Ummm, No we aren’t a Democracy.


Gator Great
May 16, 2023
Good Lord CNN is dumb. They have been using the word Democracy to slowly change what we are since shortly after our founding. Just like they do with legislation. Inflation reduction act, Affordable care act say hello.

Dems are masters of deception, and use language to slowly manipulate things to effect change. It’s gross.

No we aren’t a “form of democracy”. And before you start citing BS, I will simply say…find it in the constitution or the Declaration. Hint: it’s not there, and for good reason.

Notice the parallel effort to do away the electoral college. That isn’t a coincidence. Dems are evil. Master manipulators.

That said, Biden and the left are a threat to the Republic.

Good Lord CNN is dumb. They have been using the word Democracy to slowly change what we are since shortly after our founding. Just like they do with legislation. Inflation reduction act, Affordable care act say hello.

Dems are masters of deception, and use language to slowly manipulate things to effect change. It’s gross.

No we aren’t a “form of democracy”. And before you start citing BS, I will simply say…find it in the constitution or the Declaration. Hint: it’s not there, and for good reason.

Notice the parallel effort to do away the electoral college. That isn’t a coincidence. Dems are evil. Master manipulators.

That said, Biden and the left are a threat to the Republic.

They are not dumb - they are very calculated.

We are a constitutional republic.

There is no true Democracy and certainly not one tied with open borders.

For example, if Mexico (if they had the population) wanted to take over the U.S., they could flood the U.S. with illegals, swing the numbers with a majority, and also with things like over-ending the electoral college and packing the court, could then have a "majority" say, we should be run by Mexico.

That is a Democracy.

We are a republic. On "dumb", let's not do dumb things to facilitate losing that Republic.

And if someone says, "well, that is a conceit made by white people and Christian Nationalists".

Let's test that:

1. What happens if Israel made it a pure democracy? With the divergence in birth rates, Israel would dissapear and all fall under Muslim and Islamic rule. (and what Islamic state is Democratic? Answer: None)

2. What happens if Russia were a democracy? Xi would flood in people, gain a majority and then put under Chinese led communist rule.

3. What happens if India were a pure democracy? Muslims (although unlikely as Hindu birth rates are high) would flood in and create an islamic state.

4. What happens if Japan had open borders and a pure democracy? Russians would flood in and vote Japan as part of the Russian empire.

and it goes on, and on and on.
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We are a Representative Republic - obviously CNN people failed Civics
Not to get too cute but we are a Constitutional Republic that uses Representative Democracy to select governmental leadership.

It's a genius structure when you compare it to simple democracy, which the Founders knew was just organized mob rule.

CNN wants mob rule, and they are preying on low information voters.

It's disgusting, Liberals hate this country.
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They are not dumb - they are very calculated.

We are a constitutional republic.

There is no true Democracy and certainly not one tied with open borders.

For example, if Mexico (if they had the population) wanted to take over the U.S., they could flood the U.S. with illegals, swing the numbers with a majority, and also with things like over-ending the electoral college and packing the court, could then have a "majority" say, we should be run by Mexico.

That is a Democracy.

We are a republic. On "dumb", let's not do dumb things to facilitate losing that Republic.

And if someone says, "well, that is a conceit made by white people and Christian Nationalists".

Let's test that:

1. What happens if Israel made it a pure democracy? With the divergence in birth rates, Israel would dissapear and all fall under Muslim and Islamic rule. (and what Islamic state is Democratic? Answer: None)

2. What happens if Russia were a democracy? Xi would flood in people, gain a majority and then put under Chinese led communist rule.

3. What happens if India were a pure democracy? Muslims (although unlikely as Hindu birth rates are high) would flood in and create an islamic state.

4. What happens if Japan had open borders and a pure democracy? Russians would flood in and vote Japan as part of the Russian empire.

and it goes on, and on and on.
You don't think this effort combined with amnesty and wide open borders is by accident, do you?
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Good Lord CNN is dumb. They have been using the word Democracy to slowly change what we are since shortly after our founding. Just like they do with legislation. Inflation reduction act, Affordable care act say hello.

Dems are masters of deception, and use language to slowly manipulate things to effect change. It’s gross.

No we aren’t a “form of democracy”. And before you start citing BS, I will simply say…find it in the constitution or the Declaration. Hint: it’s not there, and for good reason.

Notice the parallel effort to do away the electoral college. That isn’t a coincidence. Dems are evil. Master manipulators.

That said, Biden and the left are a threat to the Republic.

Those Trump supporters and that "expert" are morons who didn't take 6th grade civics.

The difference is easy and there is a clear delineation.

A Republic is usually ruled by a governing document - a constitution or a charter. Leaders are representatives of a defined area who elects them to legislate on their behalf.

A democracy is rule by the simple majority.

JFC CNN is evil.
Not to get too cute but we are a Constitutional Republic that uses Representative Democracy to select governmental leadership.

Not even sure I would agree with this. Done a ton of homework on this. (Google won’t help anyone find it). The term came out well after our founding, and the coordinated effort of multiple countries/governments to coin this term is quite interesting.

The word democracy itself has implications that when put together with representative would imply the mob decides what their representatives should do. Which isn’t what our framers wanted, and waters down the Republican form of Government our founders intended. The two terms run counter to each other. Which is why pro Democracy people coined it.

IMO, the folks who came up with this term knew that, and knew it would permeate over time. It’s done just that.
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They are not dumb - they are very calculated.

We are a constitutional republic.

There is no true Democracy and certainly not one tied with open borders.

For example, if Mexico (if they had the population) wanted to take over the U.S., they could flood the U.S. with illegals, swing the numbers with a majority, and also with things like over-ending the electoral college and packing the court, could then have a "majority" say, we should be run by Mexico.

That is a Democracy.

We are a republic. On "dumb", let's not do dumb things to facilitate losing that Republic.

And if someone says, "well, that is a conceit made by white people and Christian Nationalists".

Let's test that:

1. What happens if Israel made it a pure democracy? With the divergence in birth rates, Israel would dissapear and all fall under Muslim and Islamic rule. (and what Islamic state is Democratic? Answer: None)

2. What happens if Russia were a democracy? Xi would flood in people, gain a majority and then put under Chinese led communist rule.

3. What happens if India were a pure democracy? Muslims (although unlikely as Hindu birth rates are high) would flood in and create an islamic state.

4. What happens if Japan had open borders and a pure democracy? Russians would flood in and vote Japan as part of the Russian empire.

and it goes on, and on and on.

Occasionally we agree sir.