Trump atty: Epstein files are being withheld due to ongoing criminal cases

There was already a thread for this, but will follow up here also.

Just answer these simple questions.

Do you think Pam handled the binder release well?

Did she say she had flight logs?
Dis she say names will be coming out tomorrow? (2 weeks ago)

Seems like a simple exercise to prove if you are correct about her being an honest broker, and not a liar that fumbled the issue.

Let the excuses begin. Should tell us who has the ability to be honest on here.

I guess Ana shouldn’t be trusted either right ghost? I mean, she probably joined twitter post 2020.

Let’s see if ghost can answer those 3 very simple questions and then with a straight face say that Bondi handled this well and didn’t lie.

Should be a pretty simple exercise. Just post the new flight logs and names Pam said she had on her desk.

Go get em fellas. Looking forward to seeing the names she released that backs you fellas up.
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Gawd that woman is hawt! 😍
Yes she is and dumb as a rock. Nobody believes anything out of the mouth of Pam Bondi or the DOJ. Epstein was murdered when Trump was President so what has been going on for the past 5 or 6 years? Nothing but cover up. This hot woman is only stalling in hopes it goes away and chances are it will.

Too many wealthy influential people are on that list to make it public. We all know that. Nothing changes.
Yes she is and dumb as a rock. Nobody believes anything out of the mouth of Pam Bondi or the DOJ. Epstein was murdered when Trump was President so what has been going on for the past 5 or 6 years? Nothing but cover up. This hot woman is only stalling in hopes it goes away and chances are it will.

Too many wealthy influential people are on that list to make it public. We all know that. Nothing changes.
Blondi's ship has sailed never to return to port. I was talking about Alina. 😂 She's far from dumb.
Yes she is and dumb as a rock. Nobody believes anything out of the mouth of Pam Bondi or the DOJ. Epstein was murdered when Trump was President so what has been going on for the past 5 or 6 years? Nothing but cover up. This hot woman is only stalling in hopes it goes away and chances are it will.

Too many wealthy influential people are on that list to make it public. We all know that. Nothing changes.
So Trump is just another establishment hack?
there are more paid bots out there right now than I have ever seen. This is the democrat s only response...other than NO.
Most of these guys claimed to support Trump, then they jumped to supporting DeSantis as soon as he announced and then they started trashing Trump. @RussellCasse doesnt realize that cause hes only been on Twitter since Elon bought it. Then when DeSantis got cooked, they all went back to tweeting praise for Trump, like nothing had happened.

"But these guys helped elect Trump!" LOL
My personal thought is perhaps Epstein was a Mossad cutout….. I have a bad feeling that most if not virtually all of the damning Epstein evidence has long been destroyed.
Likely has. Even if it hasn't, we aren't going to see anyone being tried anytime soon. Any court case that's tried in DC will immediately get bounced for that reason. That's why I SMH at anyone that thought epstein arrests were about to happen.

What bears watching is the FBI investigation into Comey infiltrating Trump's administration to spy on him. We have Comey ON VIDEO bragging that he did this.

If Kash and Bondi can find a way to get that case tried in a RED state, he will get nailed. And if he gets nailed, that is the first domino to fall.
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Gawd that woman is hawt! 😍
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Problem is…. Bondi said she had flight logs and names on her desk. Yet some on here are excusing that.
Yes she did. And I think they were published, although they were difficult to read, all blurry cursive. I saw them on Gateway Pundit. A flight log doesn't mean that much, just a basis for a thorough investigation. There's got to be more evidence than a log. The NY FBI field office sat on a pile of stuff until they got called out. It is going to take some time to gather enough evidence and a court ordered warrant to arrest the pedos with tainting the case against them. I'll be the first one to say that I'm disappointed Bondi spoiler alerted day one without thinking that through first. Get the solid evidences and then, Book em Dano!
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Yes she did. And I think they were published, although they were difficult to read, all blurry cursive. I saw them on Gateway Pundit. A flight log doesn't mean that much, just a basis for a thorough investigation. There's got to be more evidence than a log. The NY FBI field office sat on a pile of stuff until they got called out. It is going to take some time to gather enough evidence and a court ordered warrant to arrest the pedos with tainting the case against them. I'll be the first one to say that I'm disappointed Bondi spoiler alerted day one without thinking that through first. Get the solid evidences and then, Book em Dano!
Thank you Navi..

