There is only one SEC offense worse than UF

We have no issues. We are headed in the right direction. We won the SECe

Can I borrow you next year when the FSU defense gets killed by a mobile QB three times ? I have some fellow Noles that defend our suck ass DC Kelly and I think you are the man to show them the light.

I like your style.
Nuss has to go. The dude has coordinated three straight offenses that were worse than 100 and he's done that at Michigan and UF. Do you know how bad you have to be to do that?

And offering another POV...I don't think the offensive staff is that bad. If you'll notice in every single game our first drive is really good. Why? Because it's scripted. And the other assistant coaches usually have input into the script. It's after that when plays have to be called on the go and adjustments have to be made that we tank. And it's the clown wearing the headset.
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Nuss has to go. The dude has coordinated three straight offenses that were worse than 100 and he's done that at Michigan and UF. Do you know how bad you have to be to do that?

And offering another POV...I don't think the offensive staff is that bad. If you'll notice in every single game our first drive is really good. Why? Because it's scripted. And the other assistant coaches usually have input into the script. It's after that when plays have to be called on the go and adjustments have to be made that we tank. And it's the clown wearing the headset.

I agree . As an enemy I of course hope for Nuss to stay forever. But since we are past rivalry week I enjoy talking about stuff with calm , rational fans.

Our DC and your OC have very serious flaws. Like, season killing flaws.

Neither HC will admit it or change it.

The fans will grow more despondent and apathetic as each season brings the same crap.

FSU beating UF and Miami a lot is the only thing keeping our fans from grabbing pitchforks. But like UF winning the East, fans can see bigger problems and are growing tired of the " accomplishments " every year when the big picture is still crappy.
FSU beating UF and Miami a lot is the only thing keeping our fans from grabbing pitchforks. But like UF winning the East, fans can see bigger problems and are growing tired of the " accomplishments " every year when the big picture is still crappy.

This is exactly it. We may have won the East title but we did so in some pretty terrible years. It reminds me of when Mizzouri won two years straight because everyone else was so abysmal. If we were in any other P5 division, we wouldn't be top 3. I hate being such a pessimist but I do not see any signs of hope. The best thing he did was get Piniero last off season, that was literally the biggest difference on the team this year. I just hope with the right quarterback and some decent Oline play, we see some improvement.
It might be 2 more years before we get the MUSCHAMP STINK off of our offense. It's like Seinfeld's car and the smelly valet.
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Do you guys follow the advance stats produced over at SB Nation? It takes some of the stats shared in this thread, and adjusts them, among other things, the quality of opponents, both offensively and defensively. Here they are;

What this says, among other things, is that the overall performance of the team exceeded expected outcomes (percentile performance > 50%) in 7 out of 11 games. In two of the three games we lost, we performed badly. But in the FSU game, as many people mentioned, the defense more than held its own. In fact, there were only two games where the defense fell part, and that was the UT game and the Arkansas game. The offense is another matter. The offense performed much worse than expected, given the level of competition, in the FSU game, the Arkansas game, the UGA game and the Vandy game.

This really does not tell us anything new. But it does tell us about the team as a whole, and something about the coaching staff. The team really did not improve, at least offensively, as the year wore on. For the second year in a row.
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It might be 2 more years before we get the MUSCHAMP STINK off of our offense. It's like Seinfeld's car and the smelly valet.

The current offensive woes are NOT a Muschamp problem. They aren't. If Steve Spurrier, Urban Meyer, Chip Kelly, Chris Petersen were coaching this team do you think the offense would look like this in year 2? Do you think it would fail to improve over the course of the year? This is NOT a Muschamp issue.
The current offensive woes are NOT a Muschamp problem. They aren't. If Steve Spurrier, Urban Meyer, Chip Kelly, Chris Petersen were coaching this team do you think the offense would look like this in year 2? Do you think it would fail to improve over the course of the year? This is NOT a Muschamp issue.

We get it, only you have the authority to tell us what is reality.

And you're so good at it.
You do realize in two days you have not addressed football issues once. Only the opinions of others

Michi, everybody knows the offense sucks.

Wtf do you want? That everyone act like you and bitch about it to the nth degree in every post?

You just run around from thread to thread making resolute statements about the complete and utter destruction of this program.

You never felt anything about unease from him since day one (I remember the phone call).

