That interview is from a story in september 2021, yet webre, 67 years old, says he was born during ww2? 🚩
Thank you for actually reading what he posts LOL I'm sure I'm missing more gems like this, but the wading through to find them is too much.
That interview is from a story in september 2021, yet webre, 67 years old, says he was born during ww2? 🚩
Thank you for actually reading what he posts LOL
I'm sure I'm missing more gems like this, but the wading through to find them is too much.

Ignorant and lazy is an ugly combination that you both seem to have mastered....

The article that I posted was from 2021.
The actual interview that Alfred Webre gave to La Vanguardia was not done in 2021, but years before.

Alfred Lambremont Webre is a graduate of Georgetown Preparatory School in classics, Yale University, Yale Law School, and a Fulbright Scholar. Alfred has taught at Yale University and the University of Texas.

is the evolution of Alfred Lambremont Webre's groundbreaking work as a futurist at the Stanford Research Institute, where in 1977 he directed a proposed extraterrestrial communication study project for the Carter White House.
may turn the dominant view of our Universe upside down.

He was Principal Investigator for a proposed civilian scientific Study of extraterrestrial communication, i.e. interactive communication between the terrestrial human culture and that of possible intelligent non-terrestrial civilizations, “As Senior Policy Analyst in 1977 at the Center for the Study of Social Policy at Stanford Research Institute.

Futurist Alfred Lambremont Webre’s principal social contributions have been
(1) founding the science of Exopolitics through his 2000 book Exopolitics,
(2) the 2014 discovery of the Omniverse as the 3 rd major cosmological body [after the Universe and the Multiverse] through which humanity understands the cosmos,
(3) the development of the Positive Future Equation & the Ascension Hypothesis that describes Soul development in our Universe & Omniverse.

Unlike the contributions of you two ignorant moe-rons....
  • Haha
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You are on ignore, but when others quote you and it's related to what I've posted, I hit the 'see ignored' to find out what the connection is,,,, and besides, it still fun to occasionally slap your stupidity in the face.

I see that you failed to acknowledge your own stupidity in the dates thingy...
This might be the dumbest thing ever posted here, and I've read 5 years worth of @BSC911 and @kalimgoodman posts.

So take a fighter aircraft, traveling at high speed and altitude, and suddenly introduce another aircraft off one wing, completely disrupting the airflow around both air crafts.

@instaGATOR believes the only thing that will be produced is visual evidence of little green bigfeets.
Ghostofbrainless, you have no clue what I believe, and certainly not what I know...

You have the most credible and qualified witnesses in the world telling you that UFO's zip away at HYPERSONIC SPEEDS without creating a sonic boom or any discernible turbulence, but you're to stupid to understand what that implies. Typical of the ignorant morons with their heads either in the sand, or more often up their butts.

This is just the tip of the UFO/UAP iceberg.
This is just the beginning of the coming 'Public Disclousure' info.

There were 2 things that were true in the movie Top Gun. There is a place called Top Gun, and they do fly airplanes.... If you want to 'know' what it's like to be a Navy Fighter Pilot, then this interview with Cmd. Favor is the place to learn.

You are on ignore, but when others quote you and it's related to what I've posted, I hit the 'see ignored' to find out what the connection is,,,, and besides, it still fun to occasionally slap your stupidity in the face.

I see that you failed to acknowledge your own stupidity in the dates thingy...
IOW, I'm not on Ignore. I can see why the little green bigfeets punted you back LOL
Watch the utube vids, or remain the ignorant troll that you've always been here.

And now it's back to ignore for you....
Bombshell: The government’s once-clandestine UFO program will reveal findings on unexplained materials and crashes.

1) The Pentagon's on-and-off-again, once-covert UFO program is decidedly back on—and will soon reveal some of its findings to the public.

2) An astrophysicist who consulted on the UFO program confirms the government possesses materials from “off-world vehicles not made on this earth.”

3)The news comes on the heels of the Navy's official release of three notorious UFO videos.

As recently as February, a Pentagon spokesperson told Popular Mechanics that, while a government program did investigate unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) and other unexplained aerial phenomena for some time last decade, funding dried up in 2012. But when Popular Mechanics thoroughly investigated the covert program, multiple sources said it’s still ongoing to this day.

