask you this: After the 2016 election, Trump claimed that at least 3 million votes for Hills were illegal, due to fraud in the voting machines. Why didn't we have a massive overhaul of the election process if he actually believed it? He could have easily forced the states to get rid of all the voting machines and put in anything the Republicans wanted, just by pulling the Reagan trick of telling them if they didn't he would pull all their highway funding. But nothing came of it.

Let's put this to you personally. You, fatman, have just been elected President. You believe you won despite massive fraud by the other side. And not only have you won, but your party controls everything. Knowing there is an election in 2 years, and your reelection in 4 years, what do you do? Do you do nothing, like Trump did?

THIS is the thing that doesn't pass the sniff test.

right. Folks that want to use @LizardGrad89 Opinion as the basis for what does and doesn’t pass a litmus test is laughable. #counteveryillegalvote. #medoingme
Of course you can argue bias in mail in vs in person based on how the campaigns encouraged their base, but:
1) Bias cannot explain anomalies like 600k to 3k (PA). There are limits to how much bias in a dataset can skew a series of events. We have too many data points (past elections) to even question this. It's fraud.
2) In several areas R requests for Absentee outpaced D, but the percentages were still impossibly skewed towards Biden. I get you have some flipping but it's again statistically impossible based on the results we saw.

And there's so much more with mail in...700%+ turnout in some precincts, the timing and condition they were delivered, the impossibly low rejection rates despite the surge of new mail in voters (GA), etc. etc.

The evidence, from a pure statistical perspective, is insane. Add in potential Dominion issues, the way observers were treated in those 4-5 key cities, the timing of the "dumps", all of the affidavits suggest mail in votes were being back dated, etc.

When you have hundreds of data points going one isn't a coincidence. Is there one "glitch"/issue/anomaly that favored Trump?

Since there are no real glitches or anomalies, only made up ones, and Trump's side is making them all up, no, it's not surprising they are only one way.

BTW, 75% of the mail in ballots went to Biden, not 99.9% as you claim.
You're doing awesome brah. You don't sound repetitive and childish at all.

as someone who served our country for a right to vote amongst other things. I give a rip less and will continue To call out BS. Supporting illegal voting, is a horrible stance that should be shamed into non existence. So call it whatever you want. You are still on the low ground here
as someone who served our country for a right to vote amongst other things. I give a rip less and will continue To call out BS. Supporting illegal voting, is a horrible stance that should be shamed into non existence. So call it whatever you want. You are still on the low ground here

Count every vote brah.
It's a good point. I think there are some challenges here with asserting King Trump could wave his magic wand and end the fraud though:
1) State legislatures and leadership set the rules for voting, including decisions like who to award bids to. I believe it would take a Constitutional Amendment to change this. He has no authority to ban certain vendors.
2) He didn't challenge in 2016 because he won. Hillary was welcome to bring up anything she wanted to investigate...unless she knew there was cheating and it wouldn't be in her favor? Besides, she knows they had other plans in running with Russia, etc and likely counted on him being impeached and removed. Safer to stand down and wait until 2020.
3) Cities like Philly and Atlanta have had massive fraud in their elections for decades. That type of ingrained analog fraud is damn near impossible for the Federal Gov't to stop.
3a) And if you look at the data, the cheating was extremely pervasive in 4-5 counties throughout the US. Those cities turned the tide for Biden. Tons of anomalies with the analog cheating in those cities.
4) With any type of crime, it's usually most effective to catch cheaters after they cheat. You aren't going to get very far prior to the crime taking place. You need evidence to prove your case.

His only hope, if all of this is true, is the events we are seeing now. Run the best possible campaign you can, against the least exciting Dem Candidate in decades, and break the system. Make the cheating so blatant even swamp creatures can't ignore it.

Consider the possibility if he's successful and gets a second term, locks up many criminals, and gets Dominion permabanned by the states...which process would be best for the long term health of our electoral system?

