These Monsters are determined to Murder Babies:

Dr. Curmudgeon

Bull Gator
Oct 17, 2018
This is disturbing to the core – absolute evil. Another state is about to vote on a bill (sponsored by Planned Parenthood) that could legalize infanticide "for any reason" up to 28 days AFTER a helpless baby is born.
Unsurprisingly, it's in some of the same states where we just testified against a bill that would make Roe v. Wade PERMANENT, even if the Supreme Court overturns Roe.
But that doesn't go far enough for Planned Parenthood, which we know wants to be able to profit from the sale of aborted babies body parts – and these live-birth abortions make that possible. We're directly engaged in 13 cases nationwide to defend life and defeat Planned Parenthood. Our court deadlines are looming. JUST THIS WEEK, we presented an oral argument before a federal appeals court directly against Planned Parenthood in one of these cases.
Now we face a major challenge. Each of these monumental cases requires immense resources. But we're short of our critical goal.
We urgently need your Tax-Deductible support before our looming deadline. TODAY, your Tax-Deductible gift will be DOUBLED through our Matching Challenge as we fight to save babies from infanticide.
After our legal analysis, the California bill was amended, but the amendments may be even worse. This bill STILL could legalize infanticide in at least FIVE different ways, making it worse than New York's live-birth abortion bill. The state committee has JUST PASSED the bill. We're about to send a legal letter to California officials detailing the horror this bill could unleash. Time is of the essence.
Who will HELP us defend babies?
Sign Our Petition: Defeat Barbaric Infanticide Laws.
Read Urgent Action Report: CA Bill STILL Legalizes Infanticide.

We just submitted SEVEN Universal Periodic Review (UPR) reports to the U.N. on nations with significant instances of persecution against Christians – HALF of the 14 nations up for review.
These countries must take IMMEDIATE ACTION to protect Christians.
Sign Our Petition: Defend Christians From Violence and Abuse.
Report: ACLJ Finds Persecution in HALF of Nations Reviewed.

The ACLJ continues to fight against religious discrimination in the workplace – often behind the scenes – to protect the religious freedom of all believers, especially for nurses and pharmacists pressured or forced to participate in abortion.
Update: Religious Liberty for 3 Pro-Life Medical Professionals.
God Bless,
The ACLJ Team
@GhostOfMatchesMalone @ghost_of_ukalum1988 @goldmom @gatordad3 @DCandtheUTBand @BCSpell @Sunburnt Indian @nail1988 @jfegaly @blubo @instaGATOR
It is a call to arms to defeat these maniacs.
This is disturbing to the core – absolute evil. Another state is about to vote on a bill (sponsored by Planned Parenthood) that could legalize infanticide "for any reason" up to 28 days AFTER a helpless baby is born.
Unsurprisingly, it's in some of the same states where we just testified against a bill that would make Roe v. Wade PERMANENT, even if the Supreme Court overturns Roe.
But that doesn't go far enough for Planned Parenthood, which we know wants to be able to profit from the sale of aborted babies body parts – and these live-birth abortions make that possible. We're directly engaged in 13 cases nationwide to defend life and defeat Planned Parenthood. Our court deadlines are looming. JUST THIS WEEK, we presented an oral argument before a federal appeals court directly against Planned Parenthood in one of these cases.
Now we face a major challenge. Each of these monumental cases requires immense resources. But we're short of our critical goal.
We urgently need your Tax-Deductible support before our looming deadline. TODAY, your Tax-Deductible gift will be DOUBLED through our Matching Challenge as we fight to save babies from infanticide.
After our legal analysis, the California bill was amended, but the amendments may be even worse. This bill STILL could legalize infanticide in at least FIVE different ways, making it worse than New York's live-birth abortion bill. The state committee has JUST PASSED the bill. We're about to send a legal letter to California officials detailing the horror this bill could unleash. Time is of the essence.
Who will HELP us defend babies?
Sign Our Petition: Defeat Barbaric Infanticide Laws.
Read Urgent Action Report: CA Bill STILL Legalizes Infanticide.

We just submitted SEVEN Universal Periodic Review (UPR) reports to the U.N. on nations with significant instances of persecution against Christians – HALF of the 14 nations up for review.
These countries must take IMMEDIATE ACTION to protect Christians.
Sign Our Petition: Defend Christians From Violence and Abuse.
Report: ACLJ Finds Persecution in HALF of Nations Reviewed.

The ACLJ continues to fight against religious discrimination in the workplace – often behind the scenes – to protect the religious freedom of all believers, especially for nurses and pharmacists pressured or forced to participate in abortion.
Update: Religious Liberty for 3 Pro-Life Medical Professionals.
God Bless,
The ACLJ Team
@GhostOfMatchesMalone @ghost_of_ukalum1988 @goldmom @gatordad3 @DCandtheUTBand @BCSpell @Sunburnt Indian @nail1988 @jfegaly @blubo @instaGATOR
It is a call to arms to defeat these maniacs.
I signed the petitions.
For people with eyes to see, there is a blatant assault upon the human being. It isn't an assault by humans, but a spiritual assault via the forces of evil. We humans are made in the image and likeness of God Himself. Evil knows this and there is an all-out Blitzkrieg upon us. It's using genetic upheaval within the human body via Covid and vaccines. Who knows what else lies ahead. Now it's an attack upon not only babies in the womb but those outside of the womb. How much more evidence does one need to see we are under attack? This is why I am begging people to stop this horizontal concept of republican vs democrat thinking that the 2022 election will change it. IT WILL NOT! Watch and see. Evil will continue to push its will upon the human species. God will not oppose it until the last minute. Why would He wait? Because of His mercy. He is giving all of us the opportunity to reverse our way of thinking, repent and submit our sinful ways to Him - our Sovereign Lord.

This article portrays the times we are living pretty accurately. It's from a Catholic saint living in the 1400's. Check it out:
The whole sermon can be read here:
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