To prevent citizens from using the 'Freedom of Information Act' to find out what they have recovered, they have assigned the materials to a private entity, Bigalow Areospace in NV, to do the materials research.

What Bob Lazar went public and told us in the 1980's continues to be proven credible.

  • Wow
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The government can’t keep its story straight about its involvement with UFO research. After a yearlong investigation, we bust open the files, break through the noise, and reveal the definitive, staggering truth.
(but the clueless trolls don't care to know anyway, heads up their butts)

Despite Pentagon statements that it disbanded a once-covert program to investigate unidentified flying objects, the effort remains underway — renamed and tucked inside the Office of Naval Intelligence, where officials continue to study mystifying encounters between military pilots and unidentified aerial vehicles. Updated June 3, 2021

The report said the program, the Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon Task Force, was “to standardize collection and reporting” on sightings of unexplained aerial vehicles, and was to report at least some of its findings to the public within 180 days after passage of the intelligence authorization act.

John Brennan, the former director of the C.I.A., said on a podcast last year that some of the unexplained sightings might be “some type of phenomenon that is the result of something that we don’t yet understand and that could involve some type of activity that some might say constitutes a different form of life.”

The lead-up to the report’s release has seen quite a bit of mainstream media attention in recent weeks, including a 13,000-word article in The New Yorker in April, and a segment on CBS’s “60 Minutes.”

Even former President Barack Obama, in an appearance on “The Late Late Show With James Corden,” admitted there were “objects in the skies that we don’t know exactly what they are.” (President Beijing Biden deflected a question about U.F.O.s a few days later.)

Like the post trolls here, if Beijing Biden can't SNIFF EM, then they ain't real....
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Trolls are too stupid and/or cowards to accept the facts that have already been presented.

CBS - Bill Whitaker: So what you are telling me is that UFOs, unidentified flying objects, are real?

AATIP Director - Lue Elizondo:
Bill, I think we're beyond that already. The government has already stated for the record that they're real.
I'm not telling you that. The United States government is telling you that.

A drumbeat of U.F.O. attention:
With the public asking more questions about U.F.O.s, more officials appear willing to answer them.

“There are a lot more sightings than have been made public,” John Ratcliffe, the former director of National Intelligence, told Fox News in March. Quite a few of them, he said, “are difficult to explain.”

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Bombshell: The government’s once-clandestine UFO program will reveal findings on unexplained materials and crashes.

1) The Pentagon's on-and-off-again, once-covert UFO program is decidedly back on—and will soon reveal some of its findings to the public.

2) An astrophysicist who consulted on the UFO program confirms the government possesses materials from “off-world vehicles not made on this earth.”

3)The news comes on the heels of the Navy's official release of three notorious UFO videos.

As recently as February, a Pentagon spokesperson told Popular Mechanics that, while a government program did investigate unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) and other unexplained aerial phenomena for some time last decade, funding dried up in 2012. But when Popular Mechanics thoroughly investigated the covert program, multiple sources said it’s still ongoing to this day.

To prevent citizens from using the 'Freedom of Information Act' to find out what they have recovered, they have assigned the materials to a private entity, Bigalow Areospace in NV, to do the materials research.

What Bob Lazar went public and told us in the 1980's continues to be proven credible.

Bob Lazar debunked? 🤔

The Choke-la-homo, with his head-nailed-to-da-flor, believes that a short conversation with Bob Lazar, in which he is discussing theory and framing things with words like 'apparently' is somehow debunking everything that he's ever said or done, is hysterically funny to me. 😂
Ole naided-head must be a cum-loudly grad from Swooner-U....

While this choker never addresses all of the other attempted debunkers that have claimed that:
Bob never worked at Los Alomos,
(while pay check stubs from the U.S. Government, and a Los Alomos phone directory proves otherwise)
or at S-4 in Area 51 attempting to reverse-engineer extraterrestrial craft,

or that he was FoS for telling people in 1988-89 that the UAP's were powered by Element 115,
(Element 115
(temporarily named “ununpentium” (symbol Uup)) reportedly provided an energy source that would produce anti-gravity effects under proton bombardment, along with antimatter for energy production. Because it was unkown in the 1980's, they claimed that proved that he was a liar.
Now called Moscovium is a synthetic chemical element with the symbol Mc and atomic number 115. An unstable ion of it which was first synthesized in 2003 by a joint team of Russian and American scientists at the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (JINR) in Dubna, Russia.)

