Africans that were already captives and/or SLAVES in Africa, were bought by mostly Portuguese traders, then brought to America and sold to rich land owners, mostly to work in the fields or if lucky, as in-house domestics.
Life with mostly white Christians was so bad, that when they were freed and offered an all expense paid trip back to Africa, the vast majority didn't just say no, they said HELL NO!
Those that did go back formed the new E.African country of Liberia.
Liberia, established and run by the freed slaves, finally ended slavery in Liberia in 2010.
White's being guilt tripped with racist BS are so totally IGNORANT that they buy into that leftest/Marxist BULLSHIT.
The former Africans, (now Americans) should be thanking their lucky stars that they weren't mandate forced to go back to Africa, to be slaves there yet again. Africa is still open for immigration for any that don't believe or accept that. Anyone leaving???
Yes, there are RACISTS in the world, but they come in all shapes, sizes, colors, and cultures.
The same is true for decent human beings, which constitute the majority in America....
Singling out the White Christians that ENDED SLAVERY, in both England and America is BS. They have no guilt today, and they don't OWE any other race anything except the same human respect that every legal citizen in America has under our Constitutional Republic,,, if we can keep it....
Anyone claiming that America is a Racist country if either FoS ignorant, or they have an agenda that needs that BIG LIE to push their agenda forward. Either way, they can KMA....