Was He or Wasn't He

Absolutely, would have no clue domestic surveillance was happening without him. He created a world of accountability for the NSA
The thing that gets me is that these agencies aren't suppose to be operating on domestic soil.
U.S. law generally forbids the NSA, CIA and other U.S. intelligence agencies from monitoring U.S. citizens.
The thing that gets me is that these agencies aren't suppose to be operating on domestic soil.
U.S. law generally forbids the NSA, CIA and other U.S. intelligence agencies from monitoring U.S. citizens.

All happening and ordered by your hero the Kenyan Kommie froggie?
All happening and ordered by your hero the Kenyan Kommie froggie?

LMAO!!!! Urtren beat me to the punch or should i say slap?
Poor little Frail Nail
Don't you ever get tired of getting bitch slapped? Lol
Don't you ever get tired of being someone's bitch?
I know, you're just following your party's line.
Even if it isn't true!
Love you Baby!
LMAO!!!! Urtren beat me to the punch or should i say slap?
Poor little Frail Nail
Don't you ever get tired of getting bitch slapped? Lol
Don't you ever get tired of being someone's bitch?
I know, you're just following your party's line.
Even if it isn't true!
Love you Baby!

Newly declassified memos detail extent of improper Owebama-era NSA spying

Owebama -intel agency secretly conducted illegal searches on Americans for years

Report: Owebama- era NSA admits to years of illegal searches on Americans

The NSA intentionally and routinely intercepted communications of American citizens in violation of the Constitution.


Owebama illegally used the NSA as his own Gestapo

@BoxofFrogs @urtren
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Nail buddy, you might want to go back and reread what i posted. I am not talking about the original post i am referring to my 2nd. post.
See here: U.S. law generally forbids the NSA, CIA and other U.S. intelligence agencies from monitoring U.S. citizens. Which is the post that you jumped on.and the post that you quoted me on. Just a reminder Obama picked up where George Jr. left off just like Fast and Furious. Obama was an extension of the Bush family. Don't you remember that Obama's mentor was Henry Kissinger?
Yea! OK I'll bite. Let's play this game Nail.
Bush's Private KGB
This article says that the spying had been going on since the 70's
Who was the head of the CIA in 1976? That's right your idol and hero George Sr.
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Nail buddy, you might want to go back and reread what i posted. I am not talking about the original post i am referring to my 2nd. post.
See here: U.S. law generally forbids the NSA, CIA and other U.S. intelligence agencies from monitoring U.S. citizens. Which is the post that you jumped on.and the post that you quoted me on. Just a reminder Obama picked up where George Jr. left off just like Fast and Furious. Obama was an extension of the Bush family. Don't you remember that Obama's mentor was Henry Kissinger?
Yea! OK I'll bite. Let's play this game Nail.
Bush's Private KGB
This article says that the spying had been going on since the 70's
Who was the head of the CIA in 1976? That's right your idol and hero George Sr.

My idiol is George SR? Lulz

I’m a Coolidge and Reagnite constitutional conservative. Liberty, freedom, private property right rights, Limited gubmint, low taxes, free markets, peace through strength with a strong military, etc.

41 and 43 where pikers compared to the Kenyan kommie.. RiNOs yes.. But they didn’t hate their country or countrymen
My idiol is George SR? Lulz

I’m a Coolidge and Reagnite constitutional conservative. Liberty, freedom, private property right rights, Limited gubmint, low taxes, free markets, peace through strength with a strong military, etc.

41 and 43 where pikers compared to the Kenyan kommie.. RiNOs yes.. But they didn’t hate their country or countrymen

There is no such thing as a RINO! George Sr. and George Jr. were the face of the Republican party that "THE" Republican voters decided upon to lead "THEIR" party. It gets so old seeing how you Republicans try to squirm and weasel your way out by using these pet names.If you do want to use the word Rino then does that mean all the folks that voted for these "Rino's" were also Rino's? such as yourself. Hold yourself and your party accountable! Walk away from the Republican party! because they're all (Democrat and Republican) one and the same! FACT! Isn't that what the ole blue dawg Democrat done? Isn't that why the white male vote decided to stay home?

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