They are reportedly still attempting to make a stable ion like Bob worked with at S-4.
On February 2, 2004, scientists at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, in collaboration with researchers from the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research in Russia (JINR), announced that they discovered two new super-heavy elements, Element 113 and Element 115. (they discovered what Bob knew about 20+ years earlier)

or that he's not a near genius in IQ, but some dumb chuck fraud....

Bob has two Masters Degrees; one’s in Physics; one’s in Electronics.
He wrote his thesis on MHD, which is Magnetohydrodynamics.
He has Bachelors Degree in Physics and Electronic Technology from Pacifica University in 1978, and a Masters Degree in Physics from MIT.
In an attempt to destroy his credibility after he went public, the government has destroyed and/or altered many of his records, which is a standard practice of the CIA in their 'Conspiracy Theorist' activities.

He first worked at Los Alamos for a few years as a technician.
Then he was hired as a physicist in the Polarized Proton Section, dealing with the accelerator there.

With that background and high security clearance, he was later hired to work at S-4 as a senior staff physicist to work on gravitational propulsion systems and other things associated with those crafts. The vid in the above post would educate the trolls, IF becoming informed was what they were about. (doubtful)

Now, he owns and operates his own business, United Nuclear Scientific Equipment and Supplies, a company based in Laingsburg, Michigan.
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Futhermore,,, if what he said is bunk, then why would the FBI bother to raid his business looking for a sample of the stable Element 115?

Newly released documents have shed light on why the former Area 51 worker was raided last year.

Widely attributed with bringing the secretive test facility into the limelight, the 60-year-old made headlines three decades ago when he revealed that he had worked with captured extraterrestrial technology during his time at 'S4' - a site situated near to Area 51 - between 1988 and 1989.

An alleged witness to captured alien 'saucers', Lazar claimed to have intimate knowledge of what powered them - Element 115 - a chemical element with exotic properties.

In 2018, his claims became the topic of the documentary 'Bob Lazar: Area 51 and Flying Saucers', which introduced a whole new generation to his remarkable story.

During filming of the documentary however, his firm - United Nuclear Scientific - was the subject of a raid by the FBI and local police, leading to speculation that authorities had been attempting to locate samples of Element 115 that Lazar may have acquired during his time at Area 51.

Lazar himself had discussed such a possibility with the documentary team the very day before the raid occurred and he has long maintained that he has been under ongoing government surveillance.

FBI & local cops lie about the reason for the raid, as usual.
"None of the agents [or] officers were the least bit interested in the thallium," he said.

Debunk that buttheads....
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  • Wow
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Off ignore cause I'm bored:
Poor Ghostofbrainless, just as much of a useless ignorant troll as he's always been.

They (useless trolls) will eventually claim that they are just playing with me like a cat chasing a string, but the reality is that I continue to show them up for the useless moe-rons that they are, while I provide useful info for the many that come to my threads to read, but rarely ever post to them. I'm good with those results...
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Multi-talented trolls can still sound like crickets when bitch slapped with factual reality... 😂 ---- 😝

AATIP Director - Lue Elizondo: Bill, I think we're beyond that already. The government has already stated for the record that they're real.
I'm not telling you that. The United States government is telling you that.

A drumbeat of U.F.O. attention:
With the public asking more questions about U.F.O.s, more officials appear willing to answer them.

“There are a lot more sightings than have been made public,” John Ratcliffe, the former Director of National Intelligence, told Fox News in March. Quite a few of them, he said,
“are difficult to explain.”
  • Wow
Reactions: nail1988
John Brennan, the former director of the C.I.A., said on a podcast last year that some of the unexplained sightings might be “some type of phenomenon that is the result of something that we don’t yet understand and that could involve some type of activity that some might say constitutes a different form of life.”
Good gravy now insta is sourcing john brennan. LMAO!
Off ignore cause I'm bored:
Poor Ghostofbrainless, just as much of a useless ignorant troll as he's always been.

They (useless trolls) will eventually claim that they are just playing with me like a cat chasing a string, but the reality is that I continue to show them up for the useless moe-rons that they are, while I provide useful info for the many that come to my threads to read, but rarely ever post to them. I'm good with those results...
LMAO! @instaGATOR I could give a rat's ass if everyone here reads and loves your posts. Could not care less. You are the Alex Jones of UFOs: You cover a lot of topics that people are interested in learning more about, but you are such a clown in doing so, that no one takes you seriously.

