Threads keep disappearing

More vague, ominous statements with no meaning whatsoever and of no interest to anyone?
More vague, ominous statements with no meaning whatsoever and of no interest to anyone?

It's all vague to you because you get your information from lefty sources that give you an incomplete picture of what's really happening.

That's intentional.They need you to be deceived to obscure what's really happening.

How many top officials at the FBI have been fired or resigned since Trump took office?



How many representatives have surprisingly resigned?


How many federal judges have been appointed since Trump was elected? Record number?

The intellectually curious would be intrigued by all this and seek to research on their own. I have no idea what you would do.
Hopefully the new mod is fair. It seems there is a trend for assigning very liberal and non tolerant moderators. I know of at least one site that has completely gone to crap because the liberal moderators have completely overstepped boundaries because of their own personal and political views. As long as the personal attacks are controlled for both sides, than it’s fair. Liberal moderators can not be partial. They have a diminished prefrontal cortex, which allows emotions to supersede the rational thought process.

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