What do you do about Seattle?


Gator Great
Jan 17, 2005
I've been wanting to know what folks think about what is happening to their city. I try googling. Nothing. I go to the online Seattle Times. Nothing. It's like the local news sources are all in for the communistic takeover calling it like a stroll in the park. There has to be a lot of people there concerned about what is happening, but danged if I know how to reach them. This will be spreading to other cities fast if it isn't stopped.
I'm wondering how many Seattle residents will vote Trump. Who can go down town? Sit home and watch your property values drop. Sure you can go to your local super market, with a nervous eye over your shoulder.

MAGA needs to issue the insurrection act that’s been done 12 times by former presidents and run Antifa and the anarchist out with the national guard and the local Seattle police. The police chief is ready

Seattle's Top Cop Says Don't Look at Me, Abandoning Police Station Wasn't My Idea
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Top 10 largest cities all run by hard leftist RATS.

Scientific evidence on what happens when you put too many rats in a box.

A famous experiment in the 1960s found that when too many rats are forced to live in a cage of a given size they soon display abnormal behavior including hyper-aggression, failure to nurture young, increased mortality (death), abnormal sexual patterns, increased illnesses, increased mental illnesses (abnormal behaviors) and infant cannibalism. ---- Sounding Familiar Yet??? o_O

And when you put Dim-Moe-Rat's in charge of the city-box, those problems jump up by a quantum leap.... :eek:
Scientific evidence on what happens when you put too many rats in a box.

A famous experiment in the 1960s found that when too many rats are forced to live in a cage of a given size they soon display abnormal behavior including hyper-aggression, failure to nurture young, increased mortality (death), abnormal sexual patterns, increased illnesses, increased mental illnesses (abnormal behaviors) and infant cannibalism. ---- Sounding Familiar Yet??? o_O

And when you put Dim-Moe-Rat's in charge of the city-box, those problems jump up by a quantum leap.... :eek:

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I have two questions of my own:
  1. Why haven’t the utilities to CHAZ been turned off? If these bozos want to be free of the USA, let them supply their own electricity, water, etc.
  2. Why is Trump threatening to intervene? If I’m him, I stand back and let the pathetic public officials in charge handle the situation; the Seattle mayor and the Washington governor in particular. They created this mess by their historic enabling of this Antifa/BLM faction; let them solve it.
100% correct. Turn off power, water, sewer, etc.
To Trump: Donald, PLEASE SHUT UP. Old saying...when you see your enemies headed off a cliff, be quiet and get out of their way.
I'm wondering how many Seattle residents will vote Trump. Who can go down town? Sit home and watch your property values drop. Sure you can go to your local super market, with a nervous eye over your shoulder.

How do you boil a frog?

If you drop the frog in boiling water, they will scramble and immediately jump out.

But if you put the frog in a pot of room temperature water, they will swim around and enjoy. Then you slooooooooooowly raise the temperature, letting the frog adjust as you go, until before it knows it, it's boiled alive.

Many of the people in Seattle don't see what the big deal is. Let em have part of the city if they want it!

Because they have been slooooooooowly exposed to more dem corruption all their lives. They have slooooooooooowly had their liberties and freedoms taken from them. The dems have had plennnnnnnnnnnty of time to carefully SELL to them why the stripping of their freedoms was a GOOD thing.

That pot has been boiling for decades. Sheep see nothing wrong.
Saw on another site that blacks waving American flags entered the 'CHAZ' in Seattle. The libs there immediately lost their shit at the sight of an American flag, and took it from the blacks, and began beating them with the flags while onlookers screamed BLACK LIVES MATTER at the they beat them.
MSNBC Doctor Who Went To Seattle Protest Suddenly Thinks We Need To Ban All Political Rallies
Surprise surprise
A leftist doctor thinks rallies need to be banned out of fear for the Chinese virus.

Is everybody in Seattle this libtarded?
But on Monday afternoon, Dr. Vin had a different take. He had been out in the streets of Seattle in protests, and this was somehow not a crazy “super-spreader event.” Nudged by Nicolle Wallace on Deadline White House, he said “I was out with other physicians and nurses in Seattle over the weekend, where we had a Doctors for Justice March.
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Survival of the fittest is kind of a law too, right? If I can whip your ass, I'm the "law." If you can whip mine, you're the "law."
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