The irony is, a lot of people who post here likely ARE investigating these topics on their own. But they are also likely ignoring anything YOU say about it, cause.....honk honk red nose LOL
The read to reply on my thread is running at about 10 to 1.

Your own opinions and claims here show you up for the narcissist that you've always been. (a mental condition in which people have an inflated sense of their own importance, a deep need for excessive attention and admiration, troubled relationships, and a lack of empathy for others)
This is why you follow me around performing like a little trained monkey.

Making you exactly what I say you are, a totally useless thread troll.
I believe that I'll take you off ignore now, just so that I can go from thread to thread doing nothing but constantly hammering on your demonstrated idiocy.

The boards will get what it wants too, by upping it's click money....
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How did you read my post if I was on Ignore? See you can't even tell the truth for 30 seconds LOL

Again, some people are interested in this topic. No one is interested in your clown take on it.

And yet here you are yet again,,, and still.

I see that you're still too stupid to understand the difference between an individual 'show ignored' and removing someone from your 'ignored' list.

No one is interested in this habitual liar's (my) claims, but the 'read to post count' continues to be at about a 10 to 1 ratio. Showing that you're FoS.

As to being a liar, you've got that market all sewed up here on this thread, and elsewhere if anyone is paying any attention to your regular LOOK AT ME, LOOK AT ME, constant stupidity.

Please continue, because while you're not worth much, you are at least worth a laugh, in a sad sort of way....
This is not Science Fiction, it's U.S. Govt. admitted Science FACT.
(From Australia - run time 43:42)

I don't need any of this for my own beliefs. Why? Because unlike the clueless debunkers, I have my own military Top Secret knowledge and experiences.

I've been waiting for 50+ years for this public disclose to finally happen.
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LOL I need cliff notes for the cliff notes... guy says he has 120 hrs of testimony and his "summary" is 2 hrs. Can I get a 15-30 min video? And I did watch all of the Rogan video.
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LOL I need cliff noted for the cliff notes... guy says he has 120 hrs of testimony and his "summary" is 2 hrs. Can I get a 15-30 min video? And I did watch all of the Rogan video.
I think @instaGATOR's problem has always been he thinks UFO = Aliens. UFO stands for Unidentified Flying Object. I thought we all knew that? He keeps watching all these videos where people in the military say they encountered a UFO, and he thinks that means they said they encountered aliens LOL

No, it means they encountered a flying object and they couldn't be certain of its origin. That's all. Happens every day to everyone.
LOL I need cliff notes for the cliff notes... guy says he has 120 hrs of testimony and his "summary" is 2 hrs. Can I get a 15-30 min video? And I did watch all of the Rogan video.
Did you watch even the first 15 minutes of the Dr. Steven Greer's Sirius 1 Vid?

If so, what is your conclusion from all of your 'outsider' reading and watching?
(give details on your reasons if you don't believe the many credible witnesses)

Are UFO/UAP's figments of the deluded's imaginations, or are they real extraterrestrial vehicles?

Do you believe that the U.S. Government has recovered alien craft & bodies, or can we trust the Federal Govt's years of previous denials concerning UFO's/Aliens?

Are the recently released U.S. Navy F-18 gun camera vids as credible as the Navy, Pentagon, and DoD say they are, or are they putting one over on the public for some unknown reason?
(hoping that your 4 year old's attention span got you this far in this post, but expecting either crap or crickets from you)
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I think @instaGATOR's problem has always been he thinks UFO = Aliens. UFO stands for Unidentified Flying Object. I thought we all knew that? He keeps watching all these videos where people in the military say they encountered a UFO, and he thinks that means they said they encountered aliens LOL

No, it means they encountered a flying object and they couldn't be certain of its origin. That's all. Happens every day to everyone.

The ignorant GhostofBRAINLESS spouts off with the drivel of fools. This is amusing to those of us that have actually 'been there, done that' in the U.S. Military with a Top Secret clearance. You're too stupid and/or close minded to accept that I don't need the vids, or books, or the testimony of others, because I have my own experiences to go on, unlike twits like you.
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Bigfoot, an area where the iG has no confirmed evidence, only a belief in the possibility.

