Trump mass deportations

The invading army of foreign nationals is not due to the Republicans, it's because of the traitorous criminals not enforcing laws that are already on the books, and that's led by the Demonrats and the RINO's.....

I'd love to deport the corrupt politicians and bureaucrats along with the invading army.

As to the 'Posse Comitatus' issue, the American military cannot be used against American Citizens on U.S. soil.

The only Constitutional use for the military during times of undeclared war is to PROTECT THE U.S. BORDERS, which they are NOT doing.
They are instead being used to protect the borders of other countries, which should end.
I'm sick of paying to have our military men and women being the Policemen of the World.....
The invading army of foreign nationals is not due to the Republicans, it's because of the traitorous criminals not enforcing laws that are already on the books, and that's led by the Demonrats and the RINO's.....

I'd love to deport the corrupt politicians and bureaucrats along with the invading army.

As to the 'Posse Comitatus' issue, the American military cannot be used against American Citizens on U.S. soil.

The only Constitutional use for the military during times of undeclared war is to PROTECT THE U.S. BORDERS, which they are NOT doing.
They are instead being used to protect the borders of other countries, which should end.
I'm sick of paying to have our military men and women being the Policemen of the World.....
Spot the F on.
Tarriffs and Duties are what is supposed to fund the Federal Govt. under the Constitution.
Not the wages of the Soveriegn Citizens of the 50 sovereign united States with a graduated income tox.
Tax by APPORTIONMENT is in the Constitution. (everyone pays the same amount).
In 1895, the Supreme Court held a general income tax unconstitutional as an unapportioned direct tax, distinguishing it from a tax on business or employment income, which the Court described as a permissible excise (an indirect tax).

Call the IRS and ask them for the Federal Registry number for an income tax on earned wages that a citizen of the 50 united States is required by law to pay. (The Federal Registry is available in most large public library's)

The last time that a Sovereign Citizen of one of the united States wages could be taxed was with the 'Victory War Tax for WWII. That law was rescinded by the Congress at the end WWII in 1947.

They might attempt to give you IRS Code Book BS, but the IRS code book needs an enabling LAW before it applies to someone. It does however apply to a citizen of the 'Federal States' like Somoa, Puerto Rico, etc....

The 'graduated income tax' is a plank of the Communist Manifesto....
It's their plan to keep the peasants in their place, but Sovereign Citizens are not peasants.

King George passed his King's sovereignty to the people of the 13 colonies after being defeated in the War for Independence.

WE then founded our government under the government limiting Constitution. The Constitution does NOT give us our God given unalienable rights, it's purpose was to limit and control what power they would have over us, the sovereign citizens.
The Government is not comprised of our leaders, they are our PUBLIC SERVANTS by definition.
We the sovereign citizens are their Leaders, while they are our hired and paid for servants that are constrained by our will and leadership.

They however, would like to return to being Royalty and return us to being the 'shut-up and do what you're told peasants,' thus the 1st and 2nd Amendments.....

Too bad that we no longer have public schools monitored and controlled by PTA's with us setting the curriculum, because that has been co-opted by Woke/Progressive Government Controlled Schools and National Elitist Teachers Unions. (Trump seems willing to change that.)

Everyone knows that KNOWLEDGE IS POWER, and we are on the verge of losing both....
WTF-UP America, and learn how to exercise your own sovereign citizen RESPONSIBILITIES!
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Law was passed in 1986 making it illegal to hire undocumented workers. Needless to say it is not rigorously enforced.
100% accurate to the shame of Republicans who've never insisted upon enforcement when we've had the chance.

Employers who want the illegals because they can get them cheap have to start paying a price for their complicity.

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