Glad someone else is disappointed in what we have seen from her.

Someone post them. Because Roger stone even said the only stuff in those binders was from previously released BS from 2014 that had already been released.

Again, there is a reason that Trump is now sending out Alina Habba with updates. Bondi screwed this up badly, and everyone outside of this board is acknowledging it. America First political allies, podcasters that support trump, social media influencers that have backed trump for decades, etc. Hell, even Kash Patel has setup direct lines to Trump to bypass Bondi and the DOJ.

No ONE has been able to provide these new names and flight logs bondi said she had on her desk. NO ONE.

There comes a point where MAGA (thats us) has to hold Her and Trump accountable so that we aren’t sitting here 4 years from now waiting on Bill Barr, oops, I mean Pam Bondi…to do something.

My assertion is that there is a reason the Rino class squealed and gnashed their teeth about Matt Gaetz, but the Jeb Bushes of the world praised the Pam Bondi hire.

It’s time to acknowledge she was a bad hire. We now get Alina Hanna providing Pams updates for her.
This thread is part tempest in a teapot and part


I am getting my garden ready for spring. Let me know when something newsworthy happens.
Same issues are still in play: Arrests can be made but nothing sticks if case is heard in a court system like DC.

I think part of this roll out was to expose the SDNY is stopping the flow of information in the epstein case. And THAT was designed to remove Comey's daughter. Which aids the FBI's investigation into Comey. Nailing Comey at this point gets the ball rolling.

Trump obviously has a plan. @Capt Ron 1 is all over it.
@GhostOfMatchesMalone says Trump is playing 3d chess
@RussellCasse says Bondi is a fraud.
Others some flavor of conspiracy.

How about this theory.

Bondi got incomplete info. Boss aka Trump was pushing her for quick disclosure to make a big splash. ( Not 3d Chess.) Bondi realizes she was duped after her announcement that something was coming and runs to Kash for help. Kash helps but the PR damage has been done. ( Not a fraud but a political appointee trying to do politics to please the boss while also being AG)

There is a treasure trove.

Meanwhile Habba says hey boss we cant disclose this stuff yet, back off. You got Pam in trouble and she needs to lay low. I will take over the public relations part and dig us out of this meaningless mess.

Now funny thing is that with all that has gone on for two months, this navel lint has people up in arms. Nothing else has chinked the armor but this made supporters either wince or become angry so go with it.

As for me?

I do not care. Let me know when someone famous/powerful is indicted. Until then this is a speck of dust on the @ss of a gnat.
@GhostOfMatchesMalone says Trump is playing 3d chess
@RussellCasse says Bondi is a fraud.
Others some flavor of conspiracy.

How about this theory.

Bondi got incomplete info. Boss aka Trump was pushing her for quick disclosure to make a big splash. ( Not 3d Chess.) Bondi realizes she was duped after her announcement that something was coming and runs to Kash for help. Kash helps but the PR damage has been done. ( Not a fraud but a political appointee trying to do politics to please the boss while also being AG)

There is a treasure trove.

Meanwhile Habba says hey boss we cant disclose this stuff yet, back off. You got Pam in trouble and she needs to lay low. I will take over the public relations part and dig us out of this meaningless mess.

Now funny thing is that with all that has gone on for two months, this navel lint has people up in arms. Nothing else has chinked the armor but this made supporters either wince or become angry so go with it.

As for me?

I do not care. Let me know when someone famous/powerful is indicted. Until then this is a speck of dust on the @ss of a gnat.
No clue what Lone Star is saying. I put him on block when he lied about what I said in the Bondi thread twice in an hour. My one rule for posting here has always been if a poster lies about what I say, they get blocked.

Having said that, I think he honestly thought Bondi was going to give him all of epstein's files and 50 smokin' guns and arrest ebberybody. Which anyone that's given even cursory attention to the epstein case for the last 5 years knew that wasn't happening. He let himself get hoodwinked. Oh well.

As has been discussed here for one oes to jail till either one of two thins happen:

1 - The corrupt judges in DC get removed

2 - The cases are moved outside of DC

Until one of those two criteria is met, arresting any of them is pointless, which is why Trump hasn't told Bondi to do it.

Not 4D chess, just common sense.

PS: The Alina Habba remarks are old news. We've known for a while that there were pendin cases.

And that means we've known for a while that no info relevant to those cases would be make public. Well, apparently some of us didn't know that SMDH