(VIDEO) An American Treasure: Rush Limbaugh tells us the true story of Thanksgiving


Ring of Honor
Oct 1, 2012

Most of us were taught in school that the Pilgrims came to America and almost died till the indians saved us. And that Thanksgiving was a feast that the Pigrims gave to show thanks to the indians.

This is not why we have Thanksgiving. Click the link above and watch the video as Rush tells the true story of Thanksgiving, as told by William Bradford, who was the leader of the Pilgrims who came on the Mayflower.

Most of us were taught in school that the Pilgrims came to America and almost died till the indians saved us. And that Thanksgiving was a feast that the Pigrims gave to show thanks to the indians.

This is not why we have Thanksgiving. Click the link above and watch the video as Rush tells the true story of Thanksgiving, as told by William Bradford, who was the leader of the Pilgrims who came on the Mayflower.

I sure miss El Rushbo he was the best of the best
I sure miss El Rushbo he was the best of the best
Love how he completely exposed the libs. He really did know them better than they know themselves.

See the true story of Thanksgiving; Liberals in academia took a kernel of truth (The Indians helped the Pilgrims) and used that to completely pervert the story of Thanksgiving.

Thanksgiving wasn't started to give thanks to the indians, it was to give thanks to GOD. The Pilgrims were thanking God for teaching them how to survive and thrive. Yes, the Indians did indeed help the Pilgrims learn how to hunt, fish and farm.

But when the Pilgrims came to America, all of them came owing debt to their sponsors. William Bradford decided that each Pilgrim would own one share or stock in the colony. Everything that the colony created was equally distributed so that each member of the colony would have equal ownership. The community owned all. No one was above or below anyone else.

That's right, America's first settlers practiced socialism. And it was a total disaster.

As Rush explains, Bradford noted that the socialism experiment quickly went off the rails. Half the colonists refused to work when they saw there was no incentive to do so. This weighed on the remaining colonists who were actually doing the work, and they eventually decided not to work either. This led to mass starvation and almost wiped out the entire colony.

So after that first winter, Bradford got desperate. He redid the colony's structure, and gave every member a plot of land to do whatever they wanted to with. This way, if someone was lazy and didn't want to work, they only hurt themselves, and not the larger colony.

In essence, Bradford switched from socialism to capitalism. And the colony went from the brink of starvation, to thriving.

Suddenly, families started growing more food than they could eat. So they took the excess food and traded it to indians for other items they needed.

Word of the success of the colony reached back to England, and more ships began sailing over with more colonists.

The Thanksgiving feast was to say thanks to GOD for leading them to make the switch from socialism to capitalism that saved their lives.

Thank you to American Patriot Rush Limbaugh for educating us.
"I try to remain committed to the idea what’s supposed to happen, will happen when it’s meant to. I mentioned at the outset of this — the first day I told you — that I have personal relationship with Jesus Christ.
It is of immense value, strength, confidence, and that’s why I’m able to remain fully committed to the idea that what is supposed to happen will happen when it’s meant to. " - Rush Limbaugh 10-19-2020