I do not support Trump. That said, anyone who believes there was not blatant fraud, election interference by government agencies, governors, state legislatures, poll workers, non-profits hiring bundlers at $10 Ballot, vote counting stoppages at 11 PM in multiple states, and much much more, has to be either a partisan leftist or be deaf, dumb, blind and mute. Wisconsin had tons of nursing homes with 100% voter participation. Many black precincts in Philly had 110% or more votes cast than registered voters in that precinct.
The problem was that once the ballots were in the system, it was impossible to detect which ballots were legitimate and which ones weren't. It was only about 50,000 ballots in about 6 states that flipped the entire election. So I get why Trump was and is pissed.
And why do so many people still support Trump? Could it be that all those supporters still believe that he was cheated and feel like he deserves a second turn?
I won't vote for him again as I feel the GOP and country will lose if we back him. He's toxic and great at getting those who oppose him to the polls. I would support DeSantis or Haley. I would never ever ever ever ever vote for a Democrat for any office. EVER