Trump's approval rating among blacks is 35%

My black American paternal school teacher aunt once told me the Africans would one day catch on to the Dimms. Heck, the Berlin Wall fell. I see signs. I'm giddy.

Eight years under Obama saw black American poverty went up and home ownership went down. The brothers wouldn't show up in waves for Hillree the way they did for the Long Legged Mack Daddy. 14 percent of black men voted for the MAG. Only 4 percent black women. I look for that to change next time.

I love Tammy Bruce. 52 percent of white women voted for the MAG. Hillree says husbands, boy friends and sons told them to. Tammy says a dumb Hillree thinks white women are the Walking Dead. Have you ever heard the MAG trash Hillree voters the way the smartest woman in the world trashes MAG voters?

Candace Owens couldn't think as slow as Hillree if she tried.
My black American paternal school teacher aunt once told me the Africans would one day catch on to the Dimms. Heck, the Berlin Wall fell. I see signs. I'm giddy.

Eight years under Obama saw black American poverty went up and home ownership went down. The brothers wouldn't show up in waves for Hillree the way they did for the Long Legged Mack Daddy. 14 percent of black men voted for the MAG. Only 4 percent black women. I look for that to change next time.

I love Tammy Bruce. 52 percent of white women voted for the MAG. Hillree says husbands, boy friends and sons told them to. Tammy says a dumb Hillree thinks white women are the Walking Dead. Have you ever heard the MAG trash Hillree voters the way the smartest woman in the world trashes MAG voters?

Candace Owens couldn't think as slow as Hillree if she tried.

The long legged Mack Daddy left Black America with little hope. Black youth unemployment 51% and Black adults at 18%. Never a peep from State Run Owebamas pretorian guard.

I remember the Alphabet networks ( pre Fakenews CNN) in the 80’s showing soup lines and homeless shelters as the Gippers economy was soaring @ 7% GDP. Did state run ever discuss black despair and welfare under Chairmen Owebama?
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Amerikan Pravda is allied with the plantation crackers. They care nothing about the plight of black America. The plantation crackers have taken black America's vote for granted for 50 years now. There are signs the brothers are catching on to 50 years of broken promises.

The Dimms worst fear is a well informed black American. J. C. Watts, Candace Owens, Stacey Dash, Keyne West and I strike fear into the hearts of the plantation crackers.
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* Unemployment the lowest since 1969
* Hispanic unemployment at a record low
* Black unemployment record low
* Construction jobs booming
* 16,000 government jobs cut since MAGA took office
* Stock market at historic levels

. . . nothing to see here, move along.