Two Wheel 80 Yard Football Passing/Kicking Machine $399

Oct 5, 2021
It takes 10,000 hours to master a skill and TTH Athletics has the equipment you need to maximize all the hours you put into mastering your craft. We offer wholesale pricing on all items and microbranding services on selected items.

TTH Yates Set:
TTH NF600 Rack
TTH Standard Adjustable Bench
TTH Base Olympic Barbell (700 lbs)
320 lbs iron weight plates: 4x45lbs, 35x45lbs, 2x25lbs, 2x10lbs

First Pitch Football Passing Machine:
This was a floor display model and we only have one available.
Throw spiral passes up to 80 yards
Dual Motors
$399 One available first come first serve

TTH Base Barbell
700 lbs: $55
1000 lbs: $74
1500 lbs: $99

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