Trump is the magic man, does it again: Stock market rises 1,000 points during corona flu plan update


Ring of Honor
Oct 1, 2012

Seeing a trend here: Market falls due to media-driven panic that's now spilling over into stores, Pres Trump steps in with steady hand and calming leadership, and calms the markets.

#ThatsMyPresident #NotTiredOfWinning
You haven’t learned to stop taking victory laps on the market yet? News for you buddy, until he gets a handle on Corona the markets will continue to tank. He can print dollars until they’re confetti. Step one in getting a handle on it is testing, and we’re not even close to adequate currently. And we’ve already let this thing run unchecked for six weeks.
If we continue shutting down our economy, markets could continue to spiral downward. Rock solid good news could create quick boom land.
...and Ghost continues to ignore the coming economic impact of a true worldwide health crisis....

His thinking is not very “critical” today...

keep watching...

Damn bro! You still cheering on a recession? What happened to country over party?

Hell even CNN has come around and jumped on the Trump Train. "He's just the kind of leader we need right now".

Sheep hoodwinked again.

Sidenote: Dana has likely worked her last day at CNN.
Yeah....sadgator is “cheering on a recession.” No...sadgator is pointing out reality to you.

Find one post sadgator has made on this Board where he has placed blame or tried to politicize this situation against the Republicans (other than pointing out that Trump made jokes about it a few weeks back, which he did, and that FOX News completely trivialized it, which it did) Hint: You won’t find one.

sadgator honestly believes this is a world wide health crisis...which it is...and most of the responsible Republican leadership also understands this at this point...

Including our ABSOLUTELY A+ Governor DeSantis, who sadgator would genuinely embrace in a bear hug (if not for social distancing requirements), for recognizing the true seriousness of the situation and stepping up with his well-thought out and decisive executive order measures to protect the public health safety and welfare of the citizens of this state...

His decision to cancel 2020 K-12 standardized statewide testing was absolutely genius and bold at this stage of the crisis and will allow families to focus on their lives and safety without anxiety of what is to come...

He is a Republican that gets it...

Unlike others who claim to be “critical” thinkers, yet ignore facts around them and trivialize observable significant and serious threats to our Nation...
Yeah....sadgator is “cheering on a recession.” No...sadgator is pointing out reality to you.

Find one post sadgator has made on this Board where he has placed blame or tried to politicize this situation against the Republicans (other than pointing out that Trump made jokes about it a few weeks back, which he did, and that FOX News completely trivialized it, which it did) Hint: You won’t find one.

sadgator honestly believes this is a world wide health crisis...which it is...and most of the responsible Republican leadership also understands this at this point...

Including our ABSOLUTELY A+ Governor DeSantis, who sadgator would genuinely embrace in a bear hug (if not for social distancing requirements), for recognizing the true seriousness of the situation and stepping up with his well-thought out and decisive executive order measures to protect the public health safety and welfare of the citizens of this state...

His decision to cancel 2020 K-12 standardized statewide testing was absolutely genius and bold at this stage of the crisis and will allow families to focus on their lives and safety without anxiety of what is to come...

He is a Republican that gets it...

Unlike others who claim to be “critical” thinkers, yet ignore facts around them and trivialize observable significant and serious threats to our Nation...

The media-driven panic will absolutely have a long-term impact on the economy.

The Chinese flu will not. Media knew that all along, but the panic trolls couldn't help themselves.

"Worldwide health crisis!" It's not like this is the Swine Flu or something...
The economy will tank (is tanking) and the Nation is going to face unimaginable difficulties...and you will not hear sadgator blame Trump for any of it (other than his initial mischaracterization of the threat...something even HE has abandoned but you will not) is a worldwide health is not a political stunt...or a hoax...or and an exaggeration...and you haven’t even begun to live it yet...but you are about to...
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Somewhat agree with Sad that the ultimate consequences will not be entirely Trump’s fault. We were going to get smacked with this virus and the markets were going to take a hit no matter what. But our willful ignorance of the scope of this threat, most evidenced by our ongoing refusal to put a sufficient testing program in place, was and is our single biggest impediment to getting this thing under control and the uncertainty of essentially flying blind is what is killing the markets. If you doubt this look at the markets in China, which was over the top aggressive in its testing and quarantine programs. And South Korea, which experienced its first case the same we did, has basically stopped new cases. That’s because they identified their cases through testing six weeks ago. We are Identifying cases through emergency room visits six weeks later.

I also don’t understand why our answer to everything is to throw trillions of liquidity at the markets and billions in bailouts for companies that were reckless with their financials. This is a demand driven rout. The American consumer is gone for two months and job losses in the service industry are going to be nearly total. I don’t understand why you can’t make zero interest loans available to small businesses to pay wages and rent for the next three months instead of continuing to piss it away into the Dow, which we all know is going to the sewer. And bailout consumers. $1000 is less than a drop in the bucket.

And where is the federal initiative behind building undoubtedly necessary hospital infrastructure. China was building 1000 bed hospitals in a week. We need hospital beds and ventilators. There is no doubt about this. It is math. It’s like Sunny says, this is not complicated. But we are doing nothing.
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The economy will tank (is tanking) and the Nation is going to face unimaginable difficulties...and you will not hear sadgator blame Trump for any of it (other than his initial mischaracterization of the threat...something even HE has abandoned but you will not) is a worldwide health is not a political stunt...or a hoax...or and an exaggeration...and you haven’t even begun to live it yet...but you are about to...

Shake those pom poms. *facepalm*

I never thought I would see the day when CNN is more objective and honest about Trump than the dem posters here, but here we are.

