SPOT ON...EVERY ONE OF THEM. Not just himThe willingness of @kalimgoodman to be all in on Trumps alleged affair with a pornstar (one which she has denied multiple times), but unwillingness to even comment on Bidens incest/pedophilia which was written and confirmed by his own daughter…
Tells you everything you need to know about him and the left. TDS has caused them to be morally absent, and willing to put politics above children. Par for the course.
Stop being a whack job sheep. And stop joining the meetooo movement, it’s overcrowded already.
Ping @LordofallSocks is gonna howl when he sees this. 😂
Since your stupid threads are merging every day, this belongs here, along with the pinned Pedo Pete thread.MEEEEETOOOO
THEY DO NOT CARE....Trump is a meanie!!Just remember Kal. Jimbus, shifty, speed, mt Kommie gator, are voting for this Pedo