'Evidence vs Proof'

Science is a Process

1. Questions arise from various facts
2. Hypothesis occurs from those facts
3. Science attempts to Gather Evidence

Yes <<< Test the Hypothesis >>> No
~~ Can you prove your hypothesis is wrong?

4. If not, then maybe you are right, maybe not?
5. Continue to gather evidence and question everything.
6. Every native American group in N.American has stories.
7. Current Bigfoot investigators, including many that are PhD's, continue to gather non-emotional evidence.

Would you murder (shoot) a rare Bigfoot, just to prove that they exist?


Other groups that are currently engaged in attempts to gather evidence:

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Did you watch even the first 15 minutes of the Dr. Steven Greer's Sirius 1 Vid?

If so, what is your conclusion from all of your 'outsider' reading and watching?
(give details on your reasons if you don't believe the many credible witnesses)

Are UFO/UAP's figments of the deluded's imaginations, or are they real extraterrestrial vehicles?

Do you believe that the U.S. Government has recovered alien craft & bodies, or can we trust the Federal Govt's years of previous denials concerning UFO's/Aliens?

Are the recently released U.S. Navy F-18 gun camera vids as credible as the Navy, Pentagon, and DoD say they are, or are they putting one over on the public for some unknown reason?
(hoping that your 4 year old's attention span got you this far in this post, but expecting either crap or crickets from you)
LOL I got in at least 5 min saw it was near 2 hrs and said NOPE I had too much to do.

Inter dimensional beings bent on carrying out nefarious activity and deception.

I do find this interesting:

Were you ever in the military? (I was)
If yes, did you have a security clearance? (mine was Top Secret)
IF yes, were you in an area to know about the subject at hand? (I was)
IF no, then you have nothing to offer on the subject but your own ignorant opinions.

The first 15 minutes of Sirius 1 gives you a preview of some of the most credible UFO/Alien witnesses in the world.

And if you can't ever afford a couple of hours to get more fully informed, then I'll keep that in mind when addressing your opinions on the subject(s) in the future.

GhostofBRAINLESS needs to restrict himself to areas of the discussion where he might have a clue.
I can see why you lost it. Can't keep your damn mouth shut about it LOL

I've lost nothing, but losing you permanently sounds like a pleasant idea, however unlikely.
Rats, Lice, and thread Trolls are never easy to get rid of.

Hello again LIAR. Nice to see that you don't want to discuss anything with me on MY thread.
And that's why you follow me around like a little trained monkey, begging for peanuts.
I know that your nutts must have been burned completely off by now, if you ever had any.
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Your link might be interesting to someone like Lazar, but it's just boring to me.
I skimmed it to come to that conclusion. Talk about needing Cliff Notes...

I like to drive my cars, trucks, and my motorcycles, but I'm not much interested in spending hours on the theory of hydrocarbon combustion for motive potential....
I spent 2 hrs watching the Rogan video..I wont spend 2 hrs on every video!

If there are extra terrestrial visitors then a propulsion system has to be involved. Warp drive is science fiction but the paper explores a possible real world ability to create a drive. I am well removed (more than 2 decades and closing in on 3) from doing the calculus involved in the papers.


When you get NASA to say they have met with and verified that aliens from planet xyz are here then you can get my attention.

Otherwise I will stick to Genesis 6, Enoch, Elijah and this:

8 Then that lawless one will be revealed whom the Lord will slay with the breath of His mouth and bring to an end by the appearance of His coming; 9 that is, the one whose coming is in accord with the activity of Satan, with all power and signs and false wonders, 10 and with all the deception of wickedness for those who perish, because they did not receive the love of the truth so as to be saved. 11 For this reason God will send upon them a deluding influence so that they will believe what is false, 12 in order that they all may be judged who did not believe the truth, but took pleasure in wickedness

2 Thessalonians 2:8-12 (NASB)
When you get NASA to say they have met with and verified that aliens from planet xyz are here then you can get my attention.

Okay, now I know what level of cred to give your posts on this subject in the future.

Hundreds of military or former military witnesses, some with Crypto level clearances. Military and civilian pilots with thousands of flight hours, radarmen, Nuc-Missle Silo officers, FAA Supervisors, 4 former National Defense Ministers, and on and on are of no real interest to you....

