GM announces the closing of 4 plants. Mary Barra who is chairwoman and CEO couldn't give a rats ass what Trumps ultimatum is considering she is being paid $24 million dollars per year. Mary Barra could care less about the closings of those plants and the thousands of jobs that will be leaving those communities. What Mary Barra does care about is corporate profits and how plants in Mexico and China will be getting ready to "RAMP THINGS UP" Puts me in mind of a little song that was sung by Mr. Alan Jackson when the big retailers came to a small community and were able to close a whole block of store fronts and made these downtown blocks ghost towns. People have to travel 50 miles to get their groceries and hardware items. I personally know a farmer right here in Mayberry telling me about how he had to pay Wal Mart a global tax for his product just so he could sell it in the Wal Mart store. It's getting sadder by the day folks but, lets not scare people or try to change their beliefs. Lets just keep going to church each Sunday and come out feeling all nice,warm and fuzzy! Let's just keep bullshitting!
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