Flip the script in this roleplay - you're Trump. If he lost to cheating, what should he have done prior to prevent it?

With the next election only 2 years away, if Trump had evidence of cheating, or even solid circumstantial evidence, he would be an idiot to not push for reform. Are you kidding me with the "state legislature" thing? If this were real, and he came forward with the evidence, the state legislatures would have been fighting to be the first to pass a bill to change everything. Remember, those guys get elected as well.

The big cities have had no more fraud than any other area. That's a ridiculous comment, it really is. They have the same protocols as the rest of their state, and follow the same rules. You are basically calling the election officials in dozens of states fools or idiots, or both. You say there is massive fraud like everybody knows there is massive fraud, and everybody is ok with it. Think about that for a minute, because a lot of the people you are saying are ok with it are Republicans.

The truth is, you could never have a conspiracy to fraud to the level you claim has happened for years if not decades. The world is not how you think it is. Smart people are watchdogging these things, people not easily fooled.

All these pieces of conspiracy you think are so compelling, where are they coming from? Twitter? The Gateway Pundit? NOT RELIABLE SOURCES.
With the next election only 2 years away, if Trump had evidence of cheating, or even solid circumstantial evidence, he would be an idiot to not push for reform. Are you kidding me with the "state legislature" thing? If this were real, and he came forward with the evidence, the state legislatures would have been fighting to be the first to pass a bill to change everything. Remember, those guys get elected as well.

The big cities have had no more fraud than any other area. That's a ridiculous comment, it really is. They have the same protocols as the rest of their state, and follow the same rules. You are basically calling the election officials in dozens of states fools or idiots, or both. You say there is massive fraud like everybody knows there is massive fraud, and everybody is ok with it. Think about that for a minute, because a lot of the people you are saying are ok with it are Republicans.

The truth is, you could never have a conspiracy to fraud to the level you claim has happened for years if not decades. The world is not how you think it is. Smart people are watchdogging these things, people not easily fooled.

All these pieces of conspiracy you think are so compelling, where are they coming from? Twitter? The Gateway Pundit? NOT RELIABLE SOURCES.

@LizardGrad89 see if you can answer without trolling for once:

If Trump came out in 2018 and said he had evidence of cheating, what would your reaction have been?

With the next election only 2 years away, if Trump had evidence of cheating, or even solid circumstantial evidence, he would be an idiot to not push for reform. Are you kidding me with the "state legislature" thing? If this were real, and he came forward with the evidence, the state legislatures would have been fighting to be the first to pass a bill to change everything. Remember, those guys get elected as well.

The big cities have had no more fraud than any other area. That's a ridiculous comment, it really is. They have the same protocols as the rest of their state, and follow the same rules. You are basically calling the election officials in dozens of states fools or idiots, or both. You say there is massive fraud like everybody knows there is massive fraud, and everybody is ok with it. Think about that for a minute, because a lot of the people you are saying are ok with it are Republicans.

The truth is, you could never have a conspiracy to fraud to the level you claim has happened for years if not decades. The world is not how you think it is. Smart people are watchdogging these things, people not easily fooled.

All these pieces of conspiracy you think are so compelling, where are they coming from? Twitter? The Gateway Pundit? NOT RELIABLE SOURCES.

#supportcriminalbehavior. #counteveryillegalvote. #mrirrelevant
support criminal behavior. Yep. You’re a.... well everyone already knows. It’s why you are irrelevant

It's amazing that he thinks that's a credible response AND that he gives it while accusing you of being childish.

To say that's not an American response understatement.

We aren't a country of cheaters.
The correct answer to the poll question is...

“People continuing to believe and spread unfounded and unsubstantiated conspiracy claims about a ‘stolen’ election which was actually legitimate because of the reckless and irresponsible ramblings of a demigod ‘leader’ who can get past his bruised ego.”

I don't know what happened Sad but if you're right, if this is much-ado about nothing, you have nothing to worry about.

If you're wrong, even if you're just a little bit wrong, we all have reason to be afraid.
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