Thoughts on Florida's 2024 schedule...

Gator Fever

Bull Gator
Feb 13, 2008

Miami: Miami has some real talent but underperformed last season. Being in the ACC they could be a playoff contender if they were to win this opening game. TheIr QB pickup in the portal looks like a pretty good one. You would think the Swamp would pull this game out but Miami probably has a chance late in the game.
Florida likely wins

Nothing needs to be said here but hopefully it isn't another 2021 special game. Florida wins

Texas A&M:
Kind of in the same boat we are but they have a first year coach and its in the Swamp so we should have a slight advantage. Florida likely wins

@Miss State:
Florida has the clear advantage and Miss State has a 1st year coach but we know about the crazy games we get sometimes in that state. Florida likely wins

At first you would think this should be a very easy win at home but UCF is strong where Florida has been weak on defense - in their run game. Does Jefferson revert back to playing like he did a few years ago after the Arkansas train wreck last season? If so maybe UCF doesn't get beaten real bad. Florida wins

Is TN's new QB what their fans think he is? If so TN will be in no danger of losing this game as our mastery over them is only in the Swamp now. TN wins

A huge game for Napier after losing to them 2 times already. Some real talent on defense and an unknown on offense right now. They do play the run well which helps against a Napier led team. Florida likely wins.

I would give Florida almost no chance in this game if it wasn't a big rivalry game but there is a real small chance Florida wins I guess. Georgia wins

Unlike the Georgia game Florida I think has almost zero chance to win this game. TX Wins

Florida has the Swamp advantage but I think LSU has enough overall talent to win this game. LSU likely wins.

Ole Miss:
I think Ole Miss might have too much on offense combined with some nice additions on defense for the Gators to win this game in the Swamp. Ole Miss likely wins

A close call. While FSU lost a lot they did plug a lot of holes with the portal. I lean to FSU winning at home but their new QB didn't look that good when he was in the ACC previously. FSU likely wins but close to a tossup.

That would put Florida at 6-6 with another 2nd half collapse. If Florida was to lose to either Miami, UCF or Kentucky its hard to see Napier recovering from that with how this schedule sets up. Ole Miss might end up being the game that determines if Napier is canned or not with the 4 games that proceed the Ole Miss game.
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If you lose Napier than Lagway is gone also. Can we afford to lose Lagway? I think Lagway's ability and talent can cover up some of Billy's faults. He better use Mertz-Lagway like the Leak-Tebow experiment Urban used and that seemed to work out pretty well. I'm gonna be positive and hope for a 7-5 year or maybe get a few breaks and be 8-4.
lol…there is a 0.0 percent chance that Florida goes 5-0 to open the season…

You seriously need to reevaluate your assessments…no offense…


Well since 2 of those first 5 games are close calls being 4-1 is probably more likely. If we do start 4-1 I think going 7-5 or better is almost 100% out the door and If we start 3-2 Napier better start packing his bags.
If you lose Napier than Lagway is gone also. Can we afford to lose Lagway? I think Lagway's ability and talent can cover up some of Billy's faults. He better use Mertz-Lagway like the Leak-Tebow experiment Urban used and that seemed to work out pretty well. I'm gonna be positive and hope for a 7-5 year or maybe get a few breaks and be 8-4.

If we are in a bad place Napier needs to throw him in there to develop him as he has the physical size already. I think he has it upstairs pretty good for a young QB and just needs the reps. Don't have his first start against GA or TX though.
🤣 Some people out there said we can't consider our schedule the hardest because we only play 3 of our 12 games outside the state of Florida this year - that most teams would love a situation like that.
Our week 8 and on is one of the most brutal stretches in cfb history

You probably could even argue from week 6 on with TN being a road game - if they end up having a real good season like some people think they will.

:mad: The SEC as usual did us no favors in our SEC games. They helped 4 of our SEC opponents out with either bye weeks where we do not have one prior to the game or gave the team a cake walk game the week before us while we don't get one the week before. I think they only helped us with the bye before the UCF game.

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