Yes, Trump might and i said might get reelected. BUT,! TPTB will decide that.
How will the economy be looking in a couple more years? We don't know. Will the Federal Reserve hold down the interest rates? We don't know. Don't get me wrong, Trump has done some good things but again, he is a puppet! He does as he is told to do just like he has when he was told the troops WILL NOT be pulling out of Syria nor Afghanistan. What was it that Trump said. ISIS has been defeated! How will the MSM make Trump appear? I still think it is a little early in the ballgame to tell if Trump will get reelected. So far this year car sales are in the tank. Let's see how that plays out. Also, depending upon which part of the country you live in will also determine how folks will vote as far as how the economy is doing in that area.