Uncle Luke on UF staff hires

We really did a good job. If we had replaced Nuss and Nord I'd be on cloud nine and feeling really good about this program right now.
McElwain has addressed the need to get more top players from in-state and Dade, Broward & Palm Beach counties turn out a huge number of D-1 players every year. As much as I like the hires, the 2 SEC East titles and the way this year's recruiting class ended up, I'll stay skeptical until I see great improvement in the offense.
If these new coaching hires really have as much street cred down there as Campbell makes it sound like, then you have to feel good about where we are headed on the recruiting front. Certainly been a positive last week and a half or so for Florida.
We really did a good job. If we had replaced Nuss and Nord I'd be on cloud nine and feeling really good about this program right now.

Having been WRONG on most everything else, what makes you think that you have a clue on Nuss's quality? :rolleyes: ----------- :D

And what's with the WE chit, you've had zero to do with Mc's hiring or recruiting...
Shut the hell up clown. Unlike you, other people are wrong from time to time because they don't declare themselves 'right' even when the facts say they aren't unlike your dumb ass. BTW, three straight years of offense ranked in the 100's says I'm right about Nuss. But those are facts, you don't know anything about those you just make up your own.
Shut the hell up clown. Unlike you, other people are wrong from time to time because they don't declare themselves 'right' even when the facts say they aren't unlike your dumb ass. BTW, three straight years of offense ranked in the 100's says I'm right about Nuss. But those are facts, you don't know anything about those you just make up your own.

:D:D:D --- "An I gettin to ya yet, huh, huh? Am I gettin to ya yet?" - Sgt Riggs

Yep, and as anyone knows, it the stars and the recruit class rankings that win the SECe. Just like it's the Offensive ranking that matters, not the B-2-B 10 win seasons....

Who got the last laugh on NSD? -- As we learned Wednesday, it ain’t over until the Fax Lady sings.

So many people wrote off Jim McElwain and his assistants with one week left to go, despite more than 10 attainable targets still remaining on the board. Those same critics were crickets Wednesday night.

Mc-staff landed one or two of their top 3 targets at QB, RB, TE, OL, DL and CB. So the Gators not only filled their needs, but they did so with the prospects that they wanted the most.

And I've yet to see you admit how WRONG you were, or apologize for dissing on Mc constantly for months now. But that's okay too, cause me and Mc both got a good laugh on NSD, at the expense of several know-it-alls here. :p

And I'm wrong occasionally myself, cause I started off believing that you had a clue, before you proved my dumb ass wrong about that...:confused:
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Don't flatter yourself darling, you can't quit me, I just love embarrassing you. And yea totally, Nuss' offense is why we went to back-to-back SEC games, who knew? Do you practice being this dumb or does it come naturally? BTW, we didn't win 10 games last year. But you know...#alternativefacts
Don't flatter yourself darling, you can't quit me, I just love embarrassing you. And yea totally, Nuss' offense is why we went to back-to-back SEC games, who knew? Do you practice being this dumb or does it come naturally? BTW, we didn't win 10 games last year. But you know...#alternativefacts

You can dismiss the hurricane cancelled game if you like, but those with a brain know that it was a win, and since everyone else got to count all of their patsy wins, I'm counting the Pres game as a win, even though it was not played.
Besides, you only count (and harp on constantly) the 4 losses, while you discount the wins and the SECe-C entirely. The BIG picture will always elude you. That's who and what you are, and it keeps me laughing at your dumb ass.

Notice that I don't tell you to SHUT THE HELL UP either. It's cause you provide fun entertainment with all of your constant and continuing delusions, so please, do carry on.... :confused:
LOL I love how he thinks he's winning this 'debate.' Insta with the extreme case of ASSpergers.
i didn't know what bbw stood for until a week ago, that's how you know i don't watch weird shit.
LOL I love how he thinks he's winning this 'debate.' Insta with the extreme case of ASSpergers.

While I find it amusing that your dumb-azz thinks that there's anything to win here... :rolleyes:
Monkey references. Interesting. When you gonna tell us what last years record was? Or you typing up another unreadable wall of alternative facts?
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Monkey references. Interesting. When you gonna tell us what last years record was? Or you typing up another unreadable wall of alternative facts?

Look it up for yourself, but you can KMA in the mean time... :p

Wait, I know, just make something up, like you usually do. :rolleyes:
Look it up for yourself, but you can KMA in the mean time... :p

Wait, I know, just make something up, like you usually do. :rolleyes:

I already know what the record is, I don't need to look. You could have just said you lied and saved everybody the time. Speaking of making things up, the irony is too strong here. LMAO you're an embarrassment.
I already know what the record is, I don't need to look. You could have just said you lied and saved everybody the time. Speaking of making things up, the irony is too strong here. LMAO you're an embarrassment.

Moron must be posting while standing in front of a full length mirror.
When did this board become a place for Gator fans to be cvnts to other Gator fans?

It used to be that you kind of watched yourself on here, because you were VERY likely to meet the other posters at ParkingSpot 45.

Looks like infighting is not discouraged. That's a shame. Civil discourse is one thing, straight up purse swinging is another.
It usually begins with some so-called Gator fan constantly raggin' on a coach or one the players. Then another Gator fan comes in to defend said coach or player.
Then it devolves from there to the 2 Gator fans descending to one on one insults.

Raggin on a fellow Gator fan or a fishing buddy a bit is not a bad thing imoho, but I could do without the totally hateful carp here, and the ones that just seem to stalk others from thread to thread for their own twisted entertainment, rarely adding anything useful to any conversation or thread.

However, I am glad that there are no longer any BIASED butt-buddy Mods here to punish the ones that fire back inn kind. Those long ago Mods were worse than the average biased SEC game officials imo... :cool: ----- jmoho of course... ;)
Always the victim. If everybody seems to have an issue with you then maybe you're the problem? You've been banned from multiple boards but I guess its all a conspiracy. And take note of who responded to who first on here dip-wad! o_O
It usually begins with some so-called Gator fan constantly raggin' on a coach or one the players. Then another Gator fan comes in to defend said coach or player.
Then it devolves from there to the 2 Gator fans descending to one on one insults.

Raggin on a fellow Gator fan or a fishing buddy a bit is not a bad thing imoho, but I could do without the totally hateful carp here, and the ones that just seem to stalk others from thread to thread for their own twisted entertainment, rarely adding anything useful to any conversation or thread.

However, I am glad that there are no longer any BIASED butt-buddy Mods here to punish the ones that fire back inn kind. Those long ago Mods were worse than the average biased SEC game officials imo... :cool: ----- jmoho of course... ;)

Problem underlying all of this, of course, is that nobody wants to admit when they're wrong. It's the same problem we have with political discourse in this country and you can see how well that's working out.