US Senate/Rand Paul Bring End To Mask Mandates For Public Transportation


Rowdy Reptile
Gold Member
Sep 27, 2015
I know I am late to the party with this big W. But it bear worth noting that there are patriots fighting these establishment hacks tooth-&-nail! Rand Paul is certainly one of them. The RINO Romney voted against it, but hey what else would you expect from that loser? And Paul stated that he forced it because of the government's constant peddling of mask-fearmongering to the general public. You know....people like Anthony FRAUDCI, Rochelle (The MILF) Walensky just to name a few. Masks don't work, period. But the libs are gonna mask and vaccinate themselves to death anyways. Nonetheless, America continues to live on.

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When does this go in to effect?
“At CDC’s recommendation, TSA will extend the security directive for mask use on public transportation and transportation hubs for one month, through April 18th,” an administration official told Fox News."

So evidently, the CDC/TSA mask gestapo is trying to delay the inevitable by dragging it out to put more liberal-COVID pork into the mandates to keep it going. At this juncture, it's a lame and moot point.
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I still do not understand fully what the socialists are/were trying to do. Was it to have power over us, and for us to get used to it? I KNOW it had nothing to do with safety....libs do not give even one little chit about anybody...just their ultimate agendas. I quit wearing masks in 6of 2020 because I knew they were garbage by then. I had to wear them on the airplane that year....but I let it slip under my nose. I also learned from my Nurse wife not to pinch the metal strip at the top of the mask...and all the bad air gts out there very easily. BTW..I am 60 and have ever had covis symptoms. I took ONE J&J because I had a bucket list vacation out of the Country and it was required
I still do not understand fully what the socialists are/were trying to do. Was it to have power over us, and for us to get used to it? I KNOW it had nothing to do with safety....libs do not give even one little chit about anybody...just their ultimate agendas. I quit wearing masks in 6of 2020 because I knew they were garbage by then. I had to wear them on the airplane that year....but I let it slip under my nose. I also learned from my Nurse wife not to pinch the metal strip at the top of the mask...and all the bad air gts out there very easily. BTW..I am 60 and have ever had covis symptoms. I took ONE J&J because I had a bucket list vacation out of the Country and it was required
The face diaper is part of the Socialist uniform. It's not 100% (people with serious comorbidities are cautious), but as a rule it's symbolic of woke and retarded.
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I still do not understand fully what the socialists are/were trying to do.
It appears they are trying to replicate what China is doing with its 'social credit score'. This was never about covid, I posted that here almost 2 years ago and dems like @gator1776 said that was dramatic bs.


This was the first step. Want to leave the house? Keep your job? Travel safely? Get a shot then.

This is about conditioning the public that it's ok to force the public to engage in certain activities in order to continue to have access to basic elements of society.

What's the end point? You go to pay for your groceries then your social credit score determines what price you pay.

Or if you can even buy the food. Want to eat? Do as mama government tells you.

All dramatic bs.

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It appears they are trying to replicate what China is doing with its 'social credit score'. This was never about covid, I posted that here almost 2 years ago and dems like @gator1776 said that was dramatic bs.


This was the first step. Want to leave the house? Keep your job? Travel safely? Get a shot then.

This is about conditioning the public that it's ok to force the public to engage in certain activities in order to continue to have access to basic elements of society.

What's the end point? You go to pay for your groceries then your social credit score determines what price you pay.

Or if you can even buy the food. Want to eat? Do as mama government tells you.

All dramatic bs.

This is along the lines I was thinking as to what they were trying to accomplish. Conditioning us to be controlled. Well they will NEVER, EVER control me