When we are sitting here 6 months from now and the actual infection rate and actual victims are both far below what was projected, yet we are still dealing with the economic fallout, maybe then you guys will allow yourselves a moment to wonder if it was all worth trying to get rid of Orange Man Bad.

Because, as CNN said, he's going to win in a landslide in Nov AND it's going to be because "he is the leader we need right now".

Country over party. Eat it.

Or just keep pissing away the credibility of the dollar by throwing money at a tanking Wall Street. Wonder which way we’ll go?
Let's ignore the billionaire businessman and listen to Twitter randos. Absolutely.

You like more bailouts and free money for Wall Street? Really? To me it’s treating the symptom and not the illness. This is a demand driven collapse. Put the money in the hands of businesses and consumers directly and you won’t have to bail out the markets. You like the results of the free credit to markets and bailouts so far?
You like more bailouts and free money for Wall Street? Really? To me it’s treating the symptom and not the illness. This is a demand driven collapse. Put the money in the hands of businesses and consumers directly and you won’t have to bail out the markets. You like the results of the free credit to markets and bailouts so far?
Is it Wall Street? Not so much this time. But I'm not wild about sending checks to everyone.
You like more bailouts and free money for Wall Street? Really? To me it’s treating the symptom and not the illness. This is a demand driven collapse. Put the money in the hands of businesses and consumers directly and you won’t have to bail out the markets. You like the results of the free credit to markets and bailouts so far?

Well to you the spread of corona flu will replicate what happened in Italy.....just cause....with no consideration of the fact that Italy has a much older population than the US.

Older populations are more likely to be severely impacted by corona flu. It's amazing that most of you arguing what will or will not happen with corona flu have no idea what Italy's population age is compared to Europe and the US, or why that matters.
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Well to you the spread of corona flu will replicate what happened in Italy.....just cause....with no consideration of the fact that Italy has a much older population than the US.

Older populations are more likely to be severely impacted by corona flu. It's amazing that most of you arguing what will or will not happen with corona flu have no idea what Italy's population age is compared to Europe and the US, or why that matters.
I missed your answer on bailouts in there.
I missed your answer on bailouts in there.

No you didn't, I said I'll trust the billionaire businessman. You keep trusting randos on Twitter and voting for whatever mental/physical incompetent the dems roll out every 4 years to get their ass kicked by Orange Man Bad.
Well to you the spread of corona flu will replicate what happened in Italy.....just cause....with no consideration of the fact that Italy has a much older population than the US.

Older populations are more likely to be severely impacted by corona flu. It's amazing that most of you arguing what will or will not happen with corona flu have no idea what Italy's population age is compared to Europe and the US, or why that matters.
Lol...sumbitch is gonna ride the “hoax flu” argument right into the ground....astonishing...
Could be a way to get to a one world currency as well.
Just ask Maxine.

I wonder if the US buck might strengthen it's position as the world's reserve currency when boom land returns. Should the buck ever lose such status, we're Greece.

The British Pound Sterling was last to go metric in 1970. The US buck was first in 1792. We'll be last to learn how to measure. Just wow!
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Lol...sumbitch is gonna ride the “hoax flu” argument right into the ground....astonishing...

Dude all you do is worry and you even mess that up.

Number of deaths from corona flu this year in the US - 155
Number of deaths from regular flu AMONG CHILDREN this year in the US - 125

Then again, those of us that are actually tracking the number of cases, infection rates and deaths around the world have known all along that corona flu was never going to be the 'worldwide health crisis' that the emotional beta males screamed about.
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Amazing then, that the Republican leadership is buying into this hoax....

you should send them your data...

New data will be out from Italy in an hour or two. I can already tell you that the US deathrate was up fractionally versus yesterday.

There IS a worldwide economic crisis. But still no worldwide health crisis. Plenty of man-made corona flu hoax tho.
Which is why your president is approving Compassionate Use for FDA experimental drugs...

Amazing that he would buy into such a hoax...

critical numbskull strikes again...

Nah, he's just a compassionate human being. That's why he passed the Right to Try legislation that I posted about here months ago when it happened. That will save countless lives, you and @bradleygator completely ignored it.
We’re giving up on testing. Aka we know it’s everywhere and don’t want the numbers public. We’re really going to let this thing run through the entire population. Horrific.
We’re giving up on testing. Aka we know it’s everywhere and don’t want the numbers public. We’re really going to let this thing run through the entire population. Horrific.
See what I posted about the left clinging to this...they think they've finally found salvation in getting rid of "Orange Man" and there is no freaking way facts will stand in their way.
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See what I posted about the left clinging to this...they think they've finally found salvation in getting rid of "Orange Man" and there is no freaking way facts will stand in their way.

Funniest part is you don't even have to click @bradleygator's link, just read the URL and you can see the article isn't saying what he claims it does.
Funniest part is you don't even have to click @bradleygator's link, just read the URL and you can see the article isn't saying what he claims it does.

You have to read between the lines. It requires reasoning, which is why it escapes you. By the way “emphasizing social distancing” is code for widespread mandatory lockdowns, likely enforced by the military.

Keep Watching!
You have to read between the lines. It requires reasoning, which is why it escapes you. By the way “emphasizing social distancing” is code for widespread mandatory lockdowns, likely enforced by the military.

Keep Watching!

And apparently 'we are looking at all options' is code in bradley's world for "We aint doin no testin'!"

Young bradley also voted for Hillary, and cannot wait to vote for Biden.

Dots starting to connect?
Good news Trump drones, I found your thoughts for the upcoming presidential campaign and am posting them early so you can get to work remembering them. I’m sure it takes you a while!


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