Trump is the magic man, does it again: Stock market rises 1,000 points during corona flu plan update

Here’s what Burr told donors, paying $10,000/ plate:

Burr told attendees of the luncheon held at the Capitol Hill Club: “There’s one thing that I can tell you about this: It is much more aggressive in its transmission than anything that we have seen in recent history ... It is probably more akin to the 1918 pandemic.”

(I presume that includes the swine flu?)

He warned that schools would close and the military may have to be mobilized (where have I heard that recently).

Shortly thereafter he cashed in $1.7m in stocks over 33 trades.

Here’s what he told the public in an op ed.

“the United States today is better prepared than ever before to face emerging public health threats, like the coronavirus.” He wrote, “No matter the outbreak or threat, Congress and the federal government have been vigilant in identifying gaps in its readiness efforts and improving its response capabilities.”

Disgusting but not surprising. You all some suckers. And we’re all going to have to pay the price for your stupidity.
So these shitbags knew since Jan. 24 that this thing was going to kick our ass, and we still sat around for 6 weeks, no tests, no identification and isolation of the infected. All they did was cash in their stocks. And now it’s everywhere. Just a complete failure of the government, both parties, both houses and the executive. Not one of them should have a job come November.
That's my observation.

I observed the same thing and stopped reading. And I'm no fan of Burr, but I'm also smart enough not to listen to obviously compromised sources.

But as with most dems, bradley doesn't want accurate information, just talking points for his desired narrative.

Fire them all. Democrat and Republican. Jail them actually. Also, you know Burr is doomed when you start reading “anti Trump GOP senator.” Marching orders given. You can expect his resignation promptly.

Here’s my question: what did they hear in those briefings from the Trump administration and how does that compare to what Trump was saying publicly at the time? That would make for some interesting research.
Fire them all. Democrat and Republican. Jail them actually. Also, you know Burr is doomed when you start reading “anti Trump GOP senator.” Marching orders given. You can expect his resignation promptly.

Here’s my question: what did they hear in those briefings from the Trump administration and how does that compare to what Trump was saying publicly at the time? That would make for some interesting research.
Preferably give them all the Gordon Gekko and Bud Fox treatment at the end of the Wall Street movie. Never get tired of watching that movie.
"You can't get a little pregnant, Bud."
Fire them all. Democrat and Republican. Jail them actually. Also, you know Burr is doomed when you start reading “anti Trump GOP senator.” Marching orders given. You can expect his resignation promptly.

It's amazing how little you know about politics. Everyone knows Burr is a Never Trumper, he always has been. Damn.
So these shitbags knew since Jan. 24 that this thing was going to kick our ass, and we still sat around for 6 weeks, no tests, no identification and isolation of the infected. All they did was cash in their stocks. And now it’s everywhere. Just a complete failure of the government, both parties, both houses and the executive. Not one of them should have a job come November.

This is why I love Trump's daily pressers, he's able to get the facts out that destroy liberal talking points such as the above.

Today his corona flu experts tell us that the US began restricting travel with China when that country had just *45* cases.

That is the definition of an immediate and correct response.

Reminder: libs said Trump was a racist for doing this.

Remind us again who is on what team.
i agree shutting the border to Chinese travel was a good step, but it was obviously not sufficient, as evidenced by the fact that the virus is now everywhere in America. And as your boy Burr told his wealthy donors: the virus is more aggressive is spreading than anything we’ve seen since 1919. So... does that sound like an effective response. The countries that have got this thing under control did it by very aggressive testing, identification and isolation. See if you test, you know who’s sick and who’s not and you only have to isolate the sick ones, as opposed to shutting the entire country down. Refusing to get a competent testing program in place in the six weeks between the dire briefings to congress and now was disastrous.
How’s the magic man’s market doing today? Down 1,100? Ghost waiting for it to rebound 300, so he can take a victory lap.
How’s the magic man’s market doing today? Down 1,100? Ghost waiting for it to rebound 300, so he can take a victory lap.

Where were you last week when it was up? Hiding in the armpit of the country, waiting for the market to tank so you could come here and take a victory lap?
Where were you last week when it was up? Hiding in the armpit of the country, waiting for the market to tank so you could come here and take a victory lap?

LOL. Only ghost still cheerleads for gains that have been subsequently flushed down the sewer. But Hey we’ve only spent $2 trillion trying to prop the market up. Let’s keep printing money and throwing it at the markets instead of getting a handle on the virus that’s causing the crash. Like bailing out a boat without plugging the leak. #stable genius.
Anyone else remember when Ghost was all excited about consumer confidence. And I pointed out that the US consumers were a bunch of morons, like ghost, but he remained all excited about it?

Chalk up another loser for Ghost! What a streak he’s on!
Anyone else remember when Ghost was all excited about consumer confidence. And I pointed out that the US consumers were a bunch of morons, like ghost, but he remained all excited about it?

Chalk up another loser for Ghost! What a streak he’s on! now it's no big deal that we are dealing with a 'worldwide health crisis'?

So you agree with me that @sadgator is FOS on that?

Oops LOL
LOL. Only ghost still cheerleads for gains that have been subsequently flushed down the sewer. But Hey we’ve only spent $2 trillion trying to prop the market up. Let’s keep printing money and throwing it at the markets instead of getting a handle on the virus that’s causing the crash. Like bailing out a boat without plugging the leak. #stable genius.

Just pointing out your hypocrisy.

"But I wanted to tank the economy and make myself and everyone else make Trump look bad!"


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