Trump won't make it to 2020


Chomp Artist
Jul 23, 2004
Been in Health Care a long time. This man should be in a nursing home, not the White House. The decline from here will be rapid.

Start this video at 28 min. Would be sad if he wasn't such a despicable ahole

Different threads, same crappy ending for you then you disappear for a week or two to start another stupid fake thread.
I literally LOLed when the rando said 'dementia alert'.

The insane left saying Trump is losing his marbles. Never gets old.
And I thought my sister-in-law was bat shit crazy! This urtren guy needs serious help.
You just keep voting for killing babies, taking away the 2 Amendment and voting for open borders. Kind of ironic that If your party wins you eventually lose big time for your ignorant ideals, if conservatives win again in 2020 you lose but your life will be better.