You turned on him when he hired Nuss.

But honestly? The last straw for you was Treon. You spent nearly two years preaching to e equine about how good he was going to be until we couldn't stand it anymore.

Then what happens? He completely and utterly sucked and you shut your mouth for a long time and pretended you never heard the name Treon. But deep down? You blame Mac for Treon's failure.

Then we lost to Michjgan and your world ended because you hate that team more than you hate any team Florida actually plays. More than UGA, more than UT, more than FSU.

Tell me. Do you think what you're doing is "talking about football?"

Because trust me, shouting your anti-Mac, anti-Foley, anti-everything that does t line up just like you like it BS, is not talking football.

Remind me again where you hide after we win. Funny how you disappear.
Michi, everybody knows the offense sucks.

Wtf do you want? That everyone act like you and bitch about it to the nth degree in every post?

You just run around from thread to thread making resolute statements about the complete and utter destruction of this program.

You never felt anything about unease from him since day one (I remember the phone call).

You turned on him when he hired Nuss.

But honestly? The last straw for you was Treon. You spent nearly two years preaching to e equine about how good he was going to be until we couldn't stand it anymore.

Then what happens? He completely and utterly sucked and you shut your mouth for a long time and pretended you never heard the name Treon. But deep down? You blame Mac for Treon's failure.

Then we lost to Michjgan and your world ended because you hate that team more than you hate any team Florida actually plays. More than UGA, more than UT, more than FSU.

Tell me. Do you think what you're doing is "talking about football?"

Because trust me, shouting your anti-Mac, anti-Foley, anti-everything that does t line up just like you like it BS, is not talking football.

Remind me again where you hide after we win. Funny how you disappear.

What hope do you see in recruiting? What positives exist there?

What have you seen that makes you think the offense is on the verge of turning?

What makes you think the defense will function at a high enough level again next year with many NFL talents leaving?

Please share what you see that makes you think that Mac will still be here in a year or two?

Please point to something football related to back your stance
There are no positives, Michi.

That's the only answer you'll accept.

We are at the end of November. We still have 2 games to play.

There's still over two months before signing day, and in that two months, we don't know what kind of changes could be made.

Like it or not, the young guys on defense, being forced to play due to all these injuries, actually look good. I know that is impossible though because Mac's defensive recruits suck and we're going to get destroyed by Michigan next year.

Things would have to be pretty bad next year for us to fire Mac, and I just don't see that happening. Our conference schedule lines up rather nicely and we get FSU at home.

I know it's a nightmare scenario for you...lose to Michigan and FSU but once again win the East.

Do you think he will get fired for that?
Maybe USCe will get sick of their garbage offense and fire 'champ - then you guys can hire him as your Offensive Coordinator.
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Maybe USCe will get sick of their garbage offense and fire 'champ - then you guys can hire him as your Offensive Coordinator.
Or you guys might even try and hire him as a DC?

Oh that is right, you like that guy that loses by 40. Never mind.
The BUCS are 40 games under .500 since they fired GRUDEN for a 9-7 season.

Change just for change sake is bullshit.
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The BUCS are 40 games under .500 since they fired GRUDEN for a 9-7 season.

Change just for change sake is bullshit.

Big difference between Gruden at that point and Mac at this point. Not that I advocate Mac being fired now. I agree with you that that would be insane, after winning the East in his first two years.

If we hang in there against 'Bama and win our bowl, things will look a lot better. Then hopefully we can get a little momentum going in recruiting.
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Big difference between Gruden at that point and Mac at this point. Not that I advocate Mac being fired now. I agree with you that that would be insane, after winning the East in his first two years.

If we hang in there against 'Bama and win our bowl, things will look a lot better. Then hopefully we can get a little momentum going in recruiting.

Nope, Gruden and Mac are the EXACT SAME THING. EXACTLY. ZERO DIFFERENCE. They are clones and the situations are identical. They are actually the same person.
There is only 1 UF fan worse than BBB, and that's Michi. But numbers can still give them a go at it, at times.... :p
There is only 1 UF fan worse than BBB, and that's Michi. But numbers can still give them a go at it, at times.... :p

And then you will flip as soon as Trask isn't in the QB two-deep next year. And you are the only human alive who still thinks Nuss is anything less than a functional retard. But hey