Those gosh darned cheating dems! Boy they make me mad! But we'll beat em where it the ballot box!

We should just be willing to compromise like Mitt and Liz. Be good moderates.

Where have I heard this before….The media, Mitt Romney, John Mccain, Liz Cheney, @gator1776.

Things they all have in common? They lose.

What say ye Numero Cincuenta?
64% to 36%

Nailed it.
Dear friend in CA posted to Facebook this morning that she and husband went to vote last night in the recall election. Husband coukdn't, was told his name had already been used to vote via absentee ballot.

We cannot beat the dems at the ballot box if they CONTROL the ballot box.

This continues until we demand change.
Dear friend in CA posted to Facebook this morning that she and husband went to vote last night in the recall election. Husband coukdn't, was told his name had already been used to vote via absentee ballot.

We cannot beat the dems at the ballot box if they CONTROL the ballot box.

This continues until we demand change.
nO fRaUd HeRe

mOvE aLonG pLeAsE
nO fRaUd HeRe

mOvE aLonG pLeAsE
I don't agree with Lin Wood on everything, but he nailed the 2020 election and the Georgia runoffs. He said there's no point in having the runoff till we fix the stolen 2020.

We didn't. and that set the tone that it's ok to cheat. So they cheated again in the runoff and did again last night.

Guess what's going to happen in 2022?

And now the media has their perfect spin "Oh the republicans always claim cheating when they lose, they are idiots just ignore'. And weak-willed republicans will go 'Ohhhhhh!!!! The media is mocking us! Please make it stop! Let's drop this cheating talk, we sound like hayseed hicks with that nonsense! Let's get better ideas and better candidates and then we'll.........BEAT EM AT THE BALLOT BOX, WHERE IT COUNTS!"

Nation of morons.
Hey @nail1988 what did I tell you last night:

351,000 “Yes” Votes Disappear from Totals in Newsom Recall Election LIVE ON CNN​
