This is what happens to you when you fraternize with

McShame, Turncoat? Rino? Ole Nail doesn't have too much to be
proud of when it comes to "HIS" party of turncoats and rino"s but.....
Ole Nail just keeps on supporting that turncoat and rino party.
Can Nail not figure out that PUBES and RATS are one and the same!
Must have been all that indoctrination he allowed instead of learning
how to think on his own. Nail buddy, you're just allowing yourself to fall
for yet another distraction. Your getting frail in your older years! Lol
Yep. Great to see the leadership that President Trump and the Freedom Caucus are bringing to the Republican party. Draining the swamp includes getting rid of the RINOs and the President is doing a wonderful job at both.

Best is yet to come. Fun week ahead.