But you believe that NASA is a credible authority? WTF dude???

As most of the truly informed know, NASA = Never A Straight Answer.
They are the part of the groups to tell the Astronauts to STFU and never talk about what they saw or know.

So many links that it would take days just to post them, but here....

From a U.S. Army Vet: Ladies and gentlemen, my government, NASA, which many of us in the United States say stands for Never A Straight Answer, proceeded to erase 40 rolls of film of the Apollo Program — the flight to the Moon, the flight around the Moon, the landings on the Moon, the walking guys here and there.

They concluded in 1964 that there were at least four different groups coming here, observing us, surveilling us, analyzing us, closely watching us — what we were up to, what we were doing. They concluded that there did not appear to be a military threat involved because the repeated demonstrations of incredibly advanced technology demonstrated to us that if they had been hostile or malevolent, there was absolutely nothing we could do. If they were evil in their intent and they were hostile toward us, it would have been over a long time ago.”

“Yes there have been crashed craft, and bodies recovered. . . . We are not alone in the universe, they have been coming here for a long time. I happen to be privileged enough to be in on the fact that we have been visited on this planet..." -- Apolo 14 Astronaut Edgar Mitchell (died 2016).

You and the BRAINLESS prolly need to find another thread to read/post on.....
  • Haha
Reactions: Uniformed_ReRe
Okay, now I know what level of cred to give your posts on this subject in the future.

Hundreds of military or former military witnesses, some with Crypto level clearances. Military and civilian pilots with thousands of flight hours, radarmen, Nuc-Missle Silo officers, FAA Supervisors, 4 former National Defense Ministers, and on and on are of no real interest to you....

But you believe that NASA is a credible authority? WTF dude???
As most of the truly informed know, NASA = Never A Straight Answer.
They are the part of the groups to tell the Astronauts to STFU and never talk about what they saw or know.

So many links that it would take days just to post them, but here....

From a U.S. Army Vet: Ladies and gentlemen, my government, NASA, which many of us in the United States say stands for Never A Straight Answer, proceeded to erase 40 rolls of film of the Apollo Program — the flight to the Moon, the flight around the Moon, the landings on the Moon, the walking guys here and there.

They concluded in 1964 that there were at least four different groups coming here, observing us, surveilling us, analyzing us, closely watching us — what we were up to, what we were doing. They concluded that there did not appear to be a military threat involved because the repeated demonstrations of incredibly advanced technology demonstrated to us that if they had been hostile or malevolent, there was absolutely nothing we could do. If they were evil in their intent and they were hostile toward us, it would have been over a long time ago.”

“Yes there have been crashed craft, and bodies recovered. . . . We are not alone in the universe, they have been coming here for a long time. I happen to be privileged enough to be in on the fact that we have been visited on this planet..." -- Apolo 14 Astronaut Edgar Mitchell (died 2016).

You and the BRAINLESS prolly need to find another thread to read/post on.....
No, If what you say is true then it will be all the more credible when NASA finally confesses. Calm down, I dont discount the possibility, I am just going to need a very high level of proof.
Have you missed out on the FACT that the U.S. Government has declared that UFO's/UAP's are real. These were not vague lights in the night skies, these were close in intercepts (some as close as 10 meters) in broad daylight, and they are only the tip of the iceberg of what they have and have had since at least 1969 that I'm personally aware of.

Your level of acceptable proof is them landing in your own front yard, looking different enough from Earth humans for you to believe that they come from elsewhere, and then telling you that they are from XYZ....
Anything that lands is swooped on by special teams that surround, restrict, and impound anything and everything involved with the crash or landing.
Good luck on every having that level of contact, and even if you did....

If they don't exist, but then why this law that was only recently withdrawn once it became publicly known.

The “Extraterrestrial Exposure Law” offers a legal precedent for the detention and indefinite imprisonment of any individual who comes into contact with extraterrestrials. Presumably extraterrestrials themselves could also be detained and quarantined under this little known NASA regulation that while officially withdrawn, created a legal precedent for its future use. The existence of such law at any time, is a basic acknowledgement that government interests are aware that Extraterrestrials have come into contact with the human population of Earth.

Like I said, nothing personal, but you'd likely be better off elsewhere, where you'd be